print('[red][!] When using Docker, you must run commands with [green]docker run[/green] instead of [yellow3]docker exec[/yellow3], e.g.:',file=sys.stderr)
print(' docker compose run archivebox {attempted_command}',file=sys.stderr)
print(f' docker run -it -v $PWD/data:/data archivebox/archivebox {attempted_command}',file=sys.stderr)
STDERR.print('\n[yellow]:warning: Warning: ArchiveBox [blue]DATA_DIR[/blue] is currently owned by [red]root[/red], it must be changed before archiving can run![/yellow]')
STDERR.print(f'\n[yellow]:warning: Warning: ArchiveBox [blue]DATA_DIR[/blue] is currently owned by [red]{data_dir_uid}:{data_dir_gid}[/red], but ArchiveBox user is [blue]{ARCHIVEBOX_USER}:{ARCHIVEBOX_GROUP}[/blue] ({USER})! (ArchiveBox may not be able to write to the data dir)[/yellow]')
STDERR.print(f'[violet]Hint:[/violet] Change the current ownership [red]{data_dir_uid}[/red]:{data_dir_gid} (PUID:PGID) to a non-root user & group that will run ArchiveBox, e.g.:')
asserttmp_is_valid,f'ArchiveBox user PUID={ARCHIVEBOX_USER} PGID={ARCHIVEBOX_GROUP} is unable to write to TMP_DIR={tmp_dir}'
assertlen(f'file://{socket_file}')<=96,f'ArchiveBox TMP_DIR={tmp_dir} is too long, dir containing unix socket files must be <90 chars.'
f'[red]:cross_mark: ArchiveBox is unable to use TMP_DIR={pretty_path(tmp_dir)}[/red]',
f' [yellow]{e}[/yellow]',
'[blue]Info:[/blue] [grey53]The TMP_DIR is used for the supervisord unix socket file and other temporary files.',
' - It [red]must[/red] be on a local drive (not inside a docker volume, remote network drive, or FUSE mount).',
f' - It [red]must[/red] be readable and writable by the ArchiveBox user (PUID={ARCHIVEBOX_USER}, PGID={ARCHIVEBOX_GROUP}).',
' - It [red]must[/red] be a *short* path (less than 90 characters) due to UNIX path length restrictions for sockets.',
' - It [yellow]should[/yellow] be able to hold at least 200MB of data (in-progress downloads can be large).[/grey53]',
'[violet]Hint:[/violet] Fix it by setting TMP_DIR to a path that meets these requirements, e.g.:',
f' [green]archivebox config --set TMP_DIR={get_or_create_working_tmp_dir(autofix=False,quiet=True)or"/tmp/archivebox"}[/green]',
STDERR.print(Panel(ERROR_TEXT,expand=False,border_style='red',title='[red]:cross_mark: Error with configured TMP_DIR[/red]',subtitle='Background workers may fail to start until fixed.'))
raiseOSError(f'TMP_DIR={tmp_dir} is invalid, ArchiveBox is unable to use it and the server will fail to start!')frome
assertlib_is_valid,f'ArchiveBox user PUID={ARCHIVEBOX_USER} PGID={ARCHIVEBOX_GROUP} is unable to write to LIB_DIR={lib_dir}'
f'[red]:cross_mark: ArchiveBox is unable to use LIB_DIR={pretty_path(lib_dir)}[/red]',
f' [yellow]{e}[/yellow]',
'[blue]Info:[/blue] [grey53]The LIB_DIR is used to store ArchiveBox auto-installed plugin library and binary dependencies.',
f' - It [red]must[/red] be readable and writable by the ArchiveBox user (PUID={ARCHIVEBOX_USER}, PGID={ARCHIVEBOX_GROUP}).',
' - It [yellow]should[/yellow] be on a local (ideally fast) drive like an SSD or HDD (not on a network drive or external HDD).',
' - It [yellow]should[/yellow] be able to hold at least 1GB of data (some dependencies like Chrome can be large).[/grey53]',
'[violet]Hint:[/violet] Fix it by setting LIB_DIR to a path that meets these requirements, e.g.:',
f' [green]archivebox config --set LIB_DIR={get_or_create_working_lib_dir(autofix=False,quiet=True)or"/usr/local/share/archivebox"}[/green]',
STDERR.print(Panel(ERROR_TEXT,expand=False,border_style='red',title='[red]:cross_mark: Error with configured LIB_DIR[/red]',subtitle='[yellow]Dependencies may not auto-install properly until fixed.[/yellow]'))
raiseOSError(f'LIB_DIR={lib_dir} is invalid, ArchiveBox is unable to use it and dependencies will fail to install.')frome