__package__ = 'archivebox.abid_utils'
from typing import Any
from datetime import datetime
from django.contrib import admin, messages
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from abid_utils.abid import ABID, abid_part_from_ts, abid_part_from_uri, abid_part_from_rand, abid_part_from_subtype
from api.auth import get_or_create_api_token
from ..util import parse_date
def highlight_diff(display_val: Any, compare_val: Any, invert: bool=False, color_same: str | None=None, color_diff: str | None=None):
"""highlight each character in red that differs with the char at the same index in compare_val"""
display_val = str(display_val)
compare_val = str(compare_val)
if len(compare_val) < len(display_val):
compare_val += ' ' * (len(display_val) - len(compare_val))
similar_color, highlighted_color = color_same or 'inherit', color_diff or 'red'
if invert:
similar_color, highlighted_color = color_same or 'green', color_diff or 'inherit'
return mark_safe(''.join(
format_html('{}', highlighted_color, display_val[i])
if display_val[i] != compare_val[i] else
format_html('{}', similar_color, display_val[i])
for i in range(len(display_val))
def get_abid_info(self, obj, request=None):
#abid_diff = f' != obj.ABID: {highlight_diff(obj.ABID, obj.abid)} ❌' if str(obj.ABID) != str(obj.abid) else ' == .ABID ✅'
fresh_abid = ABID(**obj.ABID_FRESH_HASHES)
fresh_abid_diff = f'❌ != .fresh_abid: {highlight_diff(fresh_abid, obj.ABID)}' if str(fresh_abid) != str(obj.ABID) else '✅'
fresh_uuid_diff = f'❌ != .fresh_uuid: {highlight_diff(fresh_abid.uuid, obj.ABID.uuid)}' if str(fresh_abid.uuid) != str(obj.ABID.uuid) else '✅'
id_pk_diff = f'❌ != .pk: {highlight_diff(obj.pk, obj.id)}' if str(obj.pk) != str(obj.id) else '✅'
fresh_ts = parse_date(obj.ABID_FRESH_VALUES['ts']) or None
ts_diff = f'❌ != {highlight_diff( obj.ABID_FRESH_HASHES["ts"], obj.ABID.ts)}' if obj.ABID_FRESH_HASHES["ts"] != obj.ABID.ts else '✅'
derived_uri = obj.ABID_FRESH_HASHES['uri']
uri_diff = f'❌ != {highlight_diff(derived_uri, obj.ABID.uri)}' if derived_uri != obj.ABID.uri else '✅'
derived_subtype = obj.ABID_FRESH_HASHES['subtype']
subtype_diff = f'❌ != {highlight_diff(derived_subtype, obj.ABID.subtype)}' if derived_subtype != obj.ABID.subtype else '✅'
derived_rand = obj.ABID_FRESH_HASHES['rand']
rand_diff = f'❌ != {highlight_diff(derived_rand, obj.ABID.rand)}' if derived_rand != obj.ABID.rand else '✅'
return format_html(
# URL Hash: {}
{}{} {}
{}: {}
{} {}
{} {}
{}: {}
{} {}
{}: {}