__package__ = 'archivebox.core' import inspect from typing import Callable, get_type_hints from pathlib import Path from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Http404 from django.utils.html import format_html, mark_safe from django.views import View from django.views.generic.list import ListView from django.views.generic import FormView from django.db.models import Q from django.conf import settings from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.auth.mixins import UserPassesTestMixin from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from admin_data_views.typing import TableContext, ItemContext from admin_data_views.utils import render_with_table_view, render_with_item_view, ItemLink from core.models import Snapshot from core.forms import AddLinkForm from core.admin import result_url from queues.tasks import bg_add from archivebox.config import CONSTANTS_CONFIG, DATA_DIR, VERSION, SHELL_CONFIG, SERVER_CONFIG from archivebox.misc.util import base_url, htmlencode, ts_to_date_str from .serve_static import serve_static_with_byterange_support from ..plugins_extractor.archivedotorg.apps import ARCHIVEDOTORG_CONFIG from ..logging_util import printable_filesize from ..search import query_search_index class HomepageView(View): def get(self, request): if request.user.is_authenticated: return redirect('/admin/core/snapshot/') if SERVER_CONFIG.PUBLIC_INDEX: return redirect('/public') return redirect(f'/admin/login/?next={request.path}') class SnapshotView(View): # render static html index from filesystem archive//index.html @staticmethod def render_live_index(request, snapshot): TITLE_LOADING_MSG = 'Not yet archived...' HIDDEN_RESULTS = ('favicon', 'headers', 'title', 'htmltotext', 'warc', 'archive_org') archiveresults = {} results = snapshot.archiveresult_set.all() for result in results: embed_path = result.embed_path() abs_path = result.snapshot_dir / (embed_path or 'None') if (result.status == 'succeeded' and (result.extractor not in HIDDEN_RESULTS) and embed_path and abs_path.exists()): if abs_path.is_dir() and not any(abs_path.glob('*.*')): continue result_info = { 'name': result.extractor, 'path': embed_path, 'ts': ts_to_date_str(result.end_ts), 'size': abs_path.stat().st_size or '?', } archiveresults[result.extractor] = result_info existing_files = {result['path'] for result in archiveresults.values()} min_size_threshold = 10_000 # bytes allowed_extensions = { 'txt', 'html', 'htm', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'webp' 'svg', 'webm', 'mp4', 'mp3', 'opus', 'pdf', 'md', } # iterate through all the files in the snapshot dir and add the biggest ones to1 the result list snap_dir = Path(snapshot.link_dir) for result_file in (*snap_dir.glob('*'), *snap_dir.glob('*/*')): extension = result_file.suffix.lstrip('.').lower() if result_file.is_dir() or result_file.name.startswith('.') or extension not in allowed_extensions: continue if result_file.name in existing_files or result_file.name == 'index.html': continue file_size = result_file.stat().st_size or 0 if file_size > min_size_threshold: archiveresults[result_file.name] = { 'name': result_file.stem, 'path': result_file.relative_to(snap_dir), 'ts': ts_to_date_str(result_file.stat().st_mtime or 0), 'size': file_size, } preferred_types = ('singlefile', 'screenshot', 'wget', 'dom', 'media', 'pdf', 'readability', 'mercury') all_types = preferred_types + tuple(result_type for result_type in archiveresults.keys() if result_type not in preferred_types) best_result = {'path': 'None'} for result_type in preferred_types: if result_type in archiveresults: best_result = archiveresults[result_type] break link = snapshot.as_link() link_info = link._asdict(extended=True) try: warc_path = 'warc/' + list(Path(snap_dir).glob('warc/*.warc.*'))[0].name except IndexError: warc_path = 'warc/' context = { **link_info, **link_info['canonical'], 'title': htmlencode( link.title or (link.base_url if link.is_archived else TITLE_LOADING_MSG) ), 'extension': link.extension or 'html', 'tags': link.tags or 'untagged', 'size': printable_filesize(link.archive_size) if link.archive_size else 'pending', 'status': 'archived' if link.is_archived else 'not yet archived', 'status_color': 'success' if link.is_archived else 'danger', 'oldest_archive_date': ts_to_date_str(link.oldest_archive_date), 'warc_path': warc_path, 'SAVE_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG': ARCHIVEDOTORG_CONFIG.SAVE_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG, 'PREVIEW_ORIGINALS': SERVER_CONFIG.PREVIEW_ORIGINALS, 'archiveresults': sorted(archiveresults.values(), key=lambda r: all_types.index(r['name']) if r['name'] in all_types else -r['size']), 'best_result': best_result, # 'tags_str': 'somealskejrewlkrjwer,werlmwrwlekrjewlkrjwer324m532l,4m32,23m324234', } return render(template_name='core/snapshot_live.html', request=request, context=context) def get(self, request, path): if not request.user.is_authenticated and not SERVER_CONFIG.PUBLIC_SNAPSHOTS: return redirect(f'/admin/login/?next={request.path}') snapshot = None try: slug, archivefile = path.split('/', 1) except (IndexError, ValueError): slug, archivefile = path.split('/', 1)[0], 'index.html' # slug is a timestamp if slug.replace('.','').isdigit(): # missing trailing slash -> redirect to index if '/' not in path: return redirect(f'{path}/index.html') try: try: snapshot = Snapshot.objects.get(Q(timestamp=slug) | Q(id__startswith=slug)) if archivefile == 'index.html': # if they requested snapshot index, serve live rendered template instead of static html response = self.render_live_index(request, snapshot) else: response = serve_static_with_byterange_support( request, archivefile, document_root=snapshot.link_dir, show_indexes=True, ) response["Link"] = f'<{snapshot.url}>; rel="canonical"' return response except Snapshot.DoesNotExist: if Snapshot.objects.filter(timestamp__startswith=slug).exists(): raise Snapshot.MultipleObjectsReturned else: raise except Snapshot.DoesNotExist: # Snapshot does not exist return HttpResponse( format_html( ( '

