add wip crawl actor spec

This commit is contained in:
Nick Sweeting 2024-11-02 19:54:37 -07:00
parent 2337f874ad
commit 41efd010f0
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
__package__ = 'archivebox.actors'
import os
import time
from typing import ClassVar, Generic, cast, Literal, Type
from django.utils.functional import classproperty
from rich import print
import psutil
from django import db
from django.db.models import QuerySet
from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count
from threading import Thread, get_native_id
from crawls.models import Crawl
from .actor import ActorType, LaunchKwargs
class CrawlActor(ActorType[Crawl]):
QUERYSET: ClassVar[QuerySet] = Crawl.objects.filter(status='queued')
CLAIM_WHERE: ClassVar[str] = 'status = "queued"' # the WHERE clause to filter the objects when atomically getting the next object from the queue
CLAIM_SET: ClassVar[str] = 'status = "started"' # the SET clause to claim the object when atomically getting the next object from the queue
CLAIM_ORDER: ClassVar[str] = 'created_at DESC' # the ORDER BY clause to sort the objects with when atomically getting the next object from the queue
CLAIM_FROM_TOP: ClassVar[int] = 50 # the number of objects to consider when atomically getting the next object from the queue
# model_type: Type[ModelType]
MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTORS: ClassVar[int] = min(max(2, int(cpu_count() * 0.6)), 8) # min 2, max 8, up to 60% of available cpu cores
MAX_TICK_TIME: ClassVar[int] = 60 # maximum duration in seconds to process a single object
_SPAWNED_ACTOR_PIDS: ClassVar[list[psutil.Process]] = [] # record all the pids of Actors spawned by this class
def __init__(self, mode: Literal['thread', 'process']|None=None, **launch_kwargs: LaunchKwargs):
self.mode = mode or self.mode
self.launch_kwargs = launch_kwargs or dict(self.launch_kwargs)
def name(cls) -> str:
return cls.__name__ # type: ignore
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
label = 'pid' if self.mode == 'process' else 'tid'
return f'[underline]{}[/underline]\\[{label}={}]'
### Class Methods: Called by Orchestrator on ActorType class before it has been spawned
def get_running_actors(cls) -> list[int]:
"""returns a list of pids of all running actors of this type"""
# WARNING: only works for process actors, not thread actors
if cls.mode == 'thread':
raise NotImplementedError('get_running_actors() is not implemented for thread actors')
return [ for proc in cls._SPAWNED_ACTOR_PIDS
if proc.is_running() and proc.status() != 'zombie'
def get_actors_to_spawn(cls, queue: QuerySet, running_actors: list[int]) -> list[LaunchKwargs]:
"""Get a list of launch kwargs for the number of actors to spawn based on the queue and currently running actors"""
actors_to_spawn: list[LaunchKwargs] = []
max_spawnable = cls.MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTORS - len(running_actors)
queue_length = queue.count()
# spawning new actors is expensive, avoid spawning all the actors at once. To stagger them,
# let the next orchestrator tick handle starting another 2 on the next tick()
# if queue_length > 10: # queue is long, spawn as many as possible
# actors_to_spawn += max_spawnable * [{}]
if not queue_length: # queue is empty, spawn 0 actors
return actors_to_spawn
elif queue_length > 4: # queue is medium, spawn 1 or 2 actors
actors_to_spawn += min(2, max_spawnable) * [{**cls.launch_kwargs}]
else: # queue is short, spawn 1 actor
actors_to_spawn += min(1, max_spawnable) * [{**cls.launch_kwargs}]
return actors_to_spawn
def start(cls, mode: Literal['thread', 'process']='process', **launch_kwargs: LaunchKwargs) -> int:
if mode == 'thread':
return cls.fork_actor_as_thread(**launch_kwargs)
elif mode == 'process':
return cls.fork_actor_as_process(**launch_kwargs)
raise ValueError(f'Invalid actor mode: {mode} must be "thread" or "process"')
def fork_actor_as_thread(cls, **launch_kwargs: LaunchKwargs) -> int:
"""Spawn a new background thread running the actor's runloop"""
actor = cls(mode='thread', **launch_kwargs)
bg_actor_thread = Thread(target=actor.runloop)
assert bg_actor_thread.native_id is not None
return bg_actor_thread.native_id
def fork_actor_as_process(cls, **launch_kwargs: LaunchKwargs) -> int:
"""Spawn a new background process running the actor's runloop"""
actor = cls(mode='process', **launch_kwargs)
bg_actor_process = Process(target=actor.runloop)
assert is not None
def get_model(cls) -> Type[ModelType]:
# wish this was a @classproperty but Generic[ModelType] return type cant be statically inferred for @classproperty
return cls.QUERYSET.model
def get_queue(cls) -> QuerySet:
"""override this to provide your queryset as the queue"""
# return ArchiveResult.objects.filter(status='queued', extractor__in=('pdf', 'dom', 'screenshot'))
return cls.QUERYSET
### Instance Methods: Called by Actor after it has been spawned (i.e. forked as a thread or process)
def runloop(self):
"""The main runloop that starts running when the actor is spawned (as subprocess or thread) and exits when the queue is empty"""
while True:
obj_to_process: ModelType | None = None
obj_to_process = cast(ModelType, self.get_next(atomic=self.atomic))
except Exception:
if obj_to_process:
self.idle_count = 0 # reset idle count if we got an object
if self.idle_count >= 30:
