__package__ = 'archivebox' import re import requests import json as pyjson from typing import List, Optional, Any from pathlib import Path from inspect import signature from functools import wraps from hashlib import sha256 from urllib.parse import urlparse, quote, unquote from html import escape, unescape from datetime import datetime, timezone from dateparser import parse as dateparser from requests.exceptions import RequestException, ReadTimeout from .vendor.base32_crockford import encode as base32_encode # type: ignore from w3lib.encoding import html_body_declared_encoding, http_content_type_encoding from os.path import lexists from os import remove as remove_file try: import chardet detect_encoding = lambda rawdata: chardet.detect(rawdata)["encoding"] except ImportError: detect_encoding = lambda rawdata: "utf-8" ### Parsing Helpers # All of these are (str) -> str # shortcuts to: https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.parse.html#url-parsing scheme = lambda url: urlparse(url).scheme.lower() without_scheme = lambda url: urlparse(url)._replace(scheme='').geturl().strip('//') without_query = lambda url: urlparse(url)._replace(query='').geturl().strip('//') without_fragment = lambda url: urlparse(url)._replace(fragment='').geturl().strip('//') without_path = lambda url: urlparse(url)._replace(path='', fragment='', query='').geturl().strip('//') path = lambda url: urlparse(url).path basename = lambda url: urlparse(url).path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] domain = lambda url: urlparse(url).netloc query = lambda url: urlparse(url).query fragment = lambda url: urlparse(url).fragment extension = lambda url: basename(url).rsplit('.', 1)[-1].lower() if '.' in basename(url) else '' base_url = lambda url: without_scheme(url) # uniq base url used to dedupe links without_www = lambda url: url.replace('://www.', '://', 1) without_trailing_slash = lambda url: url[:-1] if url[-1] == '/' else url.replace('/?', '?') hashurl = lambda url: base32_encode(int(sha256(base_url(url).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16))[:20] urlencode = lambda s: s and quote(s, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') urldecode = lambda s: s and unquote(s) htmlencode = lambda s: s and escape(s, quote=True) htmldecode = lambda s: s and unescape(s) short_ts = lambda ts: str(parse_date(ts).timestamp()).split('.')[0] ts_to_date_str = lambda ts: ts and parse_date(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') ts_to_iso = lambda ts: ts and parse_date(ts).isoformat() URL_REGEX = re.compile( r'(?=(' r'http[s]?://' # start matching from allowed schemes r'(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]' # followed by allowed alphanum characters r'|[-_$@.&+!*\(\),]' # or allowed symbols (keep hyphen first to match literal hyphen) r'|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))' # or allowed unicode bytes r'[^\]\[\(\)<>"\'\s]+' # stop parsing at these symbols r'))', re.IGNORECASE, ) COLOR_REGEX = re.compile(r'\[(?P\d+)(;(?P\d+)(;(?P\d+))?)?m') def is_static_file(url: str): # TODO: the proper way is with MIME type detection + ext, not only extension from .config import STATICFILE_EXTENSIONS return extension(url).lower() in STATICFILE_EXTENSIONS def enforce_types(func): """ Enforce function arg and kwarg types at runtime using its python3 type hints """ # TODO: check return type as well @wraps(func) def typechecked_function(*args, **kwargs): sig = signature(func) def check_argument_type(arg_key, arg_val): try: annotation = sig.parameters[arg_key].annotation except KeyError: annotation = None if annotation is not None and annotation.__class__ is type: if not isinstance(arg_val, annotation): raise TypeError( '{}(..., {}: {}) got unexpected {} argument {}={}'.format( func.__name__, arg_key, annotation.__name__, type(arg_val).__name__, arg_key, str(arg_val)[:64], ) ) # check args for arg_val, arg_key in zip(args, sig.parameters): check_argument_type(arg_key, arg_val) # check kwargs for arg_key, arg_val in kwargs.items(): check_argument_type(arg_key, arg_val) return func(*args, **kwargs) return typechecked_function def docstring(text: Optional[str]): """attach the given docstring to the decorated function""" def decorator(func): if text: func.__doc__ = text return func return decorator @enforce_types def str_between(string: str, start: str, end: str=None) -> str: """(12345, , ) -> 12345""" content = string.split(start, 1)[-1] if end is not None: content = content.rsplit(end, 1)[0] return content @enforce_types def parse_date(date: Any) -> Optional[datetime]: """Parse unix timestamps, iso format, and human-readable strings""" if date is None: return None if isinstance(date, datetime): if date.tzinfo is None: return date.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) assert date.tzinfo.utcoffset(datetime.now()).seconds == 0, 'Refusing to load a non-UTC date!' return date if isinstance(date, (float, int)): date = str(date) if isinstance(date, str): return dateparser(date, settings={'TIMEZONE': 'UTC'}).