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synced 2024-11-14 00:47:25 +00:00
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<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
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<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
<data name="PluginDisabledMissingBuildToken" xml:space="preserve">
<value>由於 {0} 缺少組建權杖而被停用</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the name of the plugin (e.g. "SteamTokenDumperPlugin")</comment>
<data name="PluginDisabledInConfig" xml:space="preserve">
<value>目前 {0} 已根據您的設定被停用。如果您想幫助 SteamDB 提交資料,請查看我們的 Wiki。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the name of the plugin (e.g. "SteamTokenDumperPlugin")</comment>
<data name="PluginInitializedAndEnabled" xml:space="preserve">
<value>已成功初始化 {0},先感謝您的幫助。第一次提交將大約在 {1} 後進行。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the name of the plugin (e.g. "SteamTokenDumperPlugin"), {1} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string (such as "53 minutes")</comment>
<data name="FileCouldNotBeLoadedFreshInit" xml:space="preserve">
<value>無法載入 {0},將初始化一個新實例…</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the name of the file (e.g. "GlobalCache")</comment>
<data name="BotNoAppsToRefresh" xml:space="preserve">
<value>此 Bot 中沒有需要重新整理的應用程式。</value>
<data name="BotRetrievingTotalAppAccessTokens" xml:space="preserve">
<value>正在檢索共 {0} 個應用程式存取權杖…</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the number (total count) of app access tokens being retrieved</comment>
<data name="BotRetrievingAppAccessTokens" xml:space="preserve">
<value>正在檢索 {0} 個應用程式存取權杖…</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the number (count this batch) of app access tokens being retrieved</comment>
<data name="BotFinishedRetrievingAppAccessTokens" xml:space="preserve">
<value>已完成檢索 {0} 個應用程式存取權杖。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the number (count this batch) of app access tokens retrieved</comment>
<data name="BotFinishedRetrievingTotalAppAccessTokens" xml:space="preserve">
<value>已完成檢索共 {0} 個應用程式存取權杖。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the number (total count) of app access tokens retrieved</comment>
<data name="BotRetrievingTotalDepots" xml:space="preserve">
<value>正在檢索共 {0} 個應用程式的 Depot…</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the number (total count) of apps being retrieved</comment>
<data name="BotRetrievingAppInfos" xml:space="preserve">
<value>正在檢索 {0} 個應用程式資料…</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the number (count this batch) of app infos being retrieved</comment>
<data name="BotFinishedRetrievingAppInfos" xml:space="preserve">
<value>已完成檢索 {0} 個應用程式資料。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the number (count this batch) of app infos retrieved</comment>
<data name="BotFinishedRetrievingDepotKeys" xml:space="preserve">
<value>成功檢索 {1} 個 Depot 金鑰中的 {0} 個。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the number (count this batch) of depot keys that were successfully retrieved, {1} will be replaced by the number (count this batch) of depot keys that were supposed to be retrieved</comment>
<data name="BotFinishedRetrievingTotalDepots" xml:space="preserve">
<value>已完成檢索共 {0} 個應用程式的 Depot 金鑰。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the number (total count) of apps retrieved</comment>
<data name="SubmissionNoNewData" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="SubmissionNoContributorSet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>因為沒有可以讓我們歸類為貢獻者的有效 SteamID 集合,而無法提交資料。考慮設定 {0} 的屬性。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the name of the config property (e.g. "SteamOwnerID") that the user is expected to set</comment>
<data name="SubmissionInProgress" xml:space="preserve">
<value>正在提交註冊的應用程式/程式包/Depot 共:{0}/{1}/{2}…</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the number of app access tokens being submitted, {1} will be replaced by the number of package access tokens being submitted, {2} will be replaced by the number of depot keys being submitted</comment>
<data name="SubmissionFailedTooManyRequests" xml:space="preserve">
<value>由於發送的請求過多造成提交失敗,我們將在約 {0} 後重試。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string (such as "53 minutes")</comment>
<data name="SubmissionSuccessful" xml:space="preserve">
<value>已成功提交資料。伺服器共已註冊了新的應用程式/程式包/Depot 共:{0}({1} 個已驗證)/{2}({3} 個已驗證)/{4}({5} 個已驗證)。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the number of new app access tokens that the server has registered, {1} will be replaced by the number of verified app access tokens that the server has registered, {2} will be replaced by the number of new package access tokens that the server has registered, {3} will be replaced by the number of verified package access tokens that the server has registered, {4} will be replaced by the number of new depot keys that the server has registered, {5} will be replaced by the number of verified depot keys that the server has registered</comment>
<data name="SubmissionSuccessfulNewApps" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the apps (IDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="SubmissionSuccessfulVerifiedApps" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the apps (IDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="SubmissionSuccessfulNewPackages" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the packages (IDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="SubmissionSuccessfulVerifiedPackages" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the packages (IDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="SubmissionSuccessfulNewDepots" xml:space="preserve">
<value>新的 Depot:{0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the depots (IDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="SubmissionSuccessfulVerifiedDepots" xml:space="preserve">
<value>已被驗證的 Depot:{0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the depots (IDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="PluginSecretListInitialized" xml:space="preserve">
<value>已初始化 {0} ,外掛程式將無法解析其中任何一個:{1}。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the name of the config property (e.g. "SecretPackageIDs"), {1} will be replaced by list of the objects (IDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="LoadingGlobalCache" xml:space="preserve">
<value>正在載入 STD 全域快取…</value>
<data name="ValidatingGlobalCacheIntegrity" xml:space="preserve">
<value>正在驗證 STD 全域快取完整性…</value>
<data name="GlobalCacheIntegrityValidationFailed" xml:space="preserve">
<value>無法驗證 STD 全域快取完整性。這表示可能有檔案/記憶體損壞,將初始化一個新實例。</value>