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synced 2024-11-22 04:03:06 +00:00
fix admin UI TagInline and ArchiveResultInline form POST handling
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 86 additions and 34 deletions
@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
__package__ = 'archivebox.core'
import json
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from django.contrib import admin
from django.db.models import Count
from django.urls import path
from django.db.models import Count, Q
from django.urls import path, reverse
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django import forms
@ -124,12 +126,25 @@ archivebox_admin.get_urls = get_urls(archivebox_admin.get_urls).__get__(archiveb
class ArchiveResultInline(admin.TabularInline):
name = 'Archive Results Log'
model = ArchiveResult
fk_name = 'snapshot'
# fk_name = 'snapshot'
extra = 1
readonly_fields = ('result_id', 'start_ts', 'end_ts', 'extractor', 'command', 'cmd_version')
fields = ('id', *readonly_fields, 'status', 'output')
show_change_link = True
# # classes = ['collapse']
# # list_display_links = ['abid']
class TagInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = SnapshotTag
def result_id(self, obj):
return format_html('<a href="{}"><small><code>[{}]</code></small></a>', reverse('admin:core_archiveresult_change', args=(obj.id,)), obj.abid)
def command(self, obj):
return format_html('<small><code>{}</code></small>', " ".join(obj.cmd or []))
class TagInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Tag.snapshot_set.through
# fk_name = 'snapshot'
fields = ('id', 'tag')
extra = 1
@ -178,42 +193,51 @@ def get_abid_info(self, obj):
return format_html(
# URL Hash: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all">{}</code><br/>
<a href="{}" style="font-size: 16px; font-family: monospace; user-select: all; border-radius: 8px; background-color: #ddf; padding: 3px 5px; border: 1px solid #aaa; margin-bottom: 8px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;">{}</a> <a href="{}" style="color: limegreen; font-size: 0.9em; vertical-align: 1px; font-family: monospace;">📖 API DOCS</a>
<div style="opacity: 0.8">
ABID: <small style="opacity: 0.5">{}_</small><code style="font-size: 16px; user-select: all; border-radius: 8px; background-color: #ddf; padding: 1px 4px; border: 1px solid #aaa; margin-bottom: 8px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;"><b>{}</b></code> <a href="{}" style="font-size: 1.5em; font-family: monospace;">/api/v1 GET JSON</a> <a href="{}" style="color: limegreen; font-size: 1.2em; vertical-align: 1px; font-family: monospace;">API DOCS</a><br/>
TS: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all"><b>{}</b></code> ({})<br/>
URI: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all"><b>{}</b></code> (<span style="display:inline-block; vertical-align: -4px; user-select: all; width: 230px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">{}</span>)<br/>
SUBTYPE: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all"><b>{}</b></code> ({})
TS: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all"><b>{}</b></code> ({})<br/>
URI: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all"><b>{}</b></code> (<span style="display:inline-block; vertical-align: -4px; user-select: all; width: 230px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">{}</span>)<br/>
SUBTYPE: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all"><b>{}</b></code> ({})
RAND: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all"><b>{}</b></code> ({})
SALT: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all"><b style="display:inline-block; user-select: all; width: 50px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">{}</b></code>
<small style="opacity: 0.8">.uuid: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all">{}</code></small><br/>
<small style="opacity: 0.5">.old_id: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all">{}</code></small>
<small style="opacity: 0.8">.abid: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all">{}</code></small><br/>
<small style="opacity: 0.8">.abid.uuid: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all">{}</code></small><br/>
<small style="opacity: 0.8">.id: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all">{}</code></small><br/>
<small style="opacity: 0.5">.old_id: <code style="font-size: 10px; user-select: all">{}</code></small><br/>
*str(obj.abid or obj.get_abid()).split('_', 1), obj.api_url, obj.api_docs_url,
obj.api_url, obj.api_url, obj.api_docs_url,
obj.ABID.ts, obj.abid_values['ts'].isoformat() if isinstance(obj.abid_values['ts'], datetime) else obj.abid_values['ts'],
obj.ABID.uri, str(obj.abid_values['uri']),
obj.ABID.subtype, str(obj.abid_values['subtype']),
obj.ABID.rand, str(obj.abid_values['rand'])[-7:],
getattr(obj, 'old_id', ''),
@admin.register(Snapshot, site=archivebox_admin)
class SnapshotAdmin(SearchResultsAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
class Meta:
model = Snapshot
list_display = ('added', 'title_str', 'files', 'size', 'url_str')
# list_editable = ('title',)
sort_fields = ('title_str', 'url_str', 'added', 'files')
readonly_fields = ('tags', 'timestamp', 'admin_actions', 'status_info', 'bookmarked', 'added', 'updated', 'created', 'modified', 'identifiers')
readonly_fields = ('tags', 'timestamp', 'admin_actions', 'status_info', 'bookmarked', 'added', 'updated', 'created', 'modified', 'API', 'link_dir')
