""" ArchiveBox config definitons (including defaults and dynamic config options). Config Usage Example: archivebox config --set MEDIA_TIMEOUT=600 env MEDIA_TIMEOUT=600 USE_COLOR=False ... archivebox [subcommand] ... Config Precedence Order: 1. cli args (--update-all / --index-only / etc.) 2. shell environment vars (env USE_COLOR=False archivebox add '...') 3. config file (echo "SAVE_FAVICON=False" >> ArchiveBox.conf) 4. defaults (defined below in Python) Documentation: https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki/Configuration """ __package__ = 'archivebox.config' import os import io import re import sys import json import shutil from hashlib import md5 from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime, timezone from typing import Optional, Type, Tuple, Dict from subprocess import run, PIPE, DEVNULL, STDOUT, TimeoutExpired from configparser import ConfigParser from rich.progress import Progress from rich.console import Console from benedict import benedict from pydantic_pkgr import SemVer import django from django.db.backends.sqlite3.base import Database as sqlite3 from .constants import CONSTANTS, TIMEZONE from .constants import * from .config_stubs import ( ConfigValue, ConfigDefaultValue, ConfigDefaultDict, ) from ..misc.logging import ( stderr, hint, # noqa ) from .defaults import SHELL_CONFIG, GENERAL_CONFIG, ARCHIVING_CONFIG, SERVER_CONFIG, SEARCH_BACKEND_CONFIG, STORAGE_CONFIG from archivebox.plugins_auth.ldap.apps import LDAP_CONFIG from archivebox.plugins_extractor.favicon.apps import FAVICON_CONFIG from archivebox.plugins_extractor.wget.apps import WGET_CONFIG from archivebox.plugins_extractor.curl.apps import CURL_CONFIG ANSI = SHELL_CONFIG.ANSI LDAP = LDAP_CONFIG.LDAP_ENABLED ############################### Config Schema ################################## CONFIG_SCHEMA: Dict[str, ConfigDefaultDict] = { 'SHELL_CONFIG': SHELL_CONFIG.as_legacy_config_schema(), 'SERVER_CONFIG': SERVER_CONFIG.as_legacy_config_schema(), 'GENERAL_CONFIG': GENERAL_CONFIG.as_legacy_config_schema(), 'ARCHIVING_CONFIG': ARCHIVING_CONFIG.as_legacy_config_schema(), 'SEARCH_BACKEND_CONFIG': SEARCH_BACKEND_CONFIG.as_legacy_config_schema(), 'STORAGE_CONFIG': STORAGE_CONFIG.as_legacy_config_schema(), 'LDAP_CONFIG': LDAP_CONFIG.as_legacy_config_schema(), # 'FAVICON_CONFIG': FAVICON_CONFIG.as_legacy_config_schema(), # 'WGET_CONFIG': WGET_CONFIG.as_legacy_config_schema(), # 'CURL_CONFIG': CURL_CONFIG.as_legacy_config_schema(), 'ARCHIVE_METHOD_TOGGLES': { 'SAVE_TITLE': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_TITLE',)}, 'SAVE_FAVICON': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_FAVICON',)}, 'SAVE_WGET': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_WGET',)}, 'SAVE_WGET_REQUISITES': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_WGET_REQUISITES',)}, 'SAVE_SINGLEFILE': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_SINGLEFILE',)}, 'SAVE_READABILITY': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_READABILITY',)}, 'SAVE_MERCURY': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_MERCURY',)}, 'SAVE_HTMLTOTEXT': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_HTMLTOTEXT',)}, 'SAVE_PDF': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_PDF',)}, 'SAVE_SCREENSHOT': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_SCREENSHOT',)}, 'SAVE_DOM': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_DOM',)}, 'SAVE_HEADERS': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_HEADERS',)}, 'SAVE_WARC': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_WARC',)}, 'SAVE_GIT': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_GIT',)}, 'SAVE_MEDIA': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('FETCH_MEDIA',)}, 'SAVE_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG': {'type': bool, 'default': True, 'aliases': ('SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG',)}, 'SAVE_ALLOWLIST': {'type': dict, 'default': {},}, 'SAVE_DENYLIST': {'type': dict, 'default': {},}, }, 'ARCHIVE_METHOD_OPTIONS': { 'RESOLUTION': {'type': str, 'default': '1440,2000', 'aliases': ('SCREENSHOT_RESOLUTION','WINDOW_SIZE')}, # 'GIT_DOMAINS': {'type': str, 'default': 'github.com,bitbucket.org,gitlab.com,gist.github.com,codeberg.org,gitea.com,git.sr.ht'}, 'CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY': {'type': bool, 'default': True}, 'MEDIA_MAX_SIZE': {'type': str, 'default': '750m'}, 'USER_AGENT': {'type': str, 'default': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 