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) raise ValueError('Tried to parse invalid date! {}'.format(date)) @enforce_types def download_url(url: str, timeout: int=None) -> str: """Download the contents of a remote url and return the text""" from .config import TIMEOUT, CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY, WGET_USER_AGENT timeout = timeout or TIMEOUT response = requests.get( url, headers={'User-Agent': WGET_USER_AGENT}, verify=CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY, timeout=timeout, ) content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type', '') encoding = http_content_type_encoding(content_type) or html_body_declared_encoding(response.text) if encoding is not None: response.encoding = encoding try: return response.text except UnicodeDecodeError: # if response is non-test (e.g. image or other binary files), just return the filename instead return url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] @enforce_types def get_headers(url: str, timeout: int=None) -> str: """Download the contents of a remote url and return the headers""" from .config import TIMEOUT, CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY, WGET_USER_AGENT timeout = timeout or TIMEOUT try: response = requests.head( url, headers={'User-Agent': WGET_USER_AGENT}, verify=CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY, timeout=timeout, allow_redirects=True, ) if response.status_code >= 400: raise RequestException except ReadTimeout: raise except RequestException: response = requests.get( url, headers={'User-Agent': WGET_USER_AGENT}, verify=CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY, timeout=timeout, stream=True ) return pyjson.dumps( { 'Status-Code': response.status_code, **dict(response.headers), }, indent=4, ) @enforce_types def chrome_args(**options) -> List[str]: """helper to build up a chrome shell command with arguments""" # Chrome CLI flag documentation: https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ from .config import CHROME_OPTIONS, CHROME_VERSION options = {**CHROME_OPTIONS, **options} if not options['CHROME_BINARY']: raise Exception('Could not find any CHROME_BINARY installed on your system') cmd_args = [options['CHROME_BINARY']] if options['CHROME_HEADLESS']: chrome_major_version = int(re.search(r'\s(\d+)\.\d', CHROME_VERSION)[1]) if chrome_major_version >= 111: cmd_args += ("--headless=new",) else: cmd_args += ('--headless',) if not options['CHROME_SANDBOX']: # assume this means we are running inside a docker container # in docker, GPU support is limited, sandboxing is unecessary, # and SHM is limited to 64MB by default (which is too low to be usable). cmd_args += ( "--no-sandbox", "--no-zygote", "--disable-dev-shm-usage", "--disable-software-rasterizer", "--run-all-compositor-stages-before-draw", "--hide-scrollbars", "--autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required", "--no-first-run", "--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream", "--use-fake-device-for-media-stream", "--disable-sync", # "--password-store=basic", ) # disable automatic updating when running headless, as there's no user to see the upgrade prompts cmd_args += ("--simulate-outdated-no-au='Tue, 31 Dec 2099 23:59:59 GMT'",) # set window size for screenshot/pdf/etc. rendering cmd_args += ('--window-size={}'.format(options['RESOLUTION']),) if not options['CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY']: cmd_args += ('--disable-web-security', '--ignore-certificate-errors') if options['CHROME_USER_AGENT']: cmd_args += ('--user-agent={}'.format(options['CHROME_USER_AGENT']),) if options['CHROME_TIMEOUT']: cmd_args += ('--timeout={}'.format(options['CHROME_TIMEOUT'] * 1000),) if options['CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR']: cmd_args.append('--user-data-dir={}'.format(options['CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR'])) return cmd_args def chrome_cleanup(): """ Cleans up any state or runtime files that chrome leaves behind when killed by a timeout or other error """ from .config import IN_DOCKER if IN_DOCKER and lexists("/home/archivebox/.config/chromium/SingletonLock"): remove_file("/home/archivebox/.config/chromium/SingletonLock") def ansi_to_html(text): """ Based on: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19212665/python-converting-ansi-color-codes-to-html """ from .config import COLOR_DICT TEMPLATE = '
' text = text.replace('[m', '
') def single_sub(match): argsdict = match.groupdict() if argsdict['arg_3'] is None: if argsdict['arg_2'] is None: _, color = 0, argsdict['arg_1'] else: _, color = argsdict['arg_1'], argsdict['arg_2'] else: _, color = argsdict['arg_3'], argsdict['arg_2'] return TEMPLATE.format(COLOR_DICT[color][0]) return COLOR_REGEX.sub(single_sub, text) class AttributeDict(dict): """Helper to allow accessing dict values via Example.key or Example['key']""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Recursively convert nested dicts to AttributeDicts (optional): # for key, val in self.items(): # if isinstance(val, dict) and type(val) is not AttributeDict: # self[key] = AttributeDict(val) def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any: return dict.__getitem__(self, attr) def __setattr__(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> None: return dict.__setitem__(self, attr, value) class ExtendedEncoder(pyjson.JSONEncoder): """ Extended json serializer that supports serializing several model fields and objects """ def default(self, obj): cls_name = obj.__class__.__name__ if hasattr(obj, '_asdict'): return obj._asdict() elif isinstance(obj, bytes): return obj.decode() elif isinstance(obj, datetime): return obj.isoformat() elif isinstance(obj, Exception): return '{}: {}'.format(obj.__class__.__name__, obj) elif isinstance(obj, Path): return str(obj) elif cls_name in ('dict_items', 'dict_keys', 'dict_values'): return tuple(obj) return pyjson.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)