break # stop looping and exit if queue is empty and we have idled for 30sec
# print('Actor runloop()', f'pid={}', 'queue empty, rechecking...')
self.idle_count += 1
# Process the object
except Exception as err:
print(f'[red]🏃‍♂️ ERROR: {self}.tick()[/red]', err)
db.connections.close_all() # always reset the db connection after an exception to clear any pending transactions
self.on_tick_exception(obj_to_process, err)
except BaseException as err:
if isinstance(err, KeyboardInterrupt):
print(f'\n[red]🏃‍♂️ {self}.runloop() FATAL:[/red]', err.__class__.__name__, err)
def get_next(self, atomic: bool | None=None) -> ModelType | None:
"""get the next object from the queue, atomically locking it if self.atomic=True"""
if atomic is None:
atomic = self.ATOMIC
if atomic:
# fetch and claim the next object from in the queue in one go atomically
obj = self.get_next_atomic()
# two-step claim: fetch the next object and lock it in a separate query
obj = self.get_queue().last()
assert obj and self.lock_next(obj), f'Unable to fetch+lock the next {self.get_model().__name__} ojbect from {self}.QUEUE'
return obj
def lock_next(self, obj: ModelType) -> bool:
"""override this to implement a custom two-step (non-atomic)lock mechanism"""
# For example:
# assert obj._model.objects.filter(, status='queued').update(status='started',
# Not needed if using get_next_and_lock() to claim the object atomically
# print(f'[blue]🏃‍♂️ {self}.lock()[/blue]', obj.abid or
return True
def claim_sql_where(self) -> str:
"""override this to implement a custom WHERE clause for the atomic claim step e.g. "status = 'queued' AND locked_by = NULL" """
return self.CLAIM_WHERE
def claim_sql_set(self) -> str:
"""override this to implement a custom SET clause for the atomic claim step e.g. "status = 'started' AND locked_by = {}" """
return self.CLAIM_SET
def claim_sql_order(self) -> str:
"""override this to implement a custom ORDER BY clause for the atomic claim step e.g. "created_at DESC" """
return self.CLAIM_ORDER
def claim_from_top(self) -> int:
"""override this to implement a custom number of objects to consider when atomically claiming the next object from the top of the queue"""
return self.CLAIM_FROM_TOP
def get_next_atomic(self, shallow: bool=True) -> ModelType | None:
claim a random object from the top n=50 objects in the queue (atomically updates status=queued->started for claimed object)
optimized for minimizing contention on the queue with other actors selecting from the same list
slightly faster than claim_any_obj() which selects randomly from the entire queue but needs to know the total count
Model = self.get_model() # e.g. ArchiveResult
table = f'{Model._meta.app_label}_{Model._meta.model_name}' # e.g. core_archiveresult
where_sql = self.claim_sql_where()
set_sql = self.claim_sql_set()
order_by_sql = self.claim_sql_order()
choose_from_top = self.claim_from_top()
with db.connection.cursor() as cursor:
# subquery gets the pool of the top 50 candidates sorted by sort and order
# main query selects a random one from that pool
UPDATE {table}
SET {set_sql}
WHERE {where_sql} and id = (
SELECT id FROM {table}
WHERE {where_sql}
ORDER BY {order_by_sql}
LIMIT {choose_from_top}
) candidates
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result is None:
return None # If no rows were claimed, return None
if shallow:
# shallow: faster, returns potentially incomplete object instance missing some django auto-populated fields:
columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description or ['id']]
return Model(**dict(zip(columns, result)))
# if not shallow do one extra query to get a more complete object instance (load it fully from scratch)
return Model.objects.get(id=result[0])
def tick(self, obj: ModelType) -> None:
"""override this to process the object"""
print(f'[blue]🏃‍♂️ {self}.tick()[/blue]', obj.abid or
# For example:
# do_some_task(obj)
# do_something_else(obj)
# obj._model.objects.filter(, status='started').update(status='success')
raise NotImplementedError('tick() must be implemented by the Actor subclass')
def on_startup(self) -> None:
if self.mode == 'thread': = get_native_id() # thread id
print(f'[green]🏃‍♂️ {self}.on_startup() STARTUP (THREAD)[/green]')
else: = os.getpid() # process id
print(f'[green]🏃‍♂️ {self}.on_startup() STARTUP (PROCESS)[/green]')
def on_shutdown(self, err: BaseException | None=None) -> None:
print(f'[grey53]🏃‍♂️ {self}.on_shutdown() SHUTTING DOWN[/grey53]', err or '[green](gracefully)[/green]')
def on_tick_start(self, obj: ModelType) -> None:
# print(f'🏃‍♂️ {self}.on_tick_start()', obj.abid or
#, obj_to_process)
# self.timer = TimedProgress(self.MAX_TICK_TIME, prefix=' ')
def on_tick_end(self, obj: ModelType) -> None:
# print(f'🏃‍♂️ {self}.on_tick_end()', obj.abid or
#, obj_to_process)
# self.timer.end()
def on_tick_exception(self, obj: ModelType, err: BaseException) -> None:
print(f'[red]🏃‍♂️ {self}.on_tick_exception()[/red]', obj.abid or, err)
#, obj_to_process, err)