ArchiveBox/{VERSION} (+https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/)'}, 'CURL_USER_AGENT': {'type': str, 'default': lambda c: c['USER_AGENT']}, # + ' curl/{CURL_VERSION}'}, 'COOKIES_FILE': {'type': str, 'default': None}, 'YOUTUBEDL_ARGS': {'type': list, 'default': lambda c: [ '--restrict-filenames', '--trim-filenames', '128', '--write-description', '--write-info-json', '--write-annotations', '--write-thumbnail', '--no-call-home', '--write-sub', '--write-auto-subs', '--convert-subs=srt', '--yes-playlist', '--continue', # This flag doesn't exist in youtube-dl # only in yt-dlp '--no-abort-on-error', # --ignore-errors must come AFTER # --no-abort-on-error # https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/4914 '--ignore-errors', '--geo-bypass', '--add-metadata', '--format=(bv*+ba/b)[filesize<={}][filesize_approx<=?{}]/(bv*+ba/b)'.format(c['MEDIA_MAX_SIZE'], c['MEDIA_MAX_SIZE']), ]}, 'YOUTUBEDL_EXTRA_ARGS': {'type': list, 'default': None}, }, 'DEPENDENCY_CONFIG': { 'USE_CURL': {'type': bool, 'default': True}, 'USE_SINGLEFILE': {'type': bool, 'default': True}, 'USE_READABILITY': {'type': bool, 'default': True}, 'USE_GIT': {'type': bool, 'default': True}, 'USE_CHROME': {'type': bool, 'default': True}, 'USE_YOUTUBEDL': {'type': bool, 'default': True}, 'USE_RIPGREP': {'type': bool, 'default': True}, # 'GIT_BINARY': {'type': str, 'default': 'git'}, # 'CURL_BINARY': {'type': str, 'default': 'curl'}, # 'NODE_BINARY': {'type': str, 'default': 'node'}, # 'YOUTUBEDL_BINARY': {'type': str, 'default': 'yt-dlp'}, # also can accept youtube-dl # 'SINGLEFILE_BINARY': {'type': str, 'default': lambda c: bin_path('single-file')}, # 'READABILITY_BINARY': {'type': str, 'default': lambda c: bin_path('readability-extractor')}, # 'RIPGREP_BINARY': {'type': str, 'default': 'rg'}, 'POCKET_CONSUMER_KEY': {'type': str, 'default': None}, 'POCKET_ACCESS_TOKENS': {'type': dict, 'default': {}}, 'READWISE_READER_TOKENS': {'type': dict, 'default': {}}, }, } ########################## Backwards-Compatibility ############################# # for backwards compatibility with old config files, check old/deprecated names for each key CONFIG_ALIASES = { alias: key for section in CONFIG_SCHEMA.values() for key, default in section.items() for alias in default.get('aliases', ()) } USER_CONFIG = {key: section[key] for section in CONFIG_SCHEMA.values() for key in section.keys()} def get_real_name(key: str) -> str: """get the current canonical name for a given deprecated config key""" return CONFIG_ALIASES.get(key.upper().strip(), key.upper().strip()) # These are derived/computed values calculated *after* all user-provided config values are ingested # they appear in `archivebox config` output and are intended to be read-only for the user DYNAMIC_CONFIG_SCHEMA: ConfigDefaultDict = { 'URL_DENYLIST_PTN': {'default': lambda c: c['URL_DENYLIST'] and re.compile(c['URL_DENYLIST'] or '', CONSTANTS.ALLOWDENYLIST_REGEX_FLAGS)}, 'URL_ALLOWLIST_PTN': {'default': lambda c: c['URL_ALLOWLIST'] and re.compile(c['URL_ALLOWLIST'] or '', CONSTANTS.ALLOWDENYLIST_REGEX_FLAGS)}, 'SAVE_ALLOWLIST_PTN': {'default': lambda c: c['SAVE_ALLOWLIST'] and {re.compile(k, CONSTANTS.ALLOWDENYLIST_REGEX_FLAGS): v for k, v in c['SAVE_ALLOWLIST'].items()}}, 'SAVE_DENYLIST_PTN': {'default': lambda c: c['SAVE_DENYLIST'] and {re.compile(k, CONSTANTS.ALLOWDENYLIST_REGEX_FLAGS): v for k, v in c['SAVE_DENYLIST'].items()}}, } # print("FINISHED DEFINING SCHEMAS") ################################### Helpers #################################### def load_config_val(key: str, default: ConfigDefaultValue=None, type: Optional[Type]=None, aliases: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]]=None, config: Optional[benedict]=None, env_vars: Optional[os._Environ]=None, config_file_vars: Optional[Dict[str, str]]=None) -> ConfigValue: """parse bool, int, and str key=value pairs from env""" assert isinstance(config, dict) is_read_only = type is None if is_read_only: if callable(default): return default(config) return default # get value from environment variables or config files config_keys_to_check = (key, *(aliases or ())) val = None for key in config_keys_to_check: if env_vars: val = env_vars.get(key) if val: break if config_file_vars: val = config_file_vars.get(key) if val: break is_unset = val is None if is_unset: if callable(default): return default(config) return default # calculate value based on expected type BOOL_TRUEIES = ('true', 'yes', '1') BOOL_FALSEIES = ('false', 'no', '0') if type is bool: if val.lower() in BOOL_TRUEIES: return True elif val.lower() in BOOL_FALSEIES: return False else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid configuration option {key}={val} (expected a boolean: True/False)') elif type is str: if val.lower() in (*BOOL_TRUEIES, *BOOL_FALSEIES): raise ValueError(f'Invalid configuration option {key}={val} (expected a string, but value looks like a boolean)') return val.strip() elif type is int: if not val.strip().isdigit(): raise ValueError(f'Invalid configuration option {key}={val} (expected an integer)') return int(val.strip()) elif type is list or type is dict: return json.loads(val) raise Exception('Config values can only be str, bool, int, or json') def load_config_file(out_dir: str | None=CONSTANTS.DATA_DIR) -> Optional[benedict]: """load the ini-formatted config file from DATA_DIR/Archivebox.conf""" config_path = CONSTANTS.CONFIG_FILE if config_path.exists(): config_file = ConfigParser() config_file.optionxform = str config_file.read(config_path) # flatten into one namespace config_file_vars = benedict({ key.upper(): val for section, options in config_file.items() for key, val in options.items() }) # print('[i] Loaded config file', os.path.abspath(config_path)) # print(config_file_vars) return config_file_vars return None def write_config_file(config: Dict[str, str], out_dir: str | None=CONSTANTS.DATA_DIR) -> benedict: """load the ini-formatted config file from DATA_DIR/Archivebox.conf""" from archivebox.misc.system import atomic_write CONFIG_HEADER = ( """# This is the config file for your ArchiveBox collection. # # You can add options here manually in INI format, or automatically by running: # archivebox config --set KEY=VALUE # # If you modify this file manually, make sure to update your archive after by running: # archivebox init # # A list of all possible config with documentation and examples can be found here: # https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki/Configuration """) config_path = CONSTANTS.CONFIG_FILE if not config_path.exists(): atomic_write(config_path, CONFIG_HEADER) config_file = ConfigParser() config_file.optionxform = str config_file.read(config_path) with open(config_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as old: atomic_write(f'{config_path}.bak', old.read()) find_section = lambda key: [name for name, opts in CONFIG_SCHEMA.items() if key in opts][0] # Set up sections in empty config file for key, val in config.items(): section = find_section(key) if section in config_file: existing_config = dict(config_file[section]) else: existing_config = {} config_file[section] = benedict({**existing_config, key: val}) # always make sure there's a SECRET_KEY defined for Django existing_secret_key = None if 'SERVER_CONFIG' in config_file and 'SECRET_KEY' in config_file['SERVER_CONFIG']: existing_secret_key = config_file['SERVER_CONFIG']['SECRET_KEY'] if (not existing_secret_key) or ('not a valid secret' in existing_secret_key): from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_' random_secret_key = get_random_string(50, chars) if 'SERVER_CONFIG' in config_file: config_file['SERVER_CONFIG']['SECRET_KEY'] = random_secret_key else: config_file['SERVER_CONFIG'] = {'SECRET_KEY': random_secret_key} with open(config_path, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as new: config_file.write(new) try: # validate the config by attempting to re-parse it CONFIG = load_all_config() except BaseException: # lgtm [py/catch-base-exception] # something went horribly wrong, rever to the previous version with open(f'{config_path}.bak', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as old: atomic_write(config_path, old.read()) raise if Path(f'{config_path}.bak').exists(): os.remove(f'{config_path}.bak') return benedict({ key.upper(): CONFIG.get(key.upper()) for key in config.keys() }) def load_config(defaults: ConfigDefaultDict, config: Optional[benedict]=None, out_dir: Optional[str]=None, env_vars: Optional[os._Environ]=None, config_file_vars: Optional[Dict[str, str]]=None) -> benedict: env_vars = env_vars or os.environ config_file_vars = config_file_vars or load_config_file(out_dir=out_dir) extended_config = benedict(config.copy() if config else {}) for key, default in defaults.items(): try: # print('LOADING CONFIG KEY:', key, 'DEFAULT=', default) extended_config[key] = load_config_val( key, default=default['default'], type=default.get('type'), aliases=default.get('aliases'), config=extended_config, env_vars=env_vars, config_file_vars=config_file_vars, ) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SystemExit(0) except