2024-03-06 00:23:41 +01:00

201 lines
9.5 KiB

name: 🐛 Bug report
description: Unexpected program behaviour that requires code correction
labels: ["🐛 Bug", "👀 Evaluation"]
- type: checkboxes
id: checklist
label: Checklist
description: Ensure that our bug report form is appropriate for you.
- label: I read and understood ASF's **[Contributing guidelines](**
required: true
- label: I also read **[Setting-up](** and **[FAQ](**, I don't need **[help](**, this is a bug report
required: true
- label: This is not a **[duplicate](** of an existing issue
required: true
- label: I don't own more than **[10 accounts in total](**
required: true
- label: I'm not using **[custom plugins](**
required: true
- label: This is not a **[question](**
required: true
- label: This is not a **[technical issue](**
required: true
- label: This is not **[ASF-ui problem](**
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: version
label: ASF version
description: If you're using a different version than the current **[stable](** or **[pre-release](**, ensure that your bug report is reproducible on one of the below.
- Latest stable release
- Latest pre-release
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: variant
label: ASF variant
description: If you're using a different variant, ensure that your bug report is reproducible on one of the below.
- docker-linux/amd64
- docker-linux/arm/v7
- docker-linux/arm64
- generic (with latest .NET runtime)
- linux-arm
- linux-arm64
- linux-x64
- osx-arm64
- osx-x64
- win-arm64
- win-x64
required: true
- type: textarea
id: bug-description
label: Bug description
description: Short explanation of what you were going to do, what did you want to accomplish?
placeholder: |
I tried to brew a coffee with ASF using `PUT /Api/Coffee` ASF API endpoint, but upon trying the program returned HTTP error: 418 I'm a teapot.
required: true
- type: textarea
id: expected-behavior
label: Expected behavior
description: What did you expect to happen?
placeholder: |
I expected my favourite latte macchiato in a cup put below the machine hosting ASF.
required: true
- type: textarea
id: actual-behavior
label: Actual behavior
description: What happened instead?
placeholder: |
No coffee was brewed, and so I was forced to use a water dispenser instead :/.
required: true
- type: textarea
id: steps-to-reproduce
label: Steps to reproduce
description: |
Every command or action that happened after launching ASF, which leads to the bug.
If launching ASF with provided configs (below) is everything that is needed, then this section is not mandatory.
Screenshots of the problem and/or steps leading to it could be very useful in particular.
placeholder: |
1. Put cup below the machine hosting ASF.
2. Send `PUT /Api/Coffee` request selecting latte macchiato.
3. No coffee was brewed.
- type: textarea
id: possible-solution
label: Possible reason/solution
description: |
Not mandatory, but you can suggest a fix/reason for the bug, if known to you.
If you observed something peculiar about your issue that could help us locate and fix the culprit, this is the right place.
placeholder: |
Perhaps no coffee was brewed because I was out of milk?
- type: dropdown
id: help
label: Can you help us with this bug report?
description: |
ASF is offered for free and our resources are limited.
Helping us increases the chance of fixing the problem.
- Yes, I can code the solution myself and send a pull request
- Somehow, I can test and offer feedback, but can't code
- No, I don't have time, skills or willings for any of that
required: true
- type: textarea
id: asf-log
label: Full log.txt recorded during reproducing the problem
description: |
You can find `log.txt` file directly in ASF directory.
If the bug report doesn't come from the last run of the program, you can find logs from previous runs of the program in the `logs` directory instead.
If no `log.txt` was recorded due to crash at the very early stage, console output should be pasted instead.
placeholder: |
2021-12-16 00:20:43|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|InitCore() ArchiSteamFarm V5.2.1.2 (generic/6b492ffa-9927-431d-bae7-7360ab9968a9 | .NET 6.0.0-rtm.21522.10; debian-arm64; Linux 5.15.0-1-arm64 #1 SMP Debian 5.15.3-1 (2021-11-18))
2021-12-16 00:20:43|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|InitCore() Copyright © 2015-2021 JustArchiNET
2021-12-16 00:20:47|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|InitPlugins() Initializing Plugins...
2021-12-16 00:20:47|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|InitPlugins() Loading SteamTokenDumperPlugin V5.2.1.2...
2021-12-16 00:20:47|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|InitPlugins() SteamTokenDumperPlugin has been loaded successfully!
2021-12-16 00:20:47|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|UpdateAndRestart() ASF will automatically check for new versions every 1 day.
2021-12-16 00:20:52|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|Update() Checking for new version...
2021-12-16 00:20:54|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|Update() Local version: | Remote version:
2021-12-16 00:20:54|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|Load() Loading STD global cache...
2021-12-16 00:20:56|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|Load() Validating STD global cache integrity...
2021-12-16 00:20:56|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|OnASFInit() SteamTokenDumperPlugin has been initialized successfully, thank you in advance for your help. The first submission will happen in approximately 47 minutes from now.
2021-12-16 00:20:57|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|Start() Starting IPC server...
2021-12-16 00:20:59|dotnet-282887|INFO|ASF|Start() IPC server ready!
render: text
required: true
- type: textarea
id: global-config
label: Global ASF.json config file
description: |
The config can be found in `config` directory under `ASF.json` name.
You can leave this field empty if not using one.
Ensure that your config has redacted (but NOT removed) potentially-sensitive properties, such as:
- IPCPassword (recommended)
- LicenseID (mandatory)
- SteamOwnerID (optionally)
- WebProxy (optionally, if exposing private details)
- WebProxyPassword (optionally, if exposing private details)
- WebProxyUsername (optionally, if exposing private details)
Redacting involves replacing sensitive details, for example with stars (***). You should refrain from removing config lines entirely, as their pure existence may be relevant and should be preserved.
placeholder: |
"AutoRestart": false,
"Headless": true,
"IPCPassword": "********",
"UpdateChannel": 2,
"SteamTokenDumperPluginEnabled": true
render: json
- type: textarea
id: bot-config
label: BotName.json config of all affected bot instances
description: |
Bot config files can be found in `config` directory, ending with `json` extension.
You can leave this field empty if you don't have any defined.
Ensure that your config has redacted (but NOT removed) potentially-sensitive properties, such as:
- SteamLogin (mandatory)
- SteamPassword (mandatory)
- SteamMasterClanID (optionally)
- SteamParentalCode (optionally)
- SteamTradeToken (optionally)
- SteamUserPermissions (optionally, only SteamIDs)
Redacting involves replacing sensitive details, for example with stars (***). You should refrain from removing config lines entirely, as their pure existence may be relevant and should be preserved.
placeholder: |
"Enabled": true,
"SteamLogin": "********",
"SteamPassword": "********"
render: json
- type: textarea
id: additional-info
label: Additional info
description: Everything else you consider worthy that we didn't ask for.
- type: markdown
value: |
#### Thank you for taking the time to fill out this bug report.