// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // _ _ _ ____ _ _____ // / \ _ __ ___ | |__ (_)/ ___| | |_ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ | ___|__ _ _ __ _ __ ___ // / _ \ | '__|/ __|| '_ \ | |\___ \ | __|/ _ \ / _` || '_ ` _ \ | |_ / _` || '__|| '_ ` _ \ // / ___ \ | | | (__ | | | || | ___) || |_| __/| (_| || | | | | || _|| (_| || | | | | | | | // /_/ \_\|_| \___||_| |_||_||____/ \__|\___| \__,_||_| |_| |_||_| \__,_||_| |_| |_| |_| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | // Copyright 2015-2024 Ɓukasz "JustArchi" Domeradzki // Contact: JustArchi@JustArchi.net // | // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // | // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // | // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.Collections.Frozen; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using ArchiSteamFarm.Core; using ArchiSteamFarm.IPC.Responses; using ArchiSteamFarm.Localization; using ArchiSteamFarm.OfficialPlugins.ItemsMatcher.Data; using ArchiSteamFarm.Steam; using ArchiSteamFarm.Steam.Cards; using ArchiSteamFarm.Steam.Data; using ArchiSteamFarm.Steam.Exchange; using ArchiSteamFarm.Steam.Integration; using ArchