API fixes and add actors endpoints

This commit is contained in:
Nick Sweeting 2024-11-17 20:09:06 -08:00
parent c8e186f21b
commit 8f8fbbb7a2
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 229 additions and 52 deletions

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from django.contrib import admin
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError, NON_FIELD_ERRORS
from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.functional import classproperty
from django.db.utils import OperationalError
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
@ -94,13 +95,19 @@ class ABIDModel(models.Model):
class Meta(TypedModelMeta):
abstract = True
def TYPE(cls) -> str:
"""Get the full Python dotted-import path for this model, e.g. 'core.models.Snapshot'"""
return f'{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}'
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'[{self.abid or (self.abid_prefix + "NEW")}] {self.__class__.__name__} {eval(self.abid_uri_src)}'
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Overriden __init__ method ensures we have a stable creation timestamp that fields can use within initialization code pre-saving to DB."""
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
# pre-compute a stable timestamp of the obj init time (with abid.ts precision limit applied) for use when object is first created,
# some other fields depend on a timestamp at creation time, and it's nice to have one common timestamp they can all share.
# Used as an alternative to auto_now_add=True + auto_now=True which can produce two different times & requires saving to DB to get the TS.
@ -165,6 +172,7 @@ class ABIDModel(models.Model):
def id_from_abid(cls, abid: str) -> str:
return str(cls.objects.only('pk').get(abid=cls.abid_prefix + str(abid).split('_', 1)[-1]).pk)
def ABID_SOURCES(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
""""Get the dict of fresh ABID component values based on the live object's properties."""

View file

@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ class ActorType(Generic[ModelType]):
Model: Type[ModelType]
StateMachineClass: Type[StateMachine]
ACTIVE_STATE: ClassVar[ObjectState]
FINAL_STATES: ClassVar[ObjectStateList]
STATE_FIELD_NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'status'
ACTIVE_STATE: ClassVar[ObjectState] = 'started'
FINAL_STATES: ClassVar[ObjectStateList] # e.g. ['succeeded', 'failed', 'skipped'] or ['sealed']
EVENT_NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'tick' # the event name to trigger on the obj.sm: StateMachine (usually 'tick')
CLAIM_ORDER: ClassVar[tuple[str, ...]] = ('retry_at',) # the .order(*args) to claim the queue objects in, use ('?',) for random order
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ class ActorType(Generic[ModelType]):
def final_q(cls) -> Q:
"""Get the filter for objects that are in a final state"""
"""Get the filter for objects that are already completed / in a final state"""
return Q(**{f'{cls.STATE_FIELD_NAME}__in': [cls._state_to_str(s) for s in cls.FINAL_STATES]})

View file

@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
__package__ = 'archivebox.api'
from typing import Any, Optional, cast
from typing import Optional, cast
from datetime import timedelta
from django.http import HttpRequest
from django.utils import timezone
from django.contrib.auth import login
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractBaseUser
from ninja.security import HttpBearer, APIKeyQuery, APIKeyHeader, HttpBasicAuth, django_auth_superuser
from ninja.security import HttpBearer, APIKeyQuery, APIKeyHeader, HttpBasicAuth
from ninja.errors import HttpError