' 'No Snapshot directories match the given timestamp/ID/ABID: {}

' 'You can add a new Snapshot, or return to the Main Index' '
' ), slug, path, ), content_type="text/html", status=404, ) except Snapshot.MultipleObjectsReturned: snapshot_hrefs = mark_safe('
').join( format_html( '{} {} {} {}', snap.bookmarked_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), snap.timestamp, snap.timestamp, snap.url, snap.title_stripped[:64] or '', ) for snap in Snapshot.objects.filter(timestamp__startswith=slug).only('url', 'timestamp', 'title', 'bookmarked_at').order_by('-bookmarked_at') ) return HttpResponse( format_html( ( 'Multiple Snapshots match the given timestamp/ID/ABID {}
                    ) + snapshot_hrefs + format_html(

' 'Choose a Snapshot to proceed or go back to the Main Index' ) ), content_type="text/html", status=404, ) except Http404: assert snapshot # (Snapshot.DoesNotExist is already handled above) # Snapshot dir exists but file within does not e.g. 124235.324234/screenshot.png return HttpResponse( format_html( ( '

' f'Snapshot [{snapshot.timestamp}]: {snapshot.url}
' f'was queued on {str(snapshot.bookmarked_at).split(".")[0]}, ' f'but no files have been saved yet in:
{snapshot.timestamp}/' '{}' f'

' 'It\'s possible {} ' f'during the last capture on {str(snapshot.bookmarked_at).split(".")[0]},
or that the archiving process has not completed yet.
' f'
# run this cmd to finish/retry archiving this Snapshot
' f'archivebox update -t timestamp {snapshot.timestamp}

' '
' 'Next steps:
' f'- list all the Snapshot files .*
' f'- view the Snapshot ./index.html
' f'- go to the Snapshot admin to edit
' f'- go to the Snapshot actions to re-archive
' '- or return to the main index...
' '
' ), archivefile if str(archivefile) != 'None' else '', f'the {archivefile} resource could not be fetched' if str(archivefile) != 'None' else 'the original site was not available', ), content_type="text/html", status=404, ) # # slud is an ID # ulid = slug.split('_', 1)[-1] # try: # try: # snapshot = snapshot or Snapshot.objects.get(Q(abid=ulid) | Q(id=ulid)) # except Snapshot.DoesNotExist: # pass # try: # snapshot = Snapshot.objects.get(Q(abid__startswith=slug) | Q(abid__startswith=Snapshot.abid_prefix + slug) | Q(id__startswith=slug)) # except (Snapshot.DoesNotExist, Snapshot.MultipleObjectsReturned): # pass # try: # snapshot = snapshot or Snapshot.objects.get(Q(abid__icontains=snapshot_id) | Q(id__icontains=snapshot_id)) # except Snapshot.DoesNotExist: # pass # return redirect(f'/archive/{snapshot.timestamp}/index.html') # except Snapshot.DoesNotExist: # pass # slug is a URL try: try: # try exact match on full url / ABID first snapshot = Snapshot.objects.get( Q(url='http://' + path) | Q(url='https://' + path) | Q(id__startswith=path) | Q(abid__icontains=path) | Q(id__icontains=path) ) except Snapshot.DoesNotExist: # fall back to match on exact base_url try: snapshot = Snapshot.objects.get( Q(url='http://' + base_url(path)) | Q(url='https://' + base_url(path)) ) except Snapshot.DoesNotExist: # fall back to matching base_url as prefix snapshot = Snapshot.objects.get( Q(url__startswith='http://' + base_url(path)) | Q(url__startswith='https://' + base_url(path)) ) return redirect(f'/archive/{snapshot.timestamp}/index.html') except Snapshot.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponse( format_html( ( '

' 'No Snapshots match the given url: {}

' 'Return to the Main Index, or:

' '+ Add a new Snapshot for {}

' '
' ), base_url(path), path if '://' in path else f'https://{path}', path, ), content_type="text/html", status=404, ) except Snapshot.MultipleObjectsReturned: snapshot_hrefs = mark_safe('
').join( format_html( '{} {} {} {} {}', snap.bookmarked_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), snap.abid, snap.timestamp, snap.timestamp, snap.url, snap.title_stripped[:64] or '', ) for snap in Snapshot.objects.filter( Q(url__startswith='http://' + base_url(path)) | Q(url__startswith='https://' + base_url(path)) | Q(abid__icontains=path) | Q(id__icontains=path) ).only('url', 'timestamp', 'title', 'bookmarked_at').order_by('-bookmarked_at') ) return HttpResponse( format_html( ( 'Multiple Snapshots match the given URL {}
                ) + snapshot_hrefs + format_html(

' 'Choose a Snapshot to proceed or go back to the Main Index' ) ), content_type="text/html", status=404, ) class PublicIndexView(ListView): template_name = 'public_index.html' model = Snapshot paginate_by = SERVER_CONFIG.SNAPSHOTS_PER_PAGE ordering = ['-bookmarked_at', '-created_at'] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): return { **super().get_context_data(**kwargs), 'VERSION': VERSION, 'COMMIT_HASH': SHELL_CONFIG.COMMIT_HASH, 'FOOTER_INFO': SERVER_CONFIG.FOOTER_INFO, } def get_queryset(self, **kwargs): qs = super().get_queryset(**kwargs) query = self.request.GET.get('q', default = '').strip() if not query: return qs.distinct() query_type = self.request.GET.get('query_type') if not query_type or query_type == 'all': qs = qs.filter(Q(title__icontains=query) | Q(url__icontains=query) | Q(timestamp__icontains=query) | Q(tags__name__icontains=query)) try: qs = qs | query_search_index(query) except Exception as err: print(f'[!] Error while using search backend: {err.__class__.__name__} {err}') elif query_type == 'fulltext': try: qs = qs | query_search_index(query) except Exception as err: print(f'[!] Error while using search backend: {err.__class__.__name__} {err}') elif query_type == 'meta': qs = qs.filter(Q(title__icontains=query) | Q(url__icontains=query) | Q(timestamp__icontains=query) | Q(tags__name__icontains=query)) elif query_type == 'url': qs = qs.filter(Q(url__icontains=query)) elif query_type == 'title': qs = qs.filter(Q(title__icontains=query)) elif query_type == 'timestamp': qs = qs.filter(Q(timestamp__icontains=query)) elif query_type == 'tags': qs = qs.filter(Q(tags__name__icontains=query)) else: print(f'[!] Unknown value for query_type: "{query_type}"') return qs.distinct() def get(self, *args, **kwargs): if SERVER_CONFIG.PUBLIC_INDEX or self.request.user.is_authenticated: response = super().get(*args, **kwargs) return response else: return redirect(f'/admin/login/?next={self.request.path}') @method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch') class AddView(UserPassesTestMixin, FormView): template_name = "add.html" form_class = AddLinkForm def get_initial(self): """Prefill the AddLinkForm with the 'url' GET parameter""" if self.request.method == 'GET': url = self.request.GET.get('url', None) if url: return {'url': url if '://' in url else f'https://{url}'} return super().get_initial() def test_func(self): return SERVER_CONFIG.PUBLIC_ADD_VIEW or self.request.user.is_authenticated def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): return { **super().get_context_data(**kwargs), 'title': "Add URLs", # We can't just call request.build_absolute_uri in the template, because it would include query parameters 'absolute_add_path': self.request.build_absolute_uri(self.request.path), 'VERSION': VERSION, 'FOOTER_INFO': SERVER_CONFIG.FOOTER_INFO, 'stdout': '', } def form_valid(self, form): url = form.cleaned_data["url"] print(f'[+] Adding URL: {url}') parser = form.cleaned_data["parser"] tag = form.cleaned_data["tag"] depth = 0 if form.cleaned_data["depth"] == "0" else 1 extractors = ','.join(form.cleaned_data["archive_methods"]) input_kwargs = { "urls": url, "tag": tag, "depth": depth, "parser": parser, "update_all": False, "out_dir": DATA_DIR, "created_by_id": self.request.user.pk, } if extractors: input_kwargs.update({"extractors": extractors}) result = bg_add(input_kwargs, parent_task_id=None) print('Started background add job:', result) rough_url_count = url.count('://') messages.success( self.request, mark_safe(f"Adding {rough_url_count} URLs in the background. (refresh in a few minutes to see results) {result_url(result)}"), ) return