import os import sys from datetime import datetime from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Optional from .schema import Link, ArchiveResult from .config import ANSI, OUTPUT_DIR @dataclass class RuntimeStats: """mutable stats counter for logging archiving timing info to CLI output""" skipped: int = 0 succeeded: int = 0 failed: int = 0 parse_start_ts: Optional[datetime] = None parse_end_ts: Optional[datetime] = None index_start_ts: Optional[datetime] = None index_end_ts: Optional[datetime] = None archiving_start_ts: Optional[datetime] = None archiving_end_ts: Optional[datetime] = None # globals are bad, mmkay _LAST_RUN_STATS = RuntimeStats() def pretty_path(path: str) -> str: """convert paths like .../ArchiveBox/archivebox/../output/abc into output/abc""" pwd = os.path.abspath('.') # parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pwd, os.path.pardir)) return path.replace(pwd + '/', './') ### Parsing Stage def log_parsing_started(source_file: str): start_ts = _LAST_RUN_STATS.parse_start_ts = start_ts print('{green}[*] [{}] Parsing new links from output/sources/{}...{reset}'.format( start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), source_file.rsplit('/', 1)[-1], **ANSI, )) def log_parsing_finished(num_parsed: int, num_new_links: int, parser_name: str): end_ts = _LAST_RUN_STATS.parse_end_ts = end_ts print(' > Parsed {} links as {} ({} new links added)'.format(num_parsed, parser_name, num_new_links)) ### Indexing Stage def log_indexing_process_started(): start_ts = _LAST_RUN_STATS.index_start_ts = start_ts print('{green}[*] [{}] Saving main index files...{reset}'.format( start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), **ANSI, )) def log_indexing_started(out_dir: str, out_file: str): sys.stdout.write(' > {}/{}'.format(pretty_path(out_dir), out_file)) def log_indexing_finished(out_dir: str, out_file: str): end_ts = _LAST_RUN_STATS.index_end_ts = end_ts print('\r √ {}/{}'.format(pretty_path(out_dir), out_file)) ### Archiving Stage def log_archiving_started(num_links: int, resume: Optional[float]): start_ts = _LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_start_ts = start_ts if resume: print('{green}[▶] [{}] Resuming archive updating for {} pages starting from {}...{reset}'.format( start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), num_links, resume, **ANSI, )) else: print('{green}[▶] [{}] Updating content for {} pages in archive...{reset}'.format( start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), num_links, **ANSI, )) def log_archiving_paused(num_links: int, idx: int, timestamp: str): end_ts = _LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_end_ts = end_ts print() print('\n{lightyellow}[X] [{now}] Downloading paused on link {timestamp} ({idx}/{total}){reset}'.format( **ANSI, now=end_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), idx=idx+1, timestamp=timestamp, total=num_links, )) print(' To view your archive, open:') print(' {}/index.html'.format(OUTPUT_DIR)) print(' Continue archiving where you left off by running:') print(' archivebox {}'.format(timestamp)) def log_archiving_finished(num_links: int): end_ts = _LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_end_ts = end_ts seconds = end_ts.timestamp() - _LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_start_ts.timestamp() if seconds > 60: duration = '{0:.2f} min'.format(seconds / 60, 2) else: duration = '{0:.2f} sec'.format(seconds, 2) print('{}[√] [{}] Update of {} pages complete ({}){}'.format( ANSI['green'], end_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), num_links, duration, ANSI['reset'], )) print(' - {} links skipped'.format(_LAST_RUN_STATS.skipped)) print(' - {} links updated'.format(_LAST_RUN_STATS.succeeded)) print(' - {} links had errors'.format(_LAST_RUN_STATS.failed)) print(' To view your archive, open:') print(' {}/index.html'.format(OUTPUT_DIR)) def log_link_archiving_started(link: Link, link_dir: str, is_new: bool): # [*] [2019-03-22 13:46:45] "Log Structured Merge Trees - ben stopford" # # > output/archive/1478739709 print('\n[{symbol_color}{symbol}{reset}] [{symbol_color}{now}{reset}] "{title}"'.format( symbol_color=ANSI['green' if is_new else 'black'], symbol='+' if is_new else '√','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), title=link.title or link.base_url, **ANSI, )) print(' {blue}{url}{reset}'.format(url=link.url, **ANSI)) print(' {} {}'.format( '>' if is_new else '√', pretty_path(link_dir), )) def log_link_archiving_finished(link: Link, link_dir: str, is_new: bool, stats: dict): total = sum(stats.values()) if stats['failed'] > 0 : _LAST_RUN_STATS.failed += 1 elif stats['skipped'] == total: _LAST_RUN_STATS.skipped += 1 else: _LAST_RUN_STATS.succeeded += 1 def log_archive_method_started(method: str): print(' > {}'.format(method)) def log_archive_method_finished(result: ArchiveResult): """quote the argument with whitespace in a command so the user can copy-paste the outputted string directly to run the cmd """ # Prettify CMD string and make it safe to copy-paste by quoting arguments quoted_cmd = ' '.join( '"{}"'.format(arg) if ' ' in arg else arg for arg in result.cmd ) if result.status == 'failed': # Prettify error output hints string and limit to five lines hints = getattr(result.output, 'hints', None) or () if hints: hints = hints if isinstance(hints, (list, tuple)) else hints.split('\n') hints = ( ' {}{}{}'.format(ANSI['lightyellow'], line.strip(), ANSI['reset']) for line in hints[:5] if line.strip() ) # Collect and prefix output lines with indentation output_lines = [ '{lightred}Failed:{reset}'.format(**ANSI), ' {reset}{} {red}{}{reset}'.format( result.output.__class__.__name__.replace('ArchiveError', ''), result.output, **ANSI, ), *hints, '{}Run to see full output:{}'.format(ANSI['lightred'], ANSI['reset']), *((' cd {};'.format(result.pwd),) if result.pwd else ()), ' {}'.format(quoted_cmd), ] print('\n'.join( ' {}'.format(line) for line in output_lines if line )) print()