__package__ = 'archivebox' import sys import shutil import django import pydantic import django_stubs_ext django_stubs_ext.monkeypatch() # monkey patch django timezone to add back utc (it was removed in Django 5.0) import datetime from django.utils import timezone timezone.utc = datetime.timezone.utc # monkey patch django-signals-webhooks to change how it shows up in Admin UI # from signal_webhooks.apps import DjangoSignalWebhooksConfig # DjangoSignalWebhooksConfig.verbose_name = 'API' # Install rich for pretty tracebacks in console logs # https://rich.readthedocs.io/en/stable/traceback.html#traceback-handler from rich.traceback import install TERM_WIDTH = (shutil.get_terminal_size((200, 10)).columns - 1) if sys.stdout.isatty() else 200 # os.environ.setdefault('COLUMNS', str(TERM_WIDTH)) install(show_locals=True, word_wrap=False, locals_max_length=10, locals_hide_dunder=True, suppress=[django, pydantic], extra_lines=2, width=TERM_WIDTH) from daphne import access class ModifiedAccessLogGenerator(access.AccessLogGenerator): """Clutge workaround until daphne uses the Python logging framework. https://github.com/django/daphne/pull/473/files""" def write_entry(self, host, date, request, status=None, length=None, ident=None, user=None): # Ignore noisy requests to staticfiles / favicons / etc. if 'GET /static/' in request: return if "GET /health/" in request: return if 'GET /admin/jsi18n/' in request: return if request.endswith("/favicon.ico") or request.endswith("/robots.txt") or request.endswith("/screenshot.png"): return if request.endswith('.css') or request.endswith('.js') or request.endswith('.woff') or request.endswith('.ttf'): return if str(status) in ('404', '304'): return # clean up the log format to mostly match the same format as django.conf.settings.LOGGING rich formats self.stream.write( "[%s] HTTP %s (%s) %s\n" % ( date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), request, status or "-", "localhost" if host.startswith("127.") else host.split(":")[0], ) ) access.AccessLogGenerator.write_entry = ModifiedAccessLogGenerator.write_entry