archivebox/api/v1_actors.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
__package__ = 'archivebox.api'
from uuid import UUID
from typing import List, Any
from datetime import datetime
from ninja import Router, Schema
from .auth import API_AUTH_METHODS
router = Router(tags=['Workers and Tasks'], auth=API_AUTH_METHODS)
class TaskSchema(Schema):
TYPE: str
id: UUID
abid: str
description: str
status: str
retry_at: datetime | None
created_at: datetime
modified_at: datetime
created_by_id: int
def resolve_description(obj) -> str:
return str(obj)
class ActorSchema(Schema):
# TYPE: str = 'actors.actor.ActorType'
# name: str
#pid: int | None
idle_count: int
launch_kwargs: dict[str, Any]
mode: str
model: str
statemachine: str
FINAL_STATES: list[str]
CLAIM_ORDER: list[str]
queue: list[TaskSchema]
past: list[TaskSchema]
def resolve_model(obj) -> str:
return obj.Model.__name__
def resolve_statemachine(obj) -> str:
return obj.StateMachineClass.__name__
def resolve_name(obj) -> str:
return str(obj)
# @staticmethod
# def resolve_ACTIVE_STATE(obj) -> str:
# return str(obj.ACTIVE_STATE)
def resolve_FINAL_STATES(obj) -> list[str]:
return [str(state) for state in obj.FINAL_STATES]
def resolve_queue(obj) -> list[TaskSchema]:
return [obj for obj in obj.qs.filter(obj.pending_q | obj.future_q | obj.active_q | obj.stalled_q).order_by('-retry_at')]
def resolve_past(obj) -> list[TaskSchema]:
return [obj for obj in obj.qs.filter(obj.final_q).order_by('-modified_at')]
class OrchestratorSchema(Schema):
# TYPE: str = 'actors.orchestrator.Orchestrator'
#pid: int | None
exit_on_idle: bool
mode: str
actors: list[ActorSchema]
def resolve_actors(obj) -> list[ActorSchema]:
return [actor() for actor in obj.actor_types.values()]
@router.get("/orchestrators", response=List[OrchestratorSchema], url_name="get_orchestrators")
def get_orchestrators(request):
"""List all the task orchestrators (aka Orchestrators) that are currently running"""
from actors.orchestrator import Orchestrator
orchestrator = Orchestrator()
return [orchestrator]
@router.get("/actors", response=List[ActorSchema], url_name="get_actors")
def get_actors(request):
"""List all the task consumer workers (aka Actors) that are currently running"""
from actors.orchestrator import Orchestrator
orchestrator = Orchestrator()
return orchestrator.actor_types.values()

View file

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ def register_urls(api: NinjaAPI) -> NinjaAPI:
api.add_router('/auth/', 'api.v1_auth.router')
api.add_router('/core/', 'api.v1_core.router')
api.add_router('/cli/', 'api.v1_cli.router')
api.add_router('/jobs/', 'api.v1_actors.router')
return api

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
__package__ = 'archivebox.api'
import json
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional
from enum import Enum
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ class CLICommandResponseSchema(Schema):
success: bool
errors: List[str]
result: JSONType
result_format: str = 'str'
stdout: str
stderr: str
@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ class ListCommandSchema(Schema):
sort: str = 'bookmarked_at'
as_json: bool = True
as_html: bool = False
as_csv: str | bool = 'timestamp,url'
as_csv: str | None = 'timestamp,url'
with_headers: bool = False
class RemoveCommandSchema(Schema):
@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ def cli_schedule(request, args: ScheduleCommandSchema):
@router.post("/list", response=CLICommandResponseSchema, summary='archivebox list [args] [filter_patterns]')
@router.post("/list", response=CLICommandResponseSchema, summary='archivebox list [args] [filter_patterns] (use this endpoint with ?filter_type=search to search for snapshots)')
def cli_list(request, args: ListCommandSchema):
result = list_all(
@ -200,6 +202,7 @@ def cli_list(request, args: ListCommandSchema):
result_format = 'txt'
if args.as_json:
result_format = "json"
result = json.loads(result)
elif args.as_html:
result_format = "html"
elif args.as_csv:

