# ASF is a C# project with solution named ArchiSteamFarm.sln language: csharp solution: ArchiSteamFarm.sln # Save bandwidth by limiting git clone to only last 10 commits git: depth: 10 # Don't build other branches than master # Sadly Travis doesn't support AppVeyor's "skip_branch_with_pr" branches: only: - master # This is .NET Core project, we're not building with Mono mono: none # ASF requires .NET Core 2.0+ # TODO: We should target stable 2.0.0 once it's released dotnet: 2.0.0-preview1-005977 env: global: - DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT: 1 - DOTNET_SKIP_FIRST_TIME_EXPERIENCE: 1 script: - dotnet restore - dotnet build -c Release - dotnet publish -c Release -o out\generic - dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 -o out\win-x64 - dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 -o out\linux-x64 - dotnet publish -c Release -r osx-x64 -o out\osx-x64 # This is our main build matrix matrix: # We can use fast finish, as we don't need to wait for all builds to mark it as failed/passed fast_finish: true allow_failures: # We allow OS X to fail until https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/7757 is fixed - os: osx include: # We're building ASF with dotnet on latest versions of Linux and OS X # Ref: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/ci-environment/#Virtualization-environments - os: linux dist: trusty sudo: false - os: osx osx_image: xcode9