Exception as e: stderr() stderr(f'[X] Error while loading configuration value: {key}', color='red', config=extended_config) stderr(' {}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) stderr() stderr(' Check your config for mistakes and try again (your archive data is unaffected).') stderr() stderr(' For config documentation and examples see:') stderr(' https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki/Configuration') stderr() # raise # raise SystemExit(2) return benedict(extended_config) def find_chrome_binary() -> Optional[str]: """find any installed chrome binaries in the default locations""" # Precedence: Chromium, Chrome, Beta, Canary, Unstable, Dev # make sure data dir finding precedence order always matches binary finding order default_executable_paths = ( # '~/Library/Caches/ms-playwright/chromium-*/chrome-mac/Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium', 'chromium-browser', 'chromium', '/Applications/Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium', 'chrome', 'google-chrome', '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome', 'google-chrome-stable', 'google-chrome-beta', 'google-chrome-canary', '/Applications/Google Chrome Canary.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome Canary', 'google-chrome-unstable', 'google-chrome-dev', ) for name in default_executable_paths: full_path_exists = shutil.which(name) if full_path_exists: return name return None def find_chrome_data_dir() -> Optional[str]: """find any installed chrome user data directories in the default locations""" # deprecated because this is DANGEROUS, do not re-implement/uncomment this behavior. # Going forward we want to discourage people from using their main chrome profile for archiving. # Session tokens, personal data, and cookies are often returned in server responses, # when they get archived, they are essentially burned as anyone who can view the archive # can use that data to masquerade as the logged-in user that did the archiving. # For this reason users should always create dedicated burner profiles for archiving and not use # their daily driver main accounts. # # Precedence: Chromium, Chrome, Beta, Canary, Unstable, Dev # # make sure data dir finding precedence order always matches binary finding order # default_profile_paths = ( # '~/.config/chromium', # '~/Library/Application Support/Chromium', # '~/AppData/Local/Chromium/User Data', # '~/.config/chrome', # '~/.config/google-chrome', # '~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome', # '~/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data', # '~/.config/google-chrome-stable', # '~/.config/google-chrome-beta', # '~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome Canary', # '~/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome SxS/User Data', # '~/.config/google-chrome-unstable', # '~/.config/google-chrome-dev', # ) # for path in default_profile_paths: # full_path = Path(path).resolve() # if full_path.exists(): # return full_path return None def wget_supports_compression(config): try: cmd = [ config['WGET_BINARY'], "--compression=auto", "--help", ] return not run(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL).returncode except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): return False # ****************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************** # ******************************** Load Config ********************************* # ******* (compile the defaults, configs, and metadata all into CONFIG) ******** # ****************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************** def load_all_config(): CONFIG = benedict() for section_name, section_config in CONFIG_SCHEMA.items(): # print('LOADING CONFIG SECTION:', section_name) CONFIG = load_config(section_config, CONFIG) # print("LOADING CONFIG SECTION:", 'DYNAMIC') return load_config(DYNAMIC_CONFIG_SCHEMA, CONFIG) # add all final config values in CONFIG to globals in this file CONFIG: benedict = load_all_config() globals().update(CONFIG) # this lets us do: from .config import DEBUG, MEDIA_TIMEOUT, ... # print("FINISHED LOADING CONFIG USING SCHEMAS + FILE + ENV") # ****************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************** ########################### System Environment Setup ########################### # Set timezone to UTC and umask to OUTPUT_PERMISSIONS assert TIMEZONE == 'UTC', f'The server timezone should always be set to UTC (got {TIMEZONE})' # noqa: F821 os.environ["TZ"] = TIMEZONE # noqa: F821 os.umask(0o777 - int(STORAGE_CONFIG.DIR_OUTPUT_PERMISSIONS, base=8)) # noqa: F821 ########################### Config Validity Checkers ########################### if not SHELL_CONFIG.USE_COLOR: os.environ['NO_COLOR'] = '1' if not SHELL_CONFIG.SHOW_PROGRESS: os.environ['TERM'] = 'dumb' # recreate rich console obj based on new config values CONSOLE = Console() from ..misc import logging logging.CONSOLE = CONSOLE INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS = None INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS_TASK = 0 def bump_startup_progress_bar(): global INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS global INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS_TASK if INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS: INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS.update(INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS_TASK, advance=1) # type: ignore def setup_django_minimal(): # sys.path.append(str(CONSTANTS.PACKAGE_DIR)) # os.environ.setdefault('ARCHIVEBOX_DATA_DIR', str(CONSTANTS.DATA_DIR)) # os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'core.settings') # django.setup() raise Exception('dont use this anymore') DJANGO_SET_UP = False def setup_django(out_dir: Path | None=None, check_db=False, config: benedict=CONFIG, in_memory_db=False) -> None: global INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS global INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS_TASK global DJANGO_SET_UP if DJANGO_SET_UP: # raise Exception('django is already set up!') # TODO: figure out why CLI entrypoints with init_pending are running this twice sometimes return with Progress(transient=True, expand=True, console=CONSOLE) as INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS: INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS_TASK = INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS.add_task("[green]Loading modules...", total=25) output_dir = out_dir or CONSTANTS.DATA_DIR assert isinstance(output_dir, Path) and isinstance(CONSTANTS.PACKAGE_DIR, Path) bump_startup_progress_bar() try: from django.core.management import call_command bump_startup_progress_bar() if in_memory_db: raise Exception('dont use this anymore') # some commands (e.g. oneshot) dont store a long-lived sqlite3 db file on disk. # in those cases we create a temporary in-memory db and run the migrations # immediately to get a usable in-memory-database at startup os.environ.setdefault("ARCHIVEBOX_DATABASE_NAME", ":memory:") django.setup() bump_startup_progress_bar() call_command("migrate", interactive=False, verbosity=0) else: # Otherwise use default sqlite3 file-based database and initialize django # without running migrations automatically (user runs them manually by calling init) django.setup() bump_startup_progress_bar() from django.conf import settings # log startup message to the error log with open(settings.ERROR_LOG, "a", encoding='utf-8') as f: command = ' '.join(sys.argv) ts = datetime.now(timezone.utc).strftime('%Y-%m-%d__%H:%M:%S') f.write(f"\n> {command}; TS={ts} VERSION={CONSTANTS.VERSION} IN_DOCKER={SHELL_CONFIG.IN_DOCKER} IS_TTY={SHELL_CONFIG.IS_TTY}\n") if check_db: # Create cache table in DB if needed try: from django.core.cache import cache cache.get('test', None) except django.db.utils.OperationalError: call_command("createcachetable", verbosity=0) bump_startup_progress_bar() # if archivebox gets imported multiple times, we have to close # the sqlite3 whenever we init from scratch to avoid multiple threads # sharing the same connection by accident from django.db import connections for conn in connections.all(): conn.close_if_unusable_or_obsolete() sql_index_path = CONSTANTS.DATABASE_FILE assert sql_index_path.exists(), ( f'No database file {sql_index_path} found in: {CONSTANTS.DATA_DIR} (Are you in an ArchiveBox collection directory?)') bump_startup_progress_bar() # https://docs.pydantic.dev/logfire/integrations/django/ Logfire Debugging # if settings.DEBUG_LOGFIRE: # from opentelemetry.instrumentation.sqlite3 import SQLite3Instrumentor # SQLite3Instrumentor().instrument() # import logfire # logfire.configure() # logfire.instrument_django(is_sql_commentor_enabled=True) # logfire.info(f'Started ArchiveBox v{CONSTANTS.VERSION}', argv=sys.argv) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SystemExit(2) DJANGO_SET_UP = True INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS = None INITIAL_STARTUP_PROGRESS_TASK = None