__package__ = 'archivebox.queues' import sys import time import signal import psutil import shutil import subprocess from typing import Dict, cast, Iterator from pathlib import Path from functools import cache from rich import print from supervisor.xmlrpc import SupervisorTransport from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy from archivebox.config import CONSTANTS from archivebox.config.paths import get_or_create_working_tmp_dir from archivebox.config.permissions import ARCHIVEBOX_USER from archivebox.misc.logging import STDERR from archivebox.logging_util import pretty_path LOG_FILE_NAME = "supervisord.log" CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "supervisord.conf" PID_FILE_NAME = "supervisord.pid" WORKERS_DIR_NAME = "workers" @cache def get_sock_file(): """Get the path to the supervisord socket file, symlinking to a shorter path if needed due to unix path length limits""" TMP_DIR = get_or_create_working_tmp_dir(autofix=True, quiet=False) assert TMP_DIR, "Failed to find or create a writable TMP_DIR!" socket_file = TMP_DIR / "supervisord.sock" return socket_file def follow(file, sleep_sec=0.1) -> Iterator[str]: """ Yield each line from a file as they are written. `sleep_sec` is the time to sleep after empty reads. """ line = '' while True: tmp = file.readline() if tmp is not None and tmp != "": line += tmp if line.endswith("\n"): yield line line = '' elif sleep_sec: time.sleep(sleep_sec) def create_supervisord_config(): SOCK_FILE = get_sock_file() WORKERS_DIR = SOCK_FILE.parent / WORKERS_DIR_NAME CONFIG_FILE = SOCK_FILE.parent / CONFIG_FILE_NAME PID_FILE = SOCK_FILE.parent / PID_FILE_NAME LOG_FILE = CONSTANTS.LOGS_DIR / LOG_FILE_NAME config_content = f""" [supervisord] nodaemon = true environment = IS_SUPERVISORD_PARENT="true" pidfile = {PID_FILE} logfile = {LOG_FILE} childlogdir = {CONSTANTS.LOGS_DIR} directory = {CONSTANTS.DATA_DIR} strip_ansi = true nocleanup = true user = {ARCHIVEBOX_USER} [unix_http_server] file = {SOCK_FILE} chmod = 0700 [supervisorctl] serverurl = unix://{SOCK_FILE} [rpcinterface:supervisor] supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface [include] files = {WORKERS_DIR}/*.conf """ CONFIG_FILE.write_text(config_content) Path.mkdir(WORKERS_DIR, exist_ok=True) (WORKERS_DIR / 'initial_startup.conf').write_text('') # hides error about "no files found to include" when supervisord starts def create_worker_config(daemon): SOCK_FILE = get_sock_file() WORKERS_DIR = SOCK_FILE.parent / WORKERS_DIR_NAME Path.mkdir(WORKERS_DIR, exist_ok=True) name = daemon['name'] configfile = WORKERS_DIR / f"{name}.conf" config_content = f"[program:{name}]\n" for key, value in daemon.items(): if key == 'name': continue config_content += f"{key}={value}\n" config_content += "\n" configfile.write_text(config_content) def get_existing_supervisord_process(): SOCK_FILE = get_sock_file() try: transport = SupervisorTransport(None, None, f"unix://{SOCK_FILE}") server = ServerProxy("http://localhost", transport=transport) current_state = cast(Dict[str, int | str], server.supervisor.getState()) if current_state["statename"] == "RUNNING": pid = server.supervisor.getPID() print(f"[πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ] Supervisord connected (pid={pid}) via unix://{pretty_path(SOCK_FILE)}.") return server.supervisor except FileNotFoundError: return None except Exception as e: print(f"Error connecting to existing supervisord: {str(e)}") return None def stop_existing_supervisord_process(): SOCK_FILE = get_sock_file() PID_FILE = SOCK_FILE.parent / PID_FILE_NAME try: try: pid = int(PID_FILE.read_text()) except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): return try: print(f"[πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ] Stopping supervisord process (pid={pid})...") proc = psutil.Process(pid) proc.terminate() proc.wait() except (Exception, BrokenPipeError, IOError): pass finally: try: # clear PID file and socket file PID_FILE.unlink(missing_ok=True) get_sock_file().unlink(missing_ok=True) except Exception: pass def start_new_supervisord_process(daemonize=False): SOCK_FILE = get_sock_file() WORKERS_DIR = SOCK_FILE.parent / WORKERS_DIR_NAME LOG_FILE = CONSTANTS.LOGS_DIR / LOG_FILE_NAME CONFIG_FILE = SOCK_FILE.parent / CONFIG_FILE_NAME PID_FILE = SOCK_FILE.parent / PID_FILE_NAME print(f"[πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ] Supervisord starting{' in background' if daemonize else ''}...") pretty_log_path = pretty_path(LOG_FILE) print(f" > Writing supervisord logs to: {pretty_log_path}") print(f" > Writing task worker logs to: {pretty_log_path.replace('supervisord.log', 'worker_*.log')}") print(f' > Using supervisord config file: {pretty_path(CONFIG_FILE)}') print(f" > Using supervisord UNIX socket: {pretty_path(SOCK_FILE)}") print() # clear out existing stale state files shutil.rmtree(WORKERS_DIR, ignore_errors=True) PID_FILE.unlink(missing_ok=True) get_sock_file().unlink(missing_ok=True) CONFIG_FILE.unlink(missing_ok=True) # create the supervisord config file create_supervisord_config() # Start supervisord # panel = Panel(f"Starting supervisord with config: {SUPERVISORD_CONFIG_FILE}") # with Live(panel, refresh_per_second=1) as live: subprocess.Popen( f"supervisord --configuration={CONFIG_FILE}", stdin=None, shell=True, start_new_session=daemonize, ) def exit_signal_handler(signum, frame): if signum == 2: STDERR.print("\n[πŸ›‘] Got Ctrl+C. Terminating child processes...") elif signum != 13: STDERR.print(f"\n[πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ] Supervisord got stop signal ({signal.strsignal(signum)}). Terminating child processes...") stop_existing_supervisord_process() raise SystemExit(0) # Monitor for termination signals and cleanup child processes if not daemonize: try: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, exit_signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, exit_signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exit_signal_handler) except Exception: # signal handlers only work in main thread pass # otherwise supervisord will containue in background even if parent proc is ends (aka daemon mode) time.sleep(2) return get_existing_supervisord_process() def get_or_create_supervisord_process(daemonize=False): SOCK_FILE = get_sock_file() WORKERS_DIR = SOCK_FILE.parent / WORKERS_DIR_NAME supervisor = get_existing_supervisord_process() if supervisor is None: stop_existing_supervisord_process() supervisor = start_new_supervisord_process(daemonize=daemonize) time.sleep(0.5) # wait up to 5s in case supervisord is slow to start if not supervisor: for _ in range(10): if supervisor is not None: print() break sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.5) supervisor = get_existing_supervisord_process() else: print() assert supervisor, "Failed to start supervisord or connect to it!" supervisor.getPID() # make sure it doesn't throw an exception (WORKERS_DIR / 'initial_startup.conf').unlink(missing_ok=True) return supervisor def start_worker(supervisor, daemon, lazy=False): assert supervisor.getPID() print(f"[πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ] Supervisord starting new subprocess worker: {daemon['name']}...") create_worker_config(daemon) result = supervisor.reloadConfig() added, changed, removed = result[0] # print(f"Added: {added}, Changed: {changed}, Removed: {removed}") for removed in removed: supervisor.stopProcessGroup(removed) supervisor.removeProcessGroup(removed) for changed in changed: supervisor.stopProcessGroup(changed) supervisor.removeProcessGroup(changed) supervisor.addProcessGroup(changed) for added in added: supervisor.addProcessGroup(added) time.sleep(1) for _ in range(10): procs = supervisor.getAllProcessInfo() for proc in procs: if proc['name'] == daemon["name"]: # See process state diagram here: http://supervisord.org/subprocess.html if proc['statename'] == 'RUNNING': print(f" - Worker {daemon['name']}: already {proc['statename']} ({proc['description']})") return proc else: if not lazy: supervisor.startProcessGroup(daemon["name"], True) proc = supervisor.getProcessInfo(daemon["name"]) print(f" - Worker {daemon['name']}: started {proc['statename']} ({proc['description']})") return proc # retry in a second in case it's slow to launch time.sleep(0.5) raise Exception(f"Failed to start worker {daemon['name']}! Only found: {procs}") def watch_worker(supervisor, daemon_name, interval=5): """loop continuously and monitor worker's health""" while True: proc = get_worker(supervisor, daemon_name) if not proc: raise Exception("Worker dissapeared while running! " + daemon_name) if proc['statename'] == 'STOPPED': return proc if proc['statename'] == 'RUNNING': time.sleep(1) continue if proc['statename'] in ('STARTING', 'BACKOFF', 'FATAL', 'EXITED', 'STOPPING'): print(f'[πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ] WARNING: Worker {daemon_name} {proc["statename"]} {proc["description"]}') time.sleep(interval) continue