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
from django.db.models import Q
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from ninja import Router, Schema, FilterSchema, Field, Query
from ninja.pagination import paginate, PaginationBase
@ -66,38 +67,36 @@ class MinimalArchiveResultSchema(Schema):
id: UUID
abid: str
modified_at: datetime
created_at: datetime
created_at: datetime | None
modified_at: datetime | None
created_by_id: str
created_by_username: str
extractor: str
cmd_version: Optional[str]
cmd: List[str]
pwd: str
status: str
output: str
retry_at: datetime | None
extractor: str
cmd_version: str | None
cmd: list[str] | None
pwd: str | None
output: str | None
start_ts: Optional[datetime]
end_ts: Optional[datetime]
start_ts: datetime | None
end_ts: datetime | None
def resolve_created_by_id(obj):
return str(obj.created_by_id)
def resolve_created_by_username(obj):
def resolve_created_by_username(obj) -> str:
User = get_user_model()
return User.objects.get(id=obj.created_by_id).username
return User.objects.filter(pk=obj.created_by_id).values_list('username', flat=True)[0]
def resolve_abid(obj):
return str(obj.ABID)
def resolve_created_at(obj):
return obj.start_ts
def resolve_snapshot_timestamp(obj):
return obj.snapshot.timestamp
@ -203,6 +202,9 @@ class SnapshotSchema(Schema):
created_by_username: str
created_at: datetime
modified_at: datetime
status: str
retry_at: datetime | None
bookmarked_at: datetime
downloaded_at: Optional[datetime]
@ -421,6 +423,9 @@ class SeedSchema(Schema):
User = get_user_model()
return User.objects.get(id=obj.created_by_id).username
@router.get("/seeds", response=List[SeedSchema], url_name="get_seeds")
def get_seeds(request):
return Seed.objects.all().distinct()
@router.get("/seed/{seed_id}", response=SeedSchema, url_name="get_seed")
def get_seed(request, seed_id: str):
@ -445,11 +450,12 @@ class CrawlSchema(Schema):
created_at: datetime
created_by_id: str
created_by_username: str
status: str
retry_at: datetime | None
seed: SeedSchema
max_depth: int
status: str
retry_at: datetime
# snapshots: List[SnapshotSchema]
@ -469,9 +475,14 @@ class CrawlSchema(Schema):
return Snapshot.objects.none()
@router.get("/crawls", response=List[CrawlSchema], url_name="get_crawls")
def get_crawls(request):
return Crawl.objects.all().distinct()
@router.get("/crawl/{crawl_id}", response=CrawlSchema, url_name="get_crawl")
def get_crawl(request, crawl_id: str, with_snapshots: bool=False, with_archiveresults: bool=False):
"""Get a specific Crawl by id or abid."""
crawl = None
request.with_snapshots = with_snapshots
request.with_archiveresults = with_archiveresults
@ -488,9 +499,10 @@ def get_crawl(request, crawl_id: str, with_snapshots: bool=False, with_archivere
return crawl
# [..., CrawlSchema]
@router.get("/any/{abid}", response=Union[SnapshotSchema, ArchiveResultSchema, TagSchema], url_name="get_any")
@router.get("/any/{abid}", response=Union[SnapshotSchema, ArchiveResultSchema, TagSchema, SeedSchema, CrawlSchema], url_name="get_any", summary="Get any object by its ABID or ID (e.g. snapshot, archiveresult, tag, seed, crawl, etc.)")
def get_any(request, abid: str):
"""Get any object by its ABID or ID (e.g. snapshot, archiveresult, tag, seed, crawl, etc.)."""
request.with_snapshots = False
request.with_archiveresults = False
@ -516,12 +528,18 @@ def get_any(request, abid: str):
except Exception:
# try:
# response = response or get_crawl(request, abid)
# except Exception:
# pass
response = response or get_seed(request, abid)
except Exception:
response = response or get_crawl(request, abid)
except Exception:
if response:
app_label, model_name = response._meta.app_label, response._meta.model_name
return redirect(f"/api/v1/{app_label}/{model_name}/{response.abid}?{request.META['QUERY_STRING']}")
if not response:
raise HttpError(404, 'Object with given ABID not found')
return response
raise HttpError(404, 'Object with given ABID not found')

View file

@ -12,8 +12,12 @@ from archivebox.config.django import setup_django
setup_django(in_memory_db=False, check_db=True)
# from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack
# from channels.security.websocket import AllowedHostsOriginValidator
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter # , URLRouter
from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter
# from core.routing import websocket_urlpatterns
django_asgi_app = get_asgi_application()
@ -21,6 +25,9 @@ django_asgi_app = get_asgi_application()
application = ProtocolTypeRouter(
"http": django_asgi_app,
# Just HTTP for now. (We can add other protocols later.)
# only if we need websocket support later:
# "websocket": AllowedHostsOriginValidator(
# AuthMiddlewareStack(URLRouter(websocket_urlpatterns))
# ),

