import os import re import shutil from typing import List, Optional, Iterable from .schema import Link from .util import ( enforce_types, TimedProgress, get_dir_size, human_readable_size, ) from .index import ( links_after_timestamp, load_main_index, import_new_links, write_main_index, ) from .archive_methods import archive_link from .config import ( stderr, ANSI, ONLY_NEW, OUTPUT_DIR, SOURCES_DIR, ARCHIVE_DIR, LOGS_DIR, JSON_INDEX_FILENAME, SQL_INDEX_FILENAME, check_dependencies, check_data_folder, setup_django, ) from .logs import ( log_archiving_started, log_archiving_paused, log_archiving_finished, log_removal_started, log_removal_finished, log_list_started, log_list_finished, ) ALLOWED_IN_OUTPUT_DIR = { '.DS_Store', '.venv', 'venv', 'virtualenv', '.virtualenv', 'sources', 'archive', 'logs', 'static', } @enforce_types def init(): os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR, exist_ok=True) is_empty = not len(set(os.listdir(OUTPUT_DIR)) - ALLOWED_IN_OUTPUT_DIR) existing_index = os.path.exists(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, JSON_INDEX_FILENAME)) if is_empty: print('{green}[+] Initializing new archive directory: {}{reset}'.format(OUTPUT_DIR, **ANSI)) print('{green}----------------------------------------------------------------{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) else: if existing_index: print('{green}[√] You already have an ArchiveBox collection in the current folder.{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print('{green}----------------------------------------------------------------{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print(f' {OUTPUT_DIR}') else: stderr( ("{red}[X] This folder appears to have non-ArchiveBox files in it. You must run 'archivebox init' inside a completely empty directory.{reset}" "\n\n" " {lightred}Hint:{reset} To import a data folder created by an older version of ArchiveBox, \n" " just cd into the folder and run 'archivebox init' to pick up where you left off.\n\n" " (Always make sure your data folder is backed up first before updating ArchiveBox)" ).format(OUTPUT_DIR, **ANSI) ) raise SystemExit(1) os.makedirs(SOURCES_DIR, exist_ok=True) print(f' > {SOURCES_DIR}') os.makedirs(ARCHIVE_DIR, exist_ok=True) print(f' > {ARCHIVE_DIR}') os.makedirs(LOGS_DIR, exist_ok=True) print(f' > {LOGS_DIR}') print('\n{green}[+] Running Django migrations...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) setup_django(OUTPUT_DIR, check_db=False) from import call_command from django.conf import settings assert settings.DATABASE_FILE == os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, SQL_INDEX_FILENAME) print(f' {settings.DATABASE_FILE}') call_command("makemigrations", interactive=False) call_command("migrate", interactive=False) assert os.path.exists(settings.DATABASE_FILE) # from django.contrib.auth.models import User # if IS_TTY and not User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True).exists(): # print('{green}[+] Creating admin user account...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) # call_command("createsuperuser", interactive=True) if existing_index: all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR, warn=False) write_main_index(links=list(all_links), out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR) else: write_main_index([], out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR) print('\n{green}----------------------------------------------------------------{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print('{green}[√] Done. ArchiveBox collection is set up in the current folder.{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print(' To add new links, you can run:') print(" archivebox add ''") print() print(' For more usage and examples, run:') print(' archivebox help') @enforce_types def info(): all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR) print('{green}[*] Scanning archive collection main index with {} links:{reset}'.format(len(all_links), **ANSI)) print(f' {OUTPUT_DIR}') num_bytes, num_dirs, num_files = get_dir_size(OUTPUT_DIR, recursive=False) size = human_readable_size(num_bytes) print(f' > Index Size: {size} across {num_files} files') print() setup_django() from django.contrib.auth.models import User from core.models import Page users = User.objects.all() num_pages = Page.objects.count() print(f' > {len(users)} admin users:', ', '.join(u.username for u in users)) print(f' > {num_pages} pages in SQL database {SQL_INDEX_FILENAME}') print(f' > {len(all_links)} pages in JSON database {JSON_INDEX_FILENAME}') print() print('{green}[*] Scanning archive collection data directory with {} entries:{reset}'.format(len(all_links), **ANSI)) print(f' {ARCHIVE_DIR}') num_bytes, num_dirs, num_files = get_dir_size(ARCHIVE_DIR) size = human_readable_size(num_bytes) print(f' > Total Size: {size} across {num_files} files in {num_dirs} directories') print() link_data_dirs = {link.link_dir for link in all_links} valid_archive_dirs = set() num_invalid = 0 for entry in os.scandir(ARCHIVE_DIR): if entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=True): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(entry.path, 'index.json')): valid_archive_dirs.add(entry.path) else: num_invalid += 1 print(f' > {len(valid_archive_dirs)} valid archive data directories (valid directories matched to links in the index)') num_unarchived = sum(1 for link in all_links if link.link_dir not in valid_archive_dirs) print(f' > {num_unarchived} missing data directories (directories missing for links in the index)') print(f' > {num_invalid} invalid data directories (directories present that don\'t contain an index file)') num_orphaned = sum(1 for data_dir in valid_archive_dirs if data_dir not in link_data_dirs) print(f' > {num_orphaned} orphaned data directories (directories present for links that don\'t exist in the index)') @enforce_types def update_archive_data(import_path: Optional[str]=None, resume: Optional[float]=None, only_new: bool=False) -> List[Link]: """The main ArchiveBox entrancepoint. Everything starts here.""" check_dependencies() check_data_folder() # Step 1: Load list of links from the existing index # merge in and dedupe new links from import_path all_links: List[Link] = [] new_links: List[Link] = [] all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR) if import_path: all_links, new_links = import_new_links(all_links, import_path) # Step 2: Write updated index with deduped old and new links back to disk write_main_index(links=list(all_links), out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR) # Step 3: Run the archive methods for each link links = new_links if ONLY_NEW else all_links log_archiving_started(len(links), resume) idx: int = 0 link: Link = None # type: ignore try: for idx, link in enumerate(links_after_timestamp(links, resume)): archive_link(link, out_dir=link.link_dir) except KeyboardInterrupt: log_archiving_paused(len(links), idx, link.timestamp if link else '0') raise SystemExit(0) except: print() raise log_archiving_finished(len(links)) # Step 4: Re-write links index with updated titles, icons, and resources all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR) write_main_index(links=list(all_links), out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR, finished=True) return all_links LINK_FILTERS = { 'exact': lambda link, pattern: (link.url == pattern) or (link.base_url == pattern), 'substring': lambda link, pattern: pattern in link.url, 'regex': lambda link, pattern: bool(re.match(pattern, link.url)), 'domain': lambda link, pattern: link.domain == pattern, } @enforce_types def link_matches_filter(link: Link, filter_patterns: List[str], filter_type: str='exact') -> bool: for pattern in filter_patterns: if LINK_FILTERS[filter_type](link, pattern): return True return False @enforce_types def list_archive_data(filter_patterns: Optional[List[str]]=None, filter_type: str='exact', after: Optional[float]=None, before: Optional[float]=None) -> Iterable[Link]: all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR) for link in all_links: if after is not None and float(link.timestamp) < after: continue if before is not None and float(link.timestamp) > before: continue if filter_patterns: if link_matches_filter(link, filter_patterns, filter_type): yield link else: yield link @enforce_types def remove_archive_links(filter_patterns: List[str], filter_type: str='exact', after: Optional[float]=None, before: Optional[float]=None, yes: bool=False, delete: bool=False) -> List[Link]: check_dependencies() check_data_folder() log_list_started(filter_patterns, filter_type) timer = TimedProgress(360, prefix=' ') try: links = list(list_archive_data( filter_patterns=filter_patterns, filter_type=filter_type, after=after, before=before, )) finally: timer.end() if not len(links): log_removal_finished(0, 0) raise SystemExit(1) log_list_finished(links) log_removal_started(links, yes=yes, delete=delete) timer = TimedProgress(360, prefix=' ') try: to_keep = [] all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR) for link in all_links: should_remove = ( (after is not None and float(link.timestamp) < after) or (before is not None and float(link.timestamp) > before) or link_matches_filter(link, filter_patterns, filter_type) ) if not should_remove: to_keep.append(link) elif should_remove and delete: shutil.rmtree(link.link_dir) finally: timer.end() write_main_index(links=to_keep, out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR, finished=True) log_removal_finished(len(all_links), len(to_keep)) return to_keep