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WARNING USE_TABS_ONLY True Required Required Required Required ExpressionBody ExpressionBody ExpressionBody Shift, Bitwise, Conditional END_OF_LINE END_OF_LINE True END_OF_LINE 1 0 END_OF_LINE TOGETHER_SAME_LINE END_OF_LINE END_OF_LINE 1 1 END_OF_LINE False False False False False LINE_BREAK LINE_BREAK True True END_OF_LINE WRAP_IF_LONG 65535 False 2 2 False <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <Patterns xmlns="urn:schemas-jetbrains-com:member-reordering-patterns"> <TypePattern DisplayName="ArchiPattern" Priority="150"> <Entry DisplayName="Public (Events and Delegates)"> <Entry.Match> <And> <Access Is="Public" /> <Or> <Kind Is="Delegate" /> <Kind Is="Event" /> </Or> </And> </Entry.Match> <Entry.SortBy> <Access /> <Kind Is="Member" /> <Name /> </Entry.SortBy> </Entry> <Entry DisplayName="Constants"> <Entry.Match> <Kind Is="Constant" /> </Entry.Match> <Entry.SortBy> <Access /> <Kind Is="Member" /> <Name /> </Entry.SortBy> </Entry> <Entry DisplayName="Static (Fields, Properties and Indexers)"> <Entry.Match> <Or> <And> <Kind Is="Field" /> <Static /> </And> <And> <Kind Is="Autoproperty" /> <Static /> </And> <And> <Kind Is="Property" /> <Static /> </And> <And> <Kind Is="Indexer" /> <Static /> </And> </Or> </Entry.Match> <Entry.SortBy> <Access /> <Readonly /> <Kind Is="Member" /> <Name /> </Entry.SortBy> </Entry> <Entry DisplayName="Non-static (Fields, Properties and Indexers)"> <Entry.Match> <And> <Not> <Static /> </Not> <Or> <Kind Is="Field" /> <Kind Is="Autoproperty" /> <Kind Is="Property" /> <Kind Is="Indexer" /> </Or> </And> </Entry.Match> <Entry.SortBy> <Readonly /> <Access /> <Kind Is="Member" /> <Name /> </Entry.SortBy> </Entry> <Entry DisplayName="Constructors"> <Entry.Match> <Kind Is="Constructor" /> </Entry.Match> <Entry.SortBy> <Access /> <Kind Is="Member" /> <Name /> </Entry.SortBy> </Entry> <Entry DisplayName="Interfaces"> <Entry.Match> <And> <Kind Is="Member" /> <ImplementsInterface /> </And> </Entry.Match> <Entry.SortBy> <Access /> <Kind Is="Member" 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