View file

@ -326,6 +326,12 @@ STORAGES = {
# },
"default": {
"BACKEND": "channels.layers.InMemoryChannelLayer"
### Security Settings

View file

@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ class Crawl(ABIDModel, ModelWithHealthStats, ModelWithStateMachine):
parser = (self.seed and self.seed.extractor) or 'auto'
created_at = self.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") if self.created_at else '<no timestamp set>'
if self.id and self.seed:
return f'\\[{self.ABID}] {url[:64]} ({parser}) @ {created_at} ({self.label or "Untitled Crawl"})'
return f'\\[{self.abid_prefix}****not*saved*yet****] {url[:64]} ({parser}) @ {created_at} ({self.label or "Untitled Crawl"})'
return f'[{self.ABID}] {url[:64]} ({parser}) @ {created_at} ({self.label or "Untitled Crawl"})'
return f'[{self.abid_prefix}****not*saved*yet****] {url[:64]} ({parser}) @ {created_at} ({self.label or "Untitled Crawl"})'
def from_seed(cls, seed: Seed, max_depth: int=0, persona: str='Default', tags_str: str='', config: dict|None=None, created_by: int|None=None):

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from archivebox.misc.util import enforce_types
def generate_json_index_from_links(links: List[Link], with_headers: bool):
def generate_json_index_from_links(links: List[Link], with_headers: bool=False):
'info': 'This is an index of site data archived by ArchiveBox: The self-hosted web archive.',
'schema': 'archivebox.index.json',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ def generate_json_index_from_links(links: List[Link], with_headers: bool):
'docs': 'https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki',
'source': 'https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox',
'issues': 'https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/issues',
'dependencies': dict(abx.pm.hook.get_BINARIES()),
'dependencies': abx.as_dict(abx.pm.hook.get_BINARIES()),
} if with_headers else {}
if with_headers:
output = {
@ -137,13 +137,16 @@ class ExtendedEncoder(pyjson.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
cls_name = obj.__class__.__name__
cls_name = type(obj).__name__
if hasattr(obj, '_asdict'):
return obj._asdict()
elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
return obj.decode()
elif isinstance(obj, Path):
return str(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, datetime):
return obj.isoformat()
@ -152,12 +155,27 @@ class ExtendedEncoder(pyjson.JSONEncoder):
return '{}: {}'.format(obj.__class__.__name__, obj)
elif cls_name in ('dict_items', 'dict_keys', 'dict_values'):
return tuple(obj)
return list(obj)
return dict(obj)
except Exception:
return list(obj)
except Exception:
return str(obj)
except Exception:
return pyjson.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def to_json(obj: Any, indent: Optional[int]=4, sort_keys: bool=True, cls=ExtendedEncoder) -> str:
return pyjson.dumps(obj, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, cls=ExtendedEncoder)
def to_json(obj: Any, indent: Optional[int]=4, sort_keys: bool=True, cls=ExtendedEncoder, default=None) -> str:
return pyjson.dumps(obj, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, cls=ExtendedEncoder, default=default)

View file

@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ def list_all(filter_patterns_str: Optional[str]=None,
json: bool=False,
html: bool=False,
with_headers: bool=False,
out_dir: Path=DATA_DIR) -> Iterable[Link]:
out_dir: Path=DATA_DIR):
"""List, filter, and export information about archive entries"""
@ -976,15 +976,15 @@ def list_all(filter_patterns_str: Optional[str]=None,
if json:
output = generate_json_index_from_links(folders.values(), with_headers)
output = generate_json_index_from_links(folders.values(), with_headers=with_headers)
elif html:
output = generate_index_from_links(folders.values(), with_headers)
output = generate_index_from_links(folders.values(), with_headers=with_headers)
elif csv:
output = links_to_csv(folders.values(), cols=csv.split(','), header=with_headers)
output = printable_folders(folders, with_headers=with_headers)
return folders
return output