search_fields = ('id', 'url', 'abid', 'old_id', 'timestamp', 'title', 'tags__name')
list_filter = ('added', 'updated', 'archiveresult__status', 'created_by', 'tags')
fields = ('url', 'created_by', 'title', *readonly_fields)
ordering = ['-added']
actions = ['add_tags', 'remove_tags', 'update_titles', 'update_snapshots', 'resnapshot_snapshot', 'overwrite_snapshots', 'delete_snapshots']
autocomplete_fields = ['tags']
# inlines = [TagInline, ArchiveResultInline]
inlines = [ArchiveResultInline]
# autocomplete_fields = ['tags']
inlines = [TagInline, ArchiveResultInline]
# inlines = [ArchiveResultInline]
list_per_page = SNAPSHOTS_PER_PAGE
action_form = SnapshotActionForm
@ -228,6 +252,35 @@ class SnapshotAdmin(SearchResultsAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
self.message_user(request, f'Error occurred while loading the page: {str(e)} {request.GET} {request.POST}')
return super().changelist_view(request, GLOBAL_CONTEXT)
def change_view(self, request, object_id, form_url="", extra_context=None):
snapshot = None
snapshot = snapshot or Snapshot.objects.get(id=object_id)
except (Snapshot.DoesNotExist, Snapshot.MultipleObjectsReturned, ValidationError):
snapshot = snapshot or Snapshot.objects.get(abid=Snapshot.abid_prefix + object_id.split('_', 1)[-1])
except (Snapshot.DoesNotExist, ValidationError):
snapshot = snapshot or Snapshot.objects.get(old_id=object_id)
except (Snapshot.DoesNotExist, Snapshot.MultipleObjectsReturned, ValidationError):
if snapshot:
object_id = str(snapshot.id)
return super().change_view(
def get_urls(self):
urls = super().get_urls()
custom_urls = [
@ -237,7 +290,7 @@ class SnapshotAdmin(SearchResultsAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
def get_queryset(self, request):
self.request = request
return super().get_queryset(request).prefetch_related('tags').annotate(archiveresult_count=Count('archiveresult'))
return super().get_queryset(request).prefetch_related('tags', 'archiveresult_set').annotate(archiveresult_count=Count('archiveresult'))
def tag_list(self, obj):
return ', '.join(obj.tags.values_list('name', flat=True))
@ -298,7 +351,7 @@ class SnapshotAdmin(SearchResultsAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
obj.extension or '-',
def identifiers(self, obj):
def API(self, obj):
return get_abid_info(self, obj)
except Exception as e:
@ -471,21 +524,21 @@ class SnapshotAdmin(SearchResultsAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
# actions = ['delete_selected']
# ordering = ['-id']
# def identifiers(self, obj):
# def API(self, obj):
# return get_abid_info(self, obj)
@admin.register(Tag, site=archivebox_admin)
class TagAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('slug', 'name', 'num_snapshots', 'snapshots', 'abid', 'id')
sort_fields = ('id', 'name', 'slug', 'abid')
readonly_fields = ('id', 'uuid', 'abid', 'created', 'modified', 'identifiers', 'num_snapshots', 'snapshots')
search_fields = ('id', 'abid', 'uuid', 'name', 'slug')
fields = ('name', 'slug', 'created_by', *readonly_fields)
list_display = ('abid', 'name', 'created', 'created_by', 'num_snapshots', 'snapshots')
sort_fields = ('name', 'slug', 'abid', 'created_by', 'created')
readonly_fields = ('slug', 'abid', 'created', 'modified', 'API', 'num_snapshots', 'snapshots')
search_fields = ('abid', 'name', 'slug')
fields = ('name', 'created_by', *readonly_fields)
actions = ['delete_selected']
ordering = ['-id']
ordering = ['-created']
def identifiers(self, obj):
def API(self, obj):
return get_abid_info(self, obj)
except Exception as e:
@ -502,11 +555,10 @@ class TagAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
total_count = tag.snapshot_set.count()
return mark_safe('<br/>'.join(
'{} <code><a href="/admin/core/snapshot/{}/change"><b>[{}]</b></a> {}</code>',
snap.updated.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') if snap.updated else 'pending...',
'<code><a href="/admin/core/snapshot/{}/change"><b>[{}]</b></a></code> {}',
snap.updated.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') if snap.updated else 'pending...',
for snap in tag.snapshot_set.order_by('-updated')[:10]
) + (f'<br/><a href="/admin/core/snapshot/?tags__id__exact={tag.id}">and {total_count-10} more...<a>' if tag.snapshot_set.count() > 10 else ''))
@ -516,8 +568,8 @@ class TagAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class ArchiveResultAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('start_ts', 'snapshot_info', 'tags_str', 'extractor', 'cmd_str', 'status', 'output_str')
sort_fields = ('start_ts', 'extractor', 'status')
readonly_fields = ('snapshot_info', 'tags_str', 'created', 'modified', 'identifiers')
search_fields = ('id', 'uuid', 'abid', 'snapshot__url', 'extractor', 'output', 'cmd_version', 'cmd', 'snapshot__timestamp')
readonly_fields = ('snapshot_info', 'tags_str', 'created', 'modified', 'API')
search_fields = ('id', 'old_id', 'abid', 'snapshot__url', 'extractor', 'output', 'cmd_version', 'cmd', 'snapshot__timestamp')
fields = ('snapshot', 'extractor', 'status', 'output', 'pwd', 'cmd', 'start_ts', 'end_ts', 'created_by', 'cmd_version', *readonly_fields)
autocomplete_fields = ['snapshot']
@ -537,7 +589,7 @@ class ArchiveResultAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def identifiers(self, obj):
def API(self, obj):
return get_abid_info(self, obj)
except Exception as e:
Reference in a new issue