JustArchi 8019cdcbb4 Code review according to Jeffrey Richter
> The pattern is to take the basest class or interface possible for your arguments and return the most specific class or interface possible for your return types. This gives your callers the most flexibility in passing in types to your methods and the most opportunities to cast/reuse the return values.
2017-11-16 22:10:11 +01:00

206 lines
11 KiB

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Copyright 2015-2017 Łukasz "JustArchi" Domeradzki
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using ArchiSteamFarm.JSON;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace ArchiSteamFarm.Tests {
public sealed class Trading {
public void MultiGameMultiTypeBadReject() {
Steam.Asset item1Type1Game1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item1Type1Game1X9 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 9, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2Type1Game1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item3Type2Game2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(3, 1, 730, Steam.Asset.EType.Emoticon);
Steam.Asset item3Type2Game2X9 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(3, 9, 730, Steam.Asset.EType.Emoticon);
Steam.Asset item4Type2Game2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(4, 1, 730, Steam.Asset.EType.Emoticon);
HashSet<Steam.Asset> inventory = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Type1Game1X9, item3Type2Game2X9, item4Type2Game2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Type1Game1, item4Type2Game2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item2Type1Game1, item3Type2Game2 };
Assert.IsFalse(AcceptsTrade(inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive));
public void MultiGameMultiTypeNeutralAccept() {
Steam.Asset item1Type1Game1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item1Type1Game1X9 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 9, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2Type1Game1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item3Type2Game2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(3, 1, 730, Steam.Asset.EType.Emoticon);
Steam.Asset item4Type2Game2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(4, 1, 730, Steam.Asset.EType.Emoticon);
HashSet<Steam.Asset> inventory = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Type1Game1X9, item3Type2Game2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Type1Game1, item3Type2Game2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item2Type1Game1, item4Type2Game2 };
Assert.IsTrue(AcceptsTrade(inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive));
public void MultiGameSingleTypeBadReject() {
Steam.Asset item1Game1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item1Game1X9 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 9, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2Game1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item1Game2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(3, 1, 730, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2Game2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(4, 1, 730, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
HashSet<Steam.Asset> inventory = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Game1X9, item1Game2, item2Game2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Game1, item1Game2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item2Game1, item2Game2 };
Assert.IsFalse(AcceptsTrade(inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive));
public void MultiGameSingleTypeNeutralAccept() {
Steam.Asset item1Game1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item1Game1X2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 2, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2Game1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item1Game2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 730, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2Game2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 730, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
HashSet<Steam.Asset> inventory = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Game1X2, item1Game2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Game1, item1Game2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item2Game1, item2Game2 };
Assert.IsTrue(AcceptsTrade(inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive));
public void SingleGameMultiTypeBadReject() {
Steam.Asset item1Type1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item1Type1X9 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 9, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2Type1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item3Type2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(3, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.Emoticon);
Steam.Asset item3Type2X9 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(3, 9, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.Emoticon);
Steam.Asset item4Type2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(4, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.Emoticon);
HashSet<Steam.Asset> inventory = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Type1X9, item3Type2X9, item4Type2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Type1, item4Type2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item2Type1, item3Type2 };
Assert.IsFalse(AcceptsTrade(inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive));
public void SingleGameMultiTypeNeutralAccept() {
Steam.Asset item1Type1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item1Type1X9 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 9, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2Type1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item3Type2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(3, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.Emoticon);
Steam.Asset item4Type2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(4, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.Emoticon);
HashSet<Steam.Asset> inventory = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Type1X9, item3Type2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1Type1, item3Type2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item2Type1, item4Type2 };
Assert.IsTrue(AcceptsTrade(inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive));
public void SingleGameQuantityBadReject() {
Steam.Asset item1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item3 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(3, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item4X3 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(4, 3, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
HashSet<Steam.Asset> inventory = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1, item2, item3 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1, item2, item3 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item4X3 };
Assert.IsFalse(AcceptsTrade(inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive));
public void SingleGameQuantityNeutralAccept() {
Steam.Asset item1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item1X2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 2, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item3X2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(3, 2, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
HashSet<Steam.Asset> inventory = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1X2, item2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1, item2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item3X2 };
Assert.IsTrue(AcceptsTrade(inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive));
public void SingleGameSingleTypeBadReject() {
Steam.Asset item1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
HashSet<Steam.Asset> inventory = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1, item2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item2 };
Assert.IsFalse(AcceptsTrade(inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive));
public void SingleGameSingleTypeGoodAccept() {
Steam.Asset item1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item1X2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 2, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
HashSet<Steam.Asset> inventory = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1X2 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item2 };
Assert.IsTrue(AcceptsTrade(inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive));
public void SingleGameSingleTypeNeutralAccept() {
Steam.Asset item1 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(1, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
Steam.Asset item2 = GenerateSteamCommunityItem(2, 1, 570, Steam.Asset.EType.TradingCard);
HashSet<Steam.Asset> inventory = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item1 };
HashSet<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive = new HashSet<Steam.Asset> { item2 };
Assert.IsTrue(AcceptsTrade(inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive));
private static bool AcceptsTrade(IReadOnlyCollection<Steam.Asset> inventory, IReadOnlyCollection<Steam.Asset> itemsToGive, IReadOnlyCollection<Steam.Asset> itemsToReceive) {
Type trading = typeof(ArchiSteamFarm.Trading);
MethodInfo method = trading.GetMethod("IsTradeNeutralOrBetter", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
return (bool) method.Invoke(null, new object[] { inventory, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive });
private static Steam.Asset GenerateSteamCommunityItem(ulong classID, uint amount, uint realAppID, Steam.Asset.EType type) => new Steam.Asset(Steam.Asset.SteamAppID, Steam.Asset.SteamCommunityContextID, classID, amount, realAppID, type);