Lack of `fi` resulted in a syntax error.
Also, change `;` to `||` to ensure it builds successfully on architectures other than `linux/arm/v7`.
[2023-10-24T10:46:49.941Z] ------
> [dev_container_auto_added_stage_label 11/18] RUN mkdir -p "/home/archivebox/.config/chromium/Crash Reports/pending/" && chown -R archivebox "/home/archivebox/.config" ; if [[ "linux/amd64" == "linux/arm/v7" ]]; then $exit 0; else exit 1:
0.401 /bin/bash: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
WARNING: buildx: git was not found in the system. Current commit information was not captured by the build
[2023-10-24T10:46:49.942Z] Dockerfile-with-features:135
134 | && ln -s "$CHROME_BINARY" /usr/bin/chromium-browser
135 | >>> RUN mkdir -p "/home/${ARCHIVEBOX_USER}/.config/chromium/Crash Reports/pending/" \
136 | >>> && chown -R $ARCHIVEBOX_USER "/home/${ARCHIVEBOX_USER}/.config" \
137 | >>> ; if [[ "$TARGETPLATFORM" == "linux/arm/v7" ]]; then $exit 0; else exit 1
138 | # ignore failure for architectures where no playwright release is available yet
ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/bash -c mkdir -p \"/home/${ARCHIVEBOX_USER}/.config/chromium/Crash Reports/pending/\" && chown -R $ARCHIVEBOX_USER \"/home/${ARCHIVEBOX_USER}/.config\" ; if [[ \"$TARGETPLATFORM\" == \"linux/arm/v7\" ]]; then $exit 0; else exit 1" did not complete successfully: exit code: 2
Clean up error handling, and report a better error message
on search and flush if FTS5 tables haven't yet been created.
Add some mypy comments to clean up type-checking errors.
Use SQLite's FTS5 extension to power full-text search without any
additional dependencies. FTS5 was introduced in SQLite 3.9.0,
[released][1] in 2015 so should be available on most SQLite
installations at this point in time.
Add space after any close tag to ensure that
tokens that would be rendered separate in HTML
get extracted as separate tokens in text.
`<p>First</p><p>Second</p>` --> `First Second`
NOT `FirstSecond`