massively improve Snapshot admin list view query performance

This commit is contained in:
Nick Sweeting 2024-08-26 20:16:43 -07:00
parent 6c4f3fc83a
commit 24fe958ff3
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 194 additions and 39 deletions

View file

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ CONFIG_SCHEMA: Dict[str, ConfigDefaultDict] = {
'PUBLIC_SNAPSHOTS': {'type': bool, 'default': True},
'PUBLIC_ADD_VIEW': {'type': bool, 'default': False},
'FOOTER_INFO': {'type': str, 'default': 'Content is hosted for personal archiving purposes only. Contact server owner for any takedown requests.'},
'SNAPSHOTS_PER_PAGE': {'type': int, 'default': 40},
'SNAPSHOTS_PER_PAGE': {'type': int, 'default': 100},
'CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIR': {'type': str, 'default': None},
'TIME_ZONE': {'type': str, 'default': 'UTC'},
'TIMEZONE': {'type': str, 'default': 'UTC'},

View file

@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Dict, Any
from django.contrib import admin
from django.db.models import Count, Q
from django.urls import path, reverse
from django.db.models import Count, Q, Prefetch
from django.urls import path, reverse, resolve
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.conf import settings
from django import forms
@ -126,22 +129,99 @@ archivebox_admin.get_admin_data_urls = get_admin_data_urls.__get__(archivebox_ad
archivebox_admin.get_urls = get_urls(archivebox_admin.get_urls).__get__(archivebox_admin, ArchiveBoxAdmin)
class AccelleratedPaginator(Paginator):
Accellerated Pagniator ignores DISTINCT when counting total number of rows.
Speeds up SELECT Count(*) on Admin views by >20x.
def count(self):
if self.object_list._has_filters():
# fallback to normal count method on filtered queryset
return super().count
# otherwise count total rows in a separate fast query
return self.object_list.model.objects.count()
# Alternative approach for PostgreSQL: fallback count takes > 200ms
# from django.db import connection, transaction, OperationalError
# with transaction.atomic(), connection.cursor() as cursor:
# cursor.execute('SET LOCAL statement_timeout TO 200;')
# try:
# return super().count
# except OperationalError:
# return 9999999999999
class ArchiveResultInline(admin.TabularInline):
name = 'Archive Results Log'
model = ArchiveResult
parent_model = Snapshot
# fk_name = 'snapshot'
extra = 1
readonly_fields = ('result_id', 'start_ts', 'end_ts', 'extractor', 'command', 'cmd_version')
fields = ('id', *readonly_fields, 'status', 'output')
extra = 0
sort_fields = ('end_ts', 'extractor', 'output', 'status', 'cmd_version')
readonly_fields = ('result_id', 'completed', 'extractor', 'command', 'version')
fields = ('id', 'start_ts', 'end_ts', *readonly_fields, 'cmd', 'cmd_version', 'pwd', 'created_by', 'status', 'output')
# exclude = ('id',)
ordering = ('end_ts',)
show_change_link = True
# # classes = ['collapse']
# # list_display_links = ['abid']
def get_parent_object_from_request(self, request):
resolved = resolve(request.path_info)
return self.parent_model.objects.get(pk=resolved.kwargs['object_id'])
def completed(self, obj):
return format_html('<p style="white-space: nowrap">{}</p>', obj.end_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
def result_id(self, obj):
return format_html('<a href="{}"><small><code>[{}]</code></small></a>', reverse('admin:core_archiveresult_change', args=(,)), obj.abid)
return format_html('<a href="{}"><code style="font-size: 10px">[{}]</code></a>', reverse('admin:core_archiveresult_change', args=(,)), obj.abid)
def command(self, obj):
return format_html('<small><code>{}</code></small>', " ".join(obj.cmd or []))
def version(self, obj):
return format_html('<small><code>{}</code></small>', obj.cmd_version or '-')
def get_formset(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
formset = super().get_formset(request, obj, **kwargs)
snapshot = self.get_parent_object_from_request(request)
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
formset.form.base_fields['id'].widget = formset.form.base_fields['id'].hidden_widget()
# default values for new entries
formset.form.base_fields['status'].initial = 'succeeded'
formset.form.base_fields['start_ts'].initial =
formset.form.base_fields['end_ts'].initial =
formset.form.base_fields['cmd_version'].initial = '-'
formset.form.base_fields['pwd'].initial = str(snapshot.link_dir)
formset.form.base_fields['created_by'].initial = request.user
formset.form.base_fields['cmd'] = forms.JSONField(initial=['-'])
formset.form.base_fields['output'].initial = 'Manually recorded cmd output...'
if obj is not None:
