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__package__ = 'archivebox.api'
from io import StringIO
from traceback import format_exception
from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, EmptyResultSet, PermissionDenied
from ninja import NinjaAPI, Swagger
# TODO: explore adding https://eadwincode.github.io/django-ninja-extra/
from archivebox.config import VERSION
from archivebox.config.version import get_COMMIT_HASH
from api.auth import API_AUTH_METHODS
COMMIT_HASH = get_COMMIT_HASH() or 'unknown'
<h3>Welcome to your ArchiveBox server's REST API <code>[v1 ALPHA]</code> homepage!</h3>
<i><b>WARNING: This API is still in an early development stage and may change!</b></i>
<li>⬅️ Manage your server: <a href="/admin/api/"><b>Setup API Keys</b></a>, <a href="/admin/">Go to your Server Admin UI</a>, <a href="/">Go to your Snapshots list</a>
<li>💬 Ask questions and get help here: <a href="https://zulip.archivebox.io">ArchiveBox Chat Forum</a></li>
<li>🐞 Report API bugs here: <a href="https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/issues">Github Issues</a></li>
<li>📚 ArchiveBox Documentation: <a href="https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki">Github Wiki</a></li>
<li>📜 See the API source code: <a href="https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/blob/dev/archivebox/api"><code>archivebox/api/</code></a></li>
<small>Served by ArchiveBox v{VERSION} (<a href="https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/commit/{COMMIT_HASH}"><code>{COMMIT_HASH[:8]}</code></a>), API powered by <a href="https://django-ninja.dev/"><code>django-ninja</code></a>.</small>
def register_urls(api: NinjaAPI) -> NinjaAPI:
api.add_router('/auth/', 'api.v1_auth.router')
api.add_router('/core/', 'api.v1_core.router')
api.add_router('/cli/', 'api.v1_cli.router')
return api
class NinjaAPIWithIOCapture(NinjaAPI):
def create_temporal_response(self, request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
stdout, stderr = StringIO(), StringIO()
with redirect_stderr(stderr):
with redirect_stdout(stdout):
request.stdout = stdout
request.stderr = stderr
response = super().create_temporal_response(request)
# Diable caching of API responses entirely
response['Cache-Control'] = 'no-store'
# Add debug stdout and stderr headers to response
response['X-ArchiveBox-Stdout'] = str(request.stdout)[200:]
response['X-ArchiveBox-Stderr'] = str(request.stderr)[200:]
# response['X-ArchiveBox-View'] = self.get_openapi_operation_id(request) or 'Unknown'
# Add Auth Headers to response
api_token = getattr(request, '_api_token', None)
token_expiry = api_token.expires.isoformat() if api_token and api_token.expires else 'Never'
response['X-ArchiveBox-Auth-Method'] = getattr(request, '_api_auth_method', None) or 'None'
response['X-ArchiveBox-Auth-Expires'] = token_expiry
response['X-ArchiveBox-Auth-Token-Id'] = api_token.abid if api_token else 'None'
response['X-ArchiveBox-Auth-User-Id'] = request.user.pk if request.user.pk else 'None'
response['X-ArchiveBox-Auth-User-Username'] = request.user.username if request.user.pk else 'None'
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
# print('RESPONDING NOW', response)
return response
api = NinjaAPIWithIOCapture(
title='ArchiveBox API',
docs=Swagger(settings={"persistAuthorization": True}),
# docs_decorator=login_required,
# renderer=ORJSONRenderer(),
api = register_urls(api)
urls = api.urls
def generic_exception_handler(request, err):
status = 503
if isinstance(err, (ObjectDoesNotExist, EmptyResultSet, PermissionDenied)):
status = 404
return api.create_response(
"succeeded": False,
"message": f'{err.__class__.__name__}: {err}',
"errors": [
# or send simpler parent-only traceback:
# *([str(err.__context__)] if getattr(err, '__context__', None) else []),
# import orjson
# from ninja.renderers import BaseRenderer
# class ORJSONRenderer(BaseRenderer):
# media_type = "application/json"
# def render(self, request, data, *, response_status):
# return {
# "success": True,
# "errors": [],
# "result": data,
# "stdout": ansi_to_html(stdout.getvalue().strip()),
# "stderr": ansi_to_html(stderr.getvalue().strip()),
# }
# return orjson.dumps(data)