__package__ = 'archivebox' import os import sys import shutil from pathlib import Path from datetime import date from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Iterable, IO, Union from crontab import CronTab, CronSlices from django.db.models import QuerySet from .cli import ( list_subcommands, run_subcommand, display_first, meta_cmds, main_cmds, archive_cmds, ) from .parsers import ( save_text_as_source, save_file_as_source, parse_links_memory, ) from .index.schema import Link from .util import enforce_types # type: ignore from .system import get_dir_size, dedupe_cron_jobs, CRON_COMMENT from .index import ( load_main_index, get_empty_snapshot_queryset, parse_links_from_source, dedupe_links, write_main_index, snapshot_filter, get_indexed_folders, get_archived_folders, get_unarchived_folders, get_present_folders, get_valid_folders, get_invalid_folders, get_duplicate_folders, get_orphaned_folders, get_corrupted_folders, get_unrecognized_folders, fix_invalid_folder_locations, ) from .index.json import ( parse_json_main_index, parse_json_links_details, ) from .index.sql import ( get_admins, apply_migrations, remove_from_sql_main_index, ) from .extractors import archive_links, archive_link, ignore_methods from .config import ( stderr, hint, ConfigDict, ANSI, IS_TTY, IN_DOCKER, USER, ARCHIVEBOX_BINARY, ONLY_NEW, OUTPUT_DIR, SOURCES_DIR, ARCHIVE_DIR, LOGS_DIR, CONFIG_FILE, ARCHIVE_DIR_NAME, SOURCES_DIR_NAME, LOGS_DIR_NAME, STATIC_DIR_NAME, JSON_INDEX_FILENAME, HTML_INDEX_FILENAME, SQL_INDEX_FILENAME, ROBOTS_TXT_FILENAME, FAVICON_FILENAME, check_dependencies, check_data_folder, write_config_file, setup_django, VERSION, CODE_LOCATIONS, EXTERNAL_LOCATIONS, DATA_LOCATIONS, DEPENDENCIES, load_all_config, CONFIG, USER_CONFIG, get_real_name, ) from .logging_util import ( TERM_WIDTH, TimedProgress, log_importing_started, log_crawl_started, log_removal_started, log_removal_finished, log_list_started, log_list_finished, printable_config, printable_folders, printable_filesize, printable_folder_status, printable_dependency_version, ) ALLOWED_IN_OUTPUT_DIR = { '.DS_Store', '.venv', 'venv', 'virtualenv', '.virtualenv', 'node_modules', 'package-lock.json', ARCHIVE_DIR_NAME, SOURCES_DIR_NAME, LOGS_DIR_NAME, STATIC_DIR_NAME, SQL_INDEX_FILENAME, JSON_INDEX_FILENAME, HTML_INDEX_FILENAME, ROBOTS_TXT_FILENAME, FAVICON_FILENAME, } @enforce_types def help(out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """Print the ArchiveBox help message and usage""" all_subcommands = list_subcommands() COMMANDS_HELP_TEXT = '\n '.join( f'{cmd.ljust(20)} {summary}' for cmd, summary in all_subcommands.items() if cmd in meta_cmds ) + '\n\n ' + '\n '.join( f'{cmd.ljust(20)} {summary}' for cmd, summary in all_subcommands.items() if cmd in main_cmds ) + '\n\n ' + '\n '.join( f'{cmd.ljust(20)} {summary}' for cmd, summary in all_subcommands.items() if cmd in archive_cmds ) + '\n\n ' + '\n '.join( f'{cmd.ljust(20)} {summary}' for cmd, summary in all_subcommands.items() if cmd not in display_first ) if (Path(out_dir) / SQL_INDEX_FILENAME).exists(): print('''{green}ArchiveBox v{}: The self-hosted internet archive.{reset} {lightred}Active data directory:{reset} {} {lightred}Usage:{reset} archivebox [command] [--help] [--version] [...args] {lightred}Commands:{reset} {} {lightred}Example Use:{reset} mkdir my-archive; cd my-archive/ archivebox init archivebox status archivebox add https://example.com/some/page archivebox add --depth=1 ~/Downloads/bookmarks_export.html archivebox list --sort=timestamp --csv=timestamp,url,is_archived archivebox schedule --every=day https://example.com/some/feed.rss archivebox update --resume=15109948213.123 {lightred}Documentation:{reset} https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki '''.format(VERSION, out_dir, COMMANDS_HELP_TEXT, **ANSI)) else: print('{green}Welcome to ArchiveBox v{}!{reset}'.format(VERSION, **ANSI)) print() if IN_DOCKER: print('When using Docker, you need to mount a volume to use as your data dir:') print(' docker run -v /some/path:/data archivebox ...') print() print('To import an existing archive (from a previous version of ArchiveBox):') print(' 1. cd into your data dir OUTPUT_DIR (usually ArchiveBox/output) and run:') print(' 2. archivebox init') print() print('To start a new archive:') print(' 1. Create an empty directory, then cd into it and run:') print(' 2. archivebox init') print() print('For more information, see the documentation here:') print(' https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki') @enforce_types def version(quiet: bool=False, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """Print the ArchiveBox version and dependency information""" if quiet: print(VERSION) else: print('ArchiveBox v{}'.format(VERSION)) print() print('{white}[i] Dependency versions:{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) for name, dependency in DEPENDENCIES.items(): print(printable_dependency_version(name, dependency)) print() print('{white}[i] Source-code locations:{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) for name, folder in CODE_LOCATIONS.items(): print(printable_folder_status(name, folder)) print() print('{white}[i] Secrets locations:{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) for name, folder in EXTERNAL_LOCATIONS.items(): print(printable_folder_status(name, folder)) print() if DATA_LOCATIONS['OUTPUT_DIR']['is_valid']: print('{white}[i] Data locations:{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) for name, folder in DATA_LOCATIONS.items(): print(printable_folder_status(name, folder)) else: print() print('{white}[i] Data locations:{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print() check_dependencies() @enforce_types def run(subcommand: str, subcommand_args: Optional[List[str]], stdin: Optional[IO]=None, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """Run a given ArchiveBox subcommand with the given list of args""" run_subcommand( subcommand=subcommand, subcommand_args=subcommand_args, stdin=stdin, pwd=out_dir, ) @enforce_types def init(force: bool=False, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """Initialize a new ArchiveBox collection in the current directory""" Path(out_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True) is_empty = not len(set(os.listdir(out_dir)) - ALLOWED_IN_OUTPUT_DIR) if (Path(out_dir) / JSON_INDEX_FILENAME).exists(): stderr("[!] This folder contains a JSON index. It is deprecated, and will no longer be kept up to date automatically.", color="lightyellow") stderr(" You can run `archivebox list --json --with-headers > index.json` to manually generate it.", color="lightyellow") existing_index = (Path(out_dir) / SQL_INDEX_FILENAME).exists() if is_empty and not existing_index: print('{green}[+] Initializing a new ArchiveBox collection in this folder...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print(f' {out_dir}') print('{green}------------------------------------------------------------------{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) elif existing_index: print('{green}[*] Updating existing ArchiveBox collection in this folder...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print(f' {out_dir}') print('{green}------------------------------------------------------------------{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) else: if force: stderr('[!] This folder appears to already have files in it, but no index.sqlite3 is present.', color='lightyellow') stderr(' Because --force was passed, ArchiveBox will initialize anyway (which may overwrite existing files).') else: stderr( ("{red}[X] This folder appears to already have files in it, but no index.sqlite3 present.{reset}\n\n" " You must run init in a completely empty directory, or an existing data folder.\n\n" " {lightred}Hint:{reset} To import an existing data folder make sure to cd into the folder first, \n" " then run and run 'archivebox init' to pick up where you left off.\n\n" " (Always make sure your data folder is backed up first before updating ArchiveBox)" ).format(out_dir, **ANSI) ) raise SystemExit(2) if existing_index: print('\n{green}[*] Verifying archive folder structure...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) else: print('\n{green}[+] Building archive folder structure...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) Path(SOURCES_DIR).mkdir(exist_ok=True) print(f' √ {SOURCES_DIR}') Path(ARCHIVE_DIR).mkdir(exist_ok=True) print(f' √ {ARCHIVE_DIR}') Path(LOGS_DIR).mkdir(exist_ok=True) print(f' √ {LOGS_DIR}') write_config_file({}, out_dir=out_dir) print(f' √ {CONFIG_FILE}') if (Path(out_dir) / SQL_INDEX_FILENAME).exists(): print('\n{green}[*] Verifying main SQL index and running migrations...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) else: print('\n{green}[+] Building main SQL index and running migrations...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) setup_django(out_dir, check_db=False) DATABASE_FILE = Path(out_dir) / SQL_INDEX_FILENAME print(f' √ {DATABASE_FILE}') print() for migration_line in apply_migrations(out_dir): print(f' {migration_line}') assert DATABASE_FILE.exists() # from django.contrib.auth.models import User # if IS_TTY and not User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True).exists(): # print('{green}[+] Creating admin user account...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) # call_command("createsuperuser", interactive=True) print() print('{green}[*] Collecting links from any existing indexes and archive folders...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) all_links = get_empty_snapshot_queryset() pending_links: Dict[str, Link] = {} if existing_index: all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=out_dir, warn=False) print(' √ Loaded {} links from existing main index.'.format(all_links.count())) # Links in data folders that dont match their timestamp fixed, cant_fix = fix_invalid_folder_locations(out_dir=out_dir) if fixed: print(' {lightyellow}√ Fixed {} data directory locations that didn\'t match their link timestamps.{reset}'.format(len(fixed), **ANSI)) if cant_fix: print(' {lightyellow}! Could not fix {} data directory locations due to conflicts with existing folders.{reset}'.format(len(cant_fix), **ANSI)) # Links in JSON index but not in main index orphaned_json_links = { link.url: link for link in parse_json_main_index(out_dir) if not all_links.filter(url=link.url).exists() } if orphaned_json_links: pending_links.update(orphaned_json_links) print(' {lightyellow}√ Added {} orphaned links from existing JSON index...{reset}'.format(len(orphaned_json_links), **ANSI)) # Links in data dir indexes but not in main index orphaned_data_dir_links = { link.url: link for link in parse_json_links_details(out_dir) if not all_links.filter(url=link.url).exists() } if orphaned_data_dir_links: pending_links.update(orphaned_data_dir_links) print(' {lightyellow}√ Added {} orphaned links from existing archive directories.{reset}'.format(len(orphaned_data_dir_links), **ANSI)) # Links in invalid/duplicate data dirs invalid_folders = { folder: link for folder, link in get_invalid_folders(all_links, out_dir=out_dir).items() } if invalid_folders: print(' {lightyellow}! Skipped adding {} invalid link data directories.{reset}'.format(len(invalid_folders), **ANSI)) print(' X ' + '\n X '.join(f'{folder} {link}' for folder, link in invalid_folders.items())) print() print(' {lightred}Hint:{reset} For more information about the link data directories that were skipped, run:'.format(**ANSI)) print(' archivebox status') print(' archivebox list --status=invalid') write_main_index(list(pending_links.values()), out_dir=out_dir, finished=True) print('\n{green}------------------------------------------------------------------{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) if existing_index: print('{green}[√] Done. Verified and updated the existing ArchiveBox collection.{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) else: print('{green}[√] Done. A new ArchiveBox collection was initialized ({} links).{reset}'.format(len(all_links), **ANSI)) print() print(' {lightred}Hint:{reset} To view your archive index, run:'.format(**ANSI)) print(' archivebox server # then visit') print() print(' To add new links, you can run:') print(" archivebox add ~/some/path/or/url/to/list_of_links.txt") print() print(' For more usage and examples, run:') print(' archivebox help') json_index = Path(out_dir) / JSON_INDEX_FILENAME html_index = Path(out_dir) / HTML_INDEX_FILENAME index_name = f"{date.today()}_index_old" if json_index.exists(): json_index.rename(f"{index_name}.json") if html_index.exists(): html_index.rename(f"{index_name}.html") @enforce_types def status(out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """Print out some info and statistics about the archive collection""" check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) from core.models import Snapshot from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model User = get_user_model() print('{green}[*] Scanning archive main index...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print(ANSI['lightyellow'], f' {out_dir}/*', ANSI['reset']) num_bytes, num_dirs, num_files = get_dir_size(out_dir, recursive=False, pattern='index.') size = printable_filesize(num_bytes) print(f' Index size: {size} across {num_files} files') print() links = load_main_index(out_dir=out_dir) num_sql_links = links.count() num_link_details = sum(1 for link in parse_json_links_details(out_dir=out_dir)) print(f' > SQL Main Index: {num_sql_links} links'.ljust(36), f'(found in {SQL_INDEX_FILENAME})') print(f' > JSON Link Details: {num_link_details} links'.ljust(36), f'(found in {ARCHIVE_DIR_NAME}/*/index.json)') print() print('{green}[*] Scanning archive data directories...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print(ANSI['lightyellow'], f' {ARCHIVE_DIR}/*', ANSI['reset']) num_bytes, num_dirs, num_files = get_dir_size(ARCHIVE_DIR) size = printable_filesize(num_bytes) print(f' Size: {size} across {num_files} files in {num_dirs} directories') print(ANSI['black']) num_indexed = len(get_indexed_folders(links, out_dir=out_dir)) num_archived = len(get_archived_folders(links, out_dir=out_dir)) num_unarchived = len(get_unarchived_folders(links, out_dir=out_dir)) print(f' > indexed: {num_indexed}'.ljust(36), f'({get_indexed_folders.__doc__})') print(f' > archived: {num_archived}'.ljust(36), f'({get_archived_folders.__doc__})') print(f' > unarchived: {num_unarchived}'.ljust(36), f'({get_unarchived_folders.__doc__})') num_present = len(get_present_folders(links, out_dir=out_dir)) num_valid = len(get_valid_folders(links, out_dir=out_dir)) print() print(f' > present: {num_present}'.ljust(36), f'({get_present_folders.__doc__})') print(f' > valid: {num_valid}'.ljust(36), f'({get_valid_folders.__doc__})') duplicate = get_duplicate_folders(links, out_dir=out_dir) orphaned = get_orphaned_folders(links, out_dir=out_dir) corrupted = get_corrupted_folders(links, out_dir=out_dir) unrecognized = get_unrecognized_folders(links, out_dir=out_dir) num_invalid = len({**duplicate, **orphaned, **corrupted, **unrecognized}) print(f' > invalid: {num_invalid}'.ljust(36), f'({get_invalid_folders.__doc__})') print(f' > duplicate: {len(duplicate)}'.ljust(36), f'({get_duplicate_folders.__doc__})') print(f' > orphaned: {len(orphaned)}'.ljust(36), f'({get_orphaned_folders.__doc__})') print(f' > corrupted: {len(corrupted)}'.ljust(36), f'({get_corrupted_folders.__doc__})') print(f' > unrecognized: {len(unrecognized)}'.ljust(36), f'({get_unrecognized_folders.__doc__})') print(ANSI['reset']) if num_indexed: print(' {lightred}Hint:{reset} You can list link data directories by status like so:'.format(**ANSI)) print(' archivebox list --status= (e.g. indexed, corrupted, archived, etc.)') if orphaned: print(' {lightred}Hint:{reset} To automatically import orphaned data directories into the main index, run:'.format(**ANSI)) print(' archivebox init') if num_invalid: print(' {lightred}Hint:{reset} You may need to manually remove or fix some invalid data directories, afterwards make sure to run:'.format(**ANSI)) print(' archivebox init') print() print('{green}[*] Scanning recent archive changes and user logins:{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print(ANSI['lightyellow'], f' {LOGS_DIR}/*', ANSI['reset']) users = get_admins().values_list('username', flat=True) print(f' UI users {len(users)}: {", ".join(users)}') last_login = User.objects.order_by('last_login').last() if last_login: print(f' Last UI login: {last_login.username} @ {str(last_login.last_login)[:16]}') last_updated = Snapshot.objects.order_by('updated').last() if last_updated: print(f' Last changes: {str(last_updated.updated)[:16]}') if not users: print() print(' {lightred}Hint:{reset} You can create an admin user by running:'.format(**ANSI)) print(' archivebox manage createsuperuser') print() for snapshot in links.order_by('-updated')[:10]: if not snapshot.updated: continue print( ANSI['black'], ( f' > {str(snapshot.updated)[:16]} ' f'[{snapshot.num_outputs} {("X", "√")[snapshot.is_archived]} {printable_filesize(snapshot.archive_size)}] ' f'"{snapshot.title}": {snapshot.url}' )[:TERM_WIDTH()], ANSI['reset'], ) print(ANSI['black'], ' ...', ANSI['reset']) @enforce_types def oneshot(url: str, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR): """ Create a single URL archive folder with an index.json and index.html, and all the archive method outputs. You can run this to archive single pages without needing to create a whole collection with archivebox init. """ oneshot_link, _ = parse_links_memory([url]) if len(oneshot_link) > 1: stderr( '[X] You should pass a single url to the oneshot command', color='red' ) raise SystemExit(2) methods = ignore_methods(['title']) archive_link(oneshot_link[0], out_dir=out_dir, methods=methods, skip_index=True) return oneshot_link @enforce_types def add(urls: Union[str, List[str]], depth: int=0, update_all: bool=not ONLY_NEW, index_only: bool=False, overwrite: bool=False, init: bool=False, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR, extractors: str="") -> List[Link]: """Add a new URL or list of URLs to your archive""" assert depth in (0, 1), 'Depth must be 0 or 1 (depth >1 is not supported yet)' extractors = extractors.split(",") if extractors else [] if init: run_subcommand('init', stdin=None, pwd=out_dir) # Load list of links from the existing index check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) check_dependencies() new_links: List[Link] = [] all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=out_dir) log_importing_started(urls=urls, depth=depth, index_only=index_only) if isinstance(urls, str): # save verbatim stdin to sources write_ahead_log = save_text_as_source(urls, filename='{ts}-import.txt', out_dir=out_dir) elif isinstance(urls, list): # save verbatim args to sources write_ahead_log = save_text_as_source('\n'.join(urls), filename='{ts}-import.txt', out_dir=out_dir) new_links += parse_links_from_source(write_ahead_log, root_url=None) # If we're going one level deeper, download each link and look for more links new_links_depth = [] if new_links and depth == 1: log_crawl_started(new_links) for new_link in new_links: downloaded_file = save_file_as_source(new_link.url, filename=f'{new_link.timestamp}-crawl-{new_link.domain}.txt', out_dir=out_dir) new_links_depth += parse_links_from_source(downloaded_file, root_url=new_link.url) imported_links = list({link.url: link for link in (new_links + new_links_depth)}.values()) new_links = dedupe_links(all_links, imported_links) write_main_index(links=new_links, out_dir=out_dir, finished=not new_links) all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=out_dir) if index_only: return all_links # Run the archive methods for each link archive_kwargs = { "out_dir": out_dir, } if extractors: archive_kwargs["methods"] = extractors if update_all: archive_links(all_links, overwrite=overwrite, **archive_kwargs) elif overwrite: archive_links(imported_links, overwrite=True, **archive_kwargs) elif new_links: archive_links(new_links, overwrite=False, **archive_kwargs) return all_links @enforce_types def remove(filter_str: Optional[str]=None, filter_patterns: Optional[List[str]]=None, filter_type: str='exact', snapshots: Optional[QuerySet]=None, after: Optional[float]=None, before: Optional[float]=None, yes: bool=False, delete: bool=False, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> List[Link]: """Remove the specified URLs from the archive""" check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) if snapshots is None: if filter_str and filter_patterns: stderr( '[X] You should pass either a pattern as an argument, ' 'or pass a list of patterns via stdin, but not both.\n', color='red', ) raise SystemExit(2) elif not (filter_str or filter_patterns): stderr( '[X] You should pass either a pattern as an argument, ' 'or pass a list of patterns via stdin.', color='red', ) stderr() hint(('To remove all urls you can run:', 'archivebox remove --filter-type=regex ".*"')) stderr() raise SystemExit(2) elif filter_str: filter_patterns = [ptn.strip() for ptn in filter_str.split('\n')] list_kwargs = { "filter_patterns": filter_patterns, "filter_type": filter_type, "after": after, "before": before, } if snapshots: list_kwargs["snapshots"] = snapshots log_list_started(filter_patterns, filter_type) timer = TimedProgress(360, prefix=' ') try: snapshots = list_links(**list_kwargs) finally: timer.end() if not snapshots.exists(): log_removal_finished(0, 0) raise SystemExit(1) log_links = [link.as_link() for link in snapshots] log_list_finished(log_links) log_removal_started(log_links, yes=yes, delete=delete) timer = TimedProgress(360, prefix=' ') try: for snapshot in snapshots: if delete: shutil.rmtree(snapshot.as_link().link_dir, ignore_errors=True) finally: timer.end() to_remove = snapshots.count() remove_from_sql_main_index(snapshots=snapshots, out_dir=out_dir) all_snapshots = load_main_index(out_dir=out_dir) log_removal_finished(all_snapshots.count(), to_remove) return all_snapshots @enforce_types def update(resume: Optional[float]=None, only_new: bool=ONLY_NEW, index_only: bool=False, overwrite: bool=False, filter_patterns_str: Optional[str]=None, filter_patterns: Optional[List[str]]=None, filter_type: Optional[str]=None, status: Optional[str]=None, after: Optional[str]=None, before: Optional[str]=None, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> List[Link]: """Import any new links from subscriptions and retry any previously failed/skipped links""" check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) check_dependencies() new_links: List[Link] = [] # TODO: Remove input argument: only_new # Step 1: Filter for selected_links matching_snapshots = list_links( filter_patterns=filter_patterns, filter_type=filter_type, before=before, after=after, ) matching_folders = list_folders( links=matching_snapshots, status=status, out_dir=out_dir, ) all_links = [link for link in matching_folders.values() if link] if index_only: return all_links # Step 2: Run the archive methods for each link to_archive = new_links if only_new else all_links if resume: to_archive = [ link for link in to_archive if link.timestamp >= str(resume) ] if not to_archive: stderr('') stderr(f'[√] Nothing found to resume after {resume}', color='green') return all_links archive_links(to_archive, overwrite=overwrite, out_dir=out_dir) # Step 4: Re-write links index with updated titles, icons, and resources all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=out_dir) return all_links @enforce_types def list_all(filter_patterns_str: Optional[str]=None, filter_patterns: Optional[List[str]]=None, filter_type: str='exact', status: Optional[str]=None, after: Optional[float]=None, before: Optional[float]=None, sort: Optional[str]=None, csv: Optional[str]=None, json: bool=False, html: bool=False, with_headers: bool=False, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> Iterable[Link]: """List, filter, and export information about archive entries""" check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) if filter_patterns and filter_patterns_str: stderr( '[X] You should either pass filter patterns as an arguments ' 'or via stdin, but not both.\n', color='red', ) raise SystemExit(2) elif filter_patterns_str: filter_patterns = filter_patterns_str.split('\n') snapshots = list_links( filter_patterns=filter_patterns, filter_type=filter_type, before=before, after=after, ) if sort: snapshots = snapshots.order_by(sort) folders = list_folders( links=snapshots, status=status, out_dir=out_dir, ) print(printable_folders(folders, json=json, csv=csv, html=html, with_headers=with_headers)) return folders @enforce_types def list_links(snapshots: Optional[QuerySet]=None, filter_patterns: Optional[List[str]]=None, filter_type: str='exact', after: Optional[float]=None, before: Optional[float]=None, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> Iterable[Link]: check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) if snapshots: all_snapshots = snapshots else: all_snapshots = load_main_index(out_dir=out_dir) if after is not None: all_snapshots = all_snapshots.filter(timestamp__lt=after) if before is not None: all_snapshots = all_snapshots.filter(timestamp__gt=before) if filter_patterns: all_snapshots = snapshot_filter(all_snapshots, filter_patterns, filter_type) return all_snapshots @enforce_types def list_folders(links: List[Link], status: str, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> Dict[str, Optional[Link]]: check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) STATUS_FUNCTIONS = { "indexed": get_indexed_folders, "archived": get_archived_folders, "unarchived": get_unarchived_folders, "present": get_present_folders, "valid": get_valid_folders, "invalid": get_invalid_folders, "duplicate": get_duplicate_folders, "orphaned": get_orphaned_folders, "corrupted": get_corrupted_folders, "unrecognized": get_unrecognized_folders, } try: return STATUS_FUNCTIONS[status](links, out_dir=out_dir) except KeyError: raise ValueError('Status not recognized.') @enforce_types def config(config_options_str: Optional[str]=None, config_options: Optional[List[str]]=None, get: bool=False, set: bool=False, reset: bool=False, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """Get and set your ArchiveBox project configuration values""" check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) if config_options and config_options_str: stderr( '[X] You should either pass config values as an arguments ' 'or via stdin, but not both.