# hidden values for existing entries and new entries
formset.form.base_fields['start_ts'].widget = formset.form.base_fields['start_ts'].hidden_widget()
formset.form.base_fields['end_ts'].widget = formset.form.base_fields['end_ts'].hidden_widget()
formset.form.base_fields['cmd'].widget = formset.form.base_fields['cmd'].hidden_widget()
formset.form.base_fields['pwd'].widget = formset.form.base_fields['pwd'].hidden_widget()
formset.form.base_fields['created_by'].widget = formset.form.base_fields['created_by'].hidden_widget()
formset.form.base_fields['cmd_version'].widget = formset.form.base_fields['cmd_version'].hidden_widget()
return formset
def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
if obj is not None:
return self.readonly_fields
return []
class TagInline(admin.TabularInline):
@ -222,25 +302,22 @@ def get_abid_info(self, obj):
@admin.register(Snapshot, site=archivebox_admin)
class SnapshotAdmin(SearchResultsAdminMixin, ABIDModelAdmin):
class Meta:
model = Snapshot
list_display = ('added', 'title_str', 'files', 'size', 'url_str')
# list_editable = ('title',)
sort_fields = ('title_str', 'url_str', 'added', 'files')
readonly_fields = ('tags', 'timestamp', 'admin_actions', 'status_info', 'bookmarked', 'added', 'updated', 'created', 'modified', 'API', 'link_dir')
readonly_fields = ('tags_str', 'timestamp', 'admin_actions', 'status_info', 'bookmarked', 'added', 'updated', 'created', 'modified', 'API', 'link_dir')
search_fields = ('id', 'url', 'abid', 'old_id', 'timestamp', 'title', 'tags__name')
list_filter = ('added', 'updated', 'archiveresult__status', 'created_by', 'tags')
list_filter = ('added', 'updated', 'archiveresult__status', 'created_by', 'tags__name')
fields = ('url', 'created_by', 'title', *readonly_fields)
ordering = ['-added']
actions = ['add_tags', 'remove_tags', 'update_titles', 'update_snapshots', 'resnapshot_snapshot', 'overwrite_snapshots', 'delete_snapshots']
autocomplete_fields = ['tags']
inlines = [TagInline, ArchiveResultInline]
list_per_page = min(max(5, CONFIG.SNAPSHOTS_PER_PAGE), 5000)
action_form = SnapshotActionForm
paginator = AccelleratedPaginator
save_on_top = True
show_full_result_count = False
def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None):
extra_context = extra_context or {}
@ -286,12 +363,15 @@ class SnapshotAdmin(SearchResultsAdminMixin, ABIDModelAdmin):
return custom_urls + urls
def get_queryset(self, request):
self.request = request
return super().get_queryset(request).prefetch_related('tags', 'archiveresult_set').annotate(archiveresult_count=Count('archiveresult'))
# def get_queryset(self, request):
# # tags_qs = SnapshotTag.objects.all().select_related('tag')
# # prefetch = Prefetch('snapshottag_set', queryset=tags_qs)
# self.request = request
# return super().get_queryset(request).prefetch_related('archiveresult_set').distinct() # .annotate(archiveresult_count=Count('archiveresult'))
def tag_list(self, obj):
return ', '.join(obj.tags.values_list('name', flat=True))
return ', '.join( for tag in obj.tags.all())
# TODO: figure out a different way to do this, you cant nest forms so this doenst work
# def action(self, obj):
@ -360,21 +440,20 @@ class SnapshotAdmin(SearchResultsAdminMixin, ABIDModelAdmin):
def title_str(self, obj):
canon = obj.as_link().canonical_outputs()
tags = ''.join(
format_html('<a href="/admin/core/snapshot/?tags__id__exact={}"><span class="tag">{}</span></a> ',, tag)
format_html('<a href="/admin/core/snapshot/?tags__id__exact={}"><span class="tag">{}</span></a> ',,
for tag in obj.tags.all()
if str(tag).strip()
if str(
return format_html(
'<a href="/{}">'
'<img src="/{}/{}" class="favicon" onerror="this.remove()">'
'<img src="/{}/favicon.ico" class="favicon" onerror="this.remove()">'
'<a href="/{}/index.html">'
'<b class="status-{}">{}</b>'
obj.archive_path, canon['favicon_path'],
'fetched' if obj.latest_title or obj.title else 'pending',
urldecode(htmldecode(obj.latest_title or obj.title or ''))[:128] or 'Pending...'
@ -382,14 +461,14 @@ class SnapshotAdmin(SearchResultsAdminMixin, ABIDModelAdmin):
description='Files Saved',
# ordering='archiveresult_count',
def files(self, obj):
return snapshot_icons(obj)
# ordering='archiveresult_count'
def size(self, obj):
archive_size = (Path(obj.link_dir) / 'index.html').exists() and obj.archive_size
@ -536,6 +615,8 @@ class TagAdmin(ABIDModelAdmin):
actions = ['delete_selected']
ordering = ['-created']
paginator = AccelleratedPaginator
def API(self, obj):
return get_abid_info(self, obj)
@ -574,6 +655,8 @@ class ArchiveResultAdmin(ABIDModelAdmin):
list_filter = ('status', 'extractor', 'start_ts', 'cmd_version')
ordering = ['-start_ts']
paginator = AccelleratedPaginator
description='Snapshot Info'