redirect("/admin/core/snapshot/") class HealthCheckView(View): """ A Django view that renders plain text "OK" for service discovery tools """ def get(self, request): """ Handle a GET request """ return HttpResponse( 'OK', content_type='text/plain', status=200 ) def find_config_section(key: str) -> str: if key in CONSTANTS_CONFIG: return 'CONSTANT' matching_sections = [ section.id for section in settings.CONFIGS.values() if key in section.model_fields ] section = matching_sections[0] if matching_sections else 'DYNAMIC' return section def find_config_default(key: str) -> str: if key in CONSTANTS_CONFIG: return str(CONSTANTS_CONFIG[key]) default_val = None for config in settings.CONFIGS.values(): if key in config.model_fields: default_val = config.model_fields[key].default break if isinstance(default_val, Callable): default_val = inspect.getsource(default_val).split('lambda', 1)[-1].split(':', 1)[-1].replace('\n', ' ').strip() if default_val.count(')') > default_val.count('('): default_val = default_val[:-1] else: default_val = str(default_val) return default_val def find_config_type(key: str) -> str: for config in settings.CONFIGS.values(): if hasattr(config, key): type_hints = get_type_hints(config) try: return str(type_hints[key].__name__) except AttributeError: return str(type_hints[key]) return 'str' def key_is_safe(key: str) -> bool: for term in ('key', 'password', 'secret', 'token'): if term in key.lower(): return False return True @render_with_table_view def live_config_list_view(request: HttpRequest, **kwargs) -> TableContext: assert request.user.is_superuser, 'Must be a superuser to view configuration settings.' rows = { "Section": [], "Key": [], "Type": [], "Value": [], "Default": [], # "Documentation": [], # "Aliases": [], } for section in reversed(list(settings.CONFIGS.values())): for key, field in section.model_fields.items(): rows['Section'].append(section.id) # section.replace('_', ' ').title().replace(' Config', '') rows['Key'].append(ItemLink(key, key=key)) rows['Type'].append(format_html('{}', find_config_type(key))) rows['Value'].append(mark_safe(f'{getattr(section, key)}') if key_is_safe(key) else '******** (redacted)') rows['Default'].append(mark_safe(f'{find_config_default(key) or "See here..."}')) # rows['Documentation'].append(mark_safe(f'Wiki: {key}')) # rows['Aliases'].append(', '.join(find_config_aliases(key))) section = 'CONSTANT' for key in CONSTANTS_CONFIG.keys(): rows['Section'].append(section) # section.replace('_', ' ').title().replace(' Config', '') rows['Key'].append(ItemLink(key, key=key)) rows['Type'].append(format_html('{}', getattr(type(CONSTANTS_CONFIG[key]), '__name__', repr(CONSTANTS_CONFIG[key])))) rows['Value'].append(format_html('{}', CONSTANTS_CONFIG[key]) if key_is_safe(key) else '******** (redacted)') rows['Default'].append(mark_safe(f'{find_config_default(key) or "See here..."}')) # rows['Documentation'].append(mark_safe(f'Wiki: {key}')) # rows['Aliases'].append('') return TableContext( title="Computed Configuration Values", table=rows, ) @render_with_item_view def live_config_value_view(request: HttpRequest, key: str, **kwargs) -> ItemContext: assert request.user.is_superuser, 'Must be a superuser to view configuration settings.' # aliases = USER_CONFIG.get(key, {}).get("aliases", []) aliases = [] if key in CONSTANTS_CONFIG: section_header = mark_safe(f'[CONSTANTS]   {key}   (read-only, hardcoded by ArchiveBox)') elif key in settings.FLAT_CONFIG: section_header = mark_safe(f'data / ArchiveBox.conf   [{find_config_section(key)}]   {key}') else: section_header = mark_safe(f'[DYNAMIC CONFIG]   {key}   (read-only, calculated at runtime)') return ItemContext( slug=key, title=key, data=[ { "name": section_header, "description": None, "fields": { 'Key': key, 'Type': find_config_type(key), 'Value': settings.FLAT_CONFIG[key] if key_is_safe(key) else '********', }, "help_texts": { 'Key': mark_safe(f''' Documentation   Aliases: {", ".join(aliases)} '''), 'Type': mark_safe(f''' See full definition in archivebox/config... '''), 'Value': mark_safe(f''' {'Value is redacted for your security. (Passwords, secrets, API tokens, etc. cannot be viewed in the Web UI)

' if not key_is_safe(key) else ''}

Default:                               {find_config_default(key) or '↗️ See in ArchiveBox source code...'}

To change this value, edit data/ArchiveBox.conf or run:

archivebox config --set {key}="{ val.strip("'") if (val := find_config_default(key)) else (repr(settings.FLAT_CONFIG[key] if key_is_safe(key) else '********')).strip("'") }"

'''), }, }, ], )