\n', color='red', ) raise SystemExit(2) elif config_options_str: config_options = config_options_str.split('\n') config_options = config_options or [] no_args = not (get or set or reset or config_options) matching_config: ConfigDict = {} if get or no_args: if config_options: config_options = [get_real_name(key) for key in config_options] matching_config = {key: CONFIG[key] for key in config_options if key in CONFIG} failed_config = [key for key in config_options if key not in CONFIG] if failed_config: stderr() stderr('[X] These options failed to get', color='red') stderr(' {}'.format('\n '.join(config_options))) raise SystemExit(1) else: matching_config = CONFIG print(printable_config(matching_config)) raise SystemExit(not matching_config) elif set: new_config = {} failed_options = [] for line in config_options: if line.startswith('#') or not line.strip(): continue if '=' not in line: stderr('[X] Config KEY=VALUE must have an = sign in it', color='red') stderr(f' {line}') raise SystemExit(2) raw_key, val = line.split('=', 1) raw_key = raw_key.upper().strip() key = get_real_name(raw_key) if key != raw_key: stderr(f'[i] Note: The config option {raw_key} has been renamed to {key}, please use the new name going forwards.', color='lightyellow') if key in CONFIG: new_config[key] = val.strip() else: failed_options.append(line) if new_config: before = CONFIG matching_config = write_config_file(new_config, out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR) after = load_all_config() print(printable_config(matching_config)) side_effect_changes: ConfigDict = {} for key, val in after.items(): if key in USER_CONFIG and (before[key] != after[key]) and (key not in matching_config): side_effect_changes[key] = after[key] if side_effect_changes: stderr() stderr('[i] Note: This change also affected these other options that depended on it:', color='lightyellow') print(' {}'.format(printable_config(side_effect_changes, prefix=' '))) if failed_options: stderr() stderr('[X] These options failed to set (check for typos):', color='red') stderr(' {}'.format('\n '.join(failed_options))) raise SystemExit(bool(failed_options)) elif reset: stderr('[X] This command is not implemented yet.', color='red') stderr(' Please manually remove the relevant lines from your config file:') stderr(f' {CONFIG_FILE}') raise SystemExit(2) else: stderr('[X] You must pass either --get or --set, or no arguments to get the whole config.', color='red') stderr(' archivebox config') stderr(' archivebox config --get SOME_KEY') stderr(' archivebox config --set SOME_KEY=SOME_VALUE') raise SystemExit(2) @enforce_types def schedule(add: bool=False, show: bool=False, clear: bool=False, foreground: bool=False, run_all: bool=False, quiet: bool=False, every: Optional[str]=None, depth: int=0, import_path: Optional[str]=None, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR): """Set ArchiveBox to regularly import URLs at specific times using cron""" check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) (Path(out_dir) / LOGS_DIR_NAME).mkdir(exist_ok=True) cron = CronTab(user=True) cron = dedupe_cron_jobs(cron) if clear: print(cron.remove_all(comment=CRON_COMMENT)) cron.write() raise SystemExit(0) existing_jobs = list(cron.find_comment(CRON_COMMENT)) if every or add: every = every or 'day' quoted = lambda s: f'"{s}"' if s and ' ' in s else s cmd = [ 'cd', quoted(out_dir), '&&', quoted(ARCHIVEBOX_BINARY), *(['add', f'--depth={depth}', f'"{import_path}"'] if import_path else ['update']), '>', quoted(Path(LOGS_DIR) / 'archivebox.log'), '2>&1', ] new_job = cron.new(command=' '.join(cmd), comment=CRON_COMMENT) if every in ('minute', 'hour', 'day', 'month', 'year'): set_every = getattr(new_job.every(), every) set_every() elif CronSlices.is_valid(every): new_job.setall(every) else: stderr('{red}[X] Got invalid timeperiod for cron task.{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) stderr(' It must be one of minute/hour/day/month') stderr(' or a quoted cron-format schedule like:') stderr(' archivebox init --every=day https://example.com/some/rss/feed.xml') stderr(' archivebox init --every="0/5 * * * *" https://example.com/some/rss/feed.xml') raise SystemExit(1) cron = dedupe_cron_jobs(cron) cron.write() total_runs = sum(j.frequency_per_year() for j in cron) existing_jobs = list(cron.find_comment(CRON_COMMENT)) print() print('{green}[√] Scheduled new ArchiveBox cron job for user: {} ({} jobs are active).{reset}'.format(USER, len(existing_jobs), **ANSI)) print('\n'.join(f' > {cmd}' if str(cmd) == str(new_job) else f' {cmd}' for cmd in existing_jobs)) if total_runs > 60 and not quiet: stderr() stderr('{lightyellow}[!] With the current cron config, ArchiveBox is estimated to run >{} times per year.{reset}'.format(total_runs, **ANSI)) stderr(' Congrats on being an enthusiastic internet archiver! 👌') stderr() stderr(' Make sure you have enough storage space available to hold all the data.') stderr(' Using a compressed/deduped filesystem like ZFS is recommended if you plan on archiving a lot.') stderr('') elif show: if existing_jobs: print('\n'.join(str(cmd) for cmd in existing_jobs)) else: stderr('{red}[X] There are no ArchiveBox cron jobs scheduled for your user ({}).{reset}'.format(USER, **ANSI)) stderr(' To schedule a new job, run:') stderr(' archivebox schedule --every=[timeperiod] https://example.com/some/rss/feed.xml') raise SystemExit(0) cron = CronTab(user=True) cron = dedupe_cron_jobs(cron) existing_jobs = list(cron.find_comment(CRON_COMMENT)) if foreground or run_all: if not existing_jobs: stderr('{red}[X] You must schedule some jobs first before running in foreground mode.{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) stderr(' archivebox schedule --every=hour https://example.com/some/rss/feed.xml') raise SystemExit(1) print('{green}[*] Running {} ArchiveBox jobs in foreground task scheduler...{reset}'.format(len(existing_jobs), **ANSI)) if run_all: try: for job in existing_jobs: sys.stdout.write(f' > {job.command.split("/archivebox ")[0].split(" && ")[0]}\n') sys.stdout.write(f' > {job.command.split("/archivebox ")[-1].split(" > ")[0]}') sys.stdout.flush() job.run() sys.stdout.write(f'\r √ {job.command.split("/archivebox ")[-1]}\n') except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n{green}[√] Stopped.{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) raise SystemExit(1) if foreground: try: for job in existing_jobs: print(f' > {job.command.split("/archivebox ")[-1].split(" > ")[0]}') for result in cron.run_scheduler(): print(result) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n{green}[√] Stopped.{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) raise SystemExit(1) @enforce_types def server(runserver_args: Optional[List[str]]=None, reload: bool=False, debug: bool=False, init: bool=False, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """Run the ArchiveBox HTTP server""" runserver_args = runserver_args or [] if init: run_subcommand('init', stdin=None, pwd=out_dir) # setup config for django runserver from . import config config.SHOW_PROGRESS = False config.DEBUG = config.DEBUG or debug check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) setup_django(out_dir) from django.core.management import call_command from django.contrib.auth.models import User admin_user = User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True).order_by('date_joined').only('username').last() print('{green}[+] Starting ArchiveBox webserver...{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) if admin_user: hint('The admin username is{lightblue} {}{reset}\n'.format(admin_user.username, **ANSI)) else: print('{lightyellow}[!] No admin users exist yet, you will not be able to edit links in the UI.{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print() print(' To create an admin user, run:') print(' archivebox manage createsuperuser') print() # fallback to serving staticfiles insecurely with django when DEBUG=False if not config.DEBUG: runserver_args.append('--insecure') # TODO: serve statics w/ nginx instead # toggle autoreloading when archivebox code changes (it's on by default) if not reload: runserver_args.append('--noreload') config.SHOW_PROGRESS = False config.DEBUG = config.DEBUG or debug call_command("runserver", *runserver_args) @enforce_types def manage(args: Optional[List[str]]=None, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """Run an ArchiveBox Django management command""" check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) setup_django(out_dir) from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line if (args and "createsuperuser" in args) and (IN_DOCKER and not IS_TTY): stderr('[!] Warning: you need to pass -it to use interactive commands in docker', color='lightyellow') stderr(' docker run -it archivebox manage {}'.format(' '.join(args or ['...'])), color='lightyellow') stderr() execute_from_command_line([f'{ARCHIVEBOX_BINARY} manage', *(args or ['help'])]) @enforce_types def shell(out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """Enter an interactive ArchiveBox Django shell""" check_data_folder(out_dir=out_dir) setup_django(OUTPUT_DIR) from django.core.management import call_command call_command("shell_plus")