View file

@ -125,6 +125,12 @@ class SnapshotTag(models.Model):
db_table = 'core_snapshot_tags'
unique_together = [('snapshot', 'tag')]
class SnapshotManager(models.Manager):
def get_queryset(self):
return super().get_queryset().prefetch_related('tags', 'archiveresult_set') # .annotate(archiveresult_count=models.Count('archiveresult')).distinct()
class Snapshot(ABIDModel):
abid_prefix = 'snp_'
abid_ts_src = 'self.added'
@ -150,6 +156,8 @@ class Snapshot(ABIDModel):
archiveresult_set: models.Manager['ArchiveResult']
objects = SnapshotManager()
def uuid(self):
@ -177,8 +185,7 @@ class Snapshot(ABIDModel):
def as_json(self, *args) -> dict:
args = args or self.keys
return {
key: getattr(self, key)
if key != 'tags' else self.tags_str()
key: getattr(self, key) if key != 'tags' else self.tags_str(nocache=False)
for key in args
@ -190,8 +197,14 @@ class Snapshot(ABIDModel):
return load_link_details(self.as_link())
def tags_str(self, nocache=True) -> str | None:
calc_tags_str = lambda: ','.join(sorted( for tag in self.tags.all()))
cache_key = f'{}-{(self.updated or self.added).timestamp()}-tags'
calc_tags_str = lambda: ','.join(self.tags.order_by('name').values_list('name', flat=True))
if hasattr(self, '_prefetched_objects_cache') and 'tags' in self._prefetched_objects_cache:
# tags are pre-fetched already, use them directly (best because db is always freshest)
tags_str = calc_tags_str()
return tags_str
if nocache:
tags_str = calc_tags_str()
cache.set(cache_key, tags_str)
@ -234,7 +247,10 @@ class Snapshot(ABIDModel):
def num_outputs(self) -> int:
return self.archiveresult_set.filter(status='succeeded').count()
# DONT DO THIS: it will trigger a separate query for every snapshot
# return self.archiveresult_set.filter(status='succeeded').count()
# this is better:
return sum((1 for result in self.archiveresult_set.all() if result.status == 'succeeded'))
def base_url(self):
@ -262,10 +278,21 @@ class Snapshot(ABIDModel):
def thumbnail_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
result = self.archiveresult_set.filter(
if hasattr(self, '_prefetched_objects_cache') and 'archiveresult_set' in self._prefetched_objects_cache:
result = (sorted(
for result in self.archiveresult_set.all()
if result.extractor == 'screenshot' and result.status =='succeeded' and result.output
key=lambda result: result.created,
) or [None])[-1]
result = self.archiveresult_set.filter(
if result:
return reverse('Snapshot', args=[f'{str(self.timestamp)}/{result.output}'])
return None
@ -292,6 +319,21 @@ class Snapshot(ABIDModel):
if self.title:
return self.title # whoopdedoo that was easy
# check if ArchiveResult set has already been prefetched, if so use it instead of fetching it from db again
if hasattr(self, '_prefetched_objects_cache') and 'archiveresult_set' in self._prefetched_objects_cache:
return (sorted(
for result in self.archiveresult_set.all()
if result.extractor == 'title' and result.status =='succeeded' and result.output
key=lambda title: len(title),
) or [None])[-1]
except IndexError:
# take longest successful title from ArchiveResult db history
return sorted(
@ -355,12 +397,23 @@ class Snapshot(ABIDModel):
class ArchiveResultManager(models.Manager):
def indexable(self, sorted: bool = True):
"""Return only ArchiveResults containing text suitable for full-text search (sorted in order of typical result quality)"""
qs = self.get_queryset().filter(extractor__in=INDEXABLE_METHODS,status='succeeded')
qs = self.get_queryset().filter(extractor__in=INDEXABLE_METHODS, status='succeeded')
if sorted:
precedence = [ When(extractor=method, then=Value(precedence)) for method, precedence in ARCHIVE_METHODS_INDEXING_PRECEDENCE ]
qs = qs.annotate(indexing_precedence=Case(*precedence, default=Value(1000),output_field=IntegerField())).order_by('indexing_precedence')
precedence = [
When(extractor=method, then=Value(precedence))
qs = qs.annotate(
return qs
class ArchiveResult(ABIDModel):

View file

@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ def unsafe_wget_output_path(link: Link) -> Optional[str]:
def wget_output_path(link: Link) -> Optional[str]:
def wget_output_path(link: Link, nocache: bool=False) -> Optional[str]:
"""calculate the path to the wgetted .html file, since wget may
adjust some paths to be different than the base_url path.
@ -245,6 +245,15 @@ def wget_output_path(link: Link) -> Optional[str]:
# >
cache_key = f'{link.url_hash}:{link.timestamp}-{link.updated and link.updated.timestamp()}-wget-output-path'
if not nocache:
from django.core.cache import cache
cached_result = cache.get(cache_key)
if cached_result:
return cached_result
# There's also lots of complexity around how the urlencoding and renaming
# is done for pages with query and hash fragments, extensions like shtml / htm / php / etc,
# unicode escape sequences, punycode domain names, unicode double-width characters, extensions longer than
@ -271,6 +280,8 @@ def wget_output_path(link: Link) -> Optional[str]:
output_path = None
if output_path:
if not nocache:
cache.set(cache_key, output_path)
return output_path
# fallback to just the domain dir

View file

@ -124,7 +124,15 @@ def snapshot_icons(snapshot) -> str:
from core.models import ArchiveResult
# start =
archive_results = snapshot.archiveresult_set.filter(status="succeeded", output__isnull=False)
if hasattr(snapshot, '_prefetched_objects_cache') and 'archiveresult_set' in snapshot._prefetched_objects_cache:
archive_results = [
for result in snapshot.archiveresult_set.all()
if result.status == "succeeded" and result.output
archive_results = snapshot.archiveresult_set.filter(status="succeeded", output__isnull=False)
link = snapshot.as_link()
path = link.archive_path
canon = link.canonical_outputs()