def tail_worker_logs(log_path: str): get_or_create_supervisord_process(daemonize=False) from rich.live import Live from rich.table import Table table = Table() table.add_column("TS") table.add_column("URL") try: with Live(table, refresh_per_second=1) as live: # update 4 times a second to feel fluid with open(log_path, 'r') as f: for line in follow(f): if '://' in line: live.console.print(f"Working on: {line.strip()}") # table.add_row("123124234", line.strip()) except (KeyboardInterrupt, BrokenPipeError, IOError): STDERR.print("\n[πŸ›‘] Got Ctrl+C, stopping gracefully...") except SystemExit: pass def get_worker(supervisor, daemon_name): try: return supervisor.getProcessInfo(daemon_name) except Exception: pass return None def stop_worker(supervisor, daemon_name): proc = get_worker(supervisor, daemon_name) for _ in range(10): if not proc: # worker does not exist (was never running or configured in the first place) return True # See process state diagram here: http://supervisord.org/subprocess.html if proc['statename'] == 'STOPPED': # worker was configured but has already stopped for some reason supervisor.removeProcessGroup(daemon_name) return True else: # worker was configured and is running, stop it now supervisor.stopProcessGroup(daemon_name) # wait 500ms and then re-check to make sure it's really stopped time.sleep(0.5) proc = get_worker(supervisor, daemon_name) raise Exception(f"Failed to stop worker {daemon_name}!") def start_server_workers(host='', port='8000', daemonize=False): supervisor = get_or_create_supervisord_process(daemonize=daemonize) bg_workers = [ { "name": "worker_scheduler", "command": "archivebox manage djangohuey --queue system_tasks -w 4 -k thread --disable-health-check --flush-locks", "autostart": "true", "autorestart": "true", "stdout_logfile": "logs/worker_scheduler.log", "redirect_stderr": "true", }, { "name": "worker_system_tasks", "command": "archivebox manage djangohuey --queue system_tasks -w 4 -k thread --no-periodic --disable-health-check", "autostart": "true", "autorestart": "true", "stdout_logfile": "logs/worker_system_tasks.log", "redirect_stderr": "true", }, ] fg_worker = { "name": "worker_daphne", "command": f"daphne --bind={host} --port={port} --application-close-timeout=600 archivebox.core.asgi:application", "autostart": "false", "autorestart": "true", "stdout_logfile": "logs/worker_daphne.log", "redirect_stderr": "true", } print() start_worker(supervisor, fg_worker) print() for worker in bg_workers: start_worker(supervisor, worker) print() if not daemonize: try: watch_worker(supervisor, "worker_daphne") except (KeyboardInterrupt, BrokenPipeError, IOError): STDERR.print("\n[πŸ›‘] Got Ctrl+C, stopping gracefully...") except SystemExit: pass except BaseException as e: STDERR.print(f"\n[πŸ›‘] Got {e.__class__.__name__} exception, stopping web server gracefully...") raise finally: stop_worker(supervisor, "worker_daphne") time.sleep(0.5) def start_cli_workers(watch=False): supervisor = get_or_create_supervisord_process(daemonize=False) fg_worker = { "name": "worker_system_tasks", "command": "archivebox manage djangohuey --queue system_tasks", "autostart": "true", "autorestart": "true", "stdout_logfile": "logs/worker_system_tasks.log", "redirect_stderr": "true", } start_worker(supervisor, fg_worker) if watch: try: watch_worker(supervisor, "worker_system_tasks") except (KeyboardInterrupt, BrokenPipeError, IOError): STDERR.print("\n[πŸ›‘] Got Ctrl+C, stopping gracefully...") except SystemExit: pass except BaseException as e: STDERR.print(f"\n[πŸ›‘] Got {e.__class__.__name__} exception, stopping web server gracefully...") raise finally: stop_worker(supervisor, "worker_system_tasks") stop_worker(supervisor, "worker_scheduler") time.sleep(0.5) return fg_worker # def main(daemons): # supervisor = get_or_create_supervisord_process(daemonize=False) # worker = start_worker(supervisor, daemons["webworker"]) # pprint(worker) # print("All processes started in background.") # Optionally you can block the main thread until an exit signal is received: # try: # signal.pause() # except KeyboardInterrupt: # pass # finally: # stop_existing_supervisord_process() # if __name__ == "__main__": # DAEMONS = { # "webworker": { # "name": "webworker", # "command": "python3 -m http.server 9000", # "directory": str(cwd), # "autostart": "true", # "autorestart": "true", # "stdout_logfile": cwd / "webworker.log", # "stderr_logfile": cwd / "webworker_error.log", # }, # } # main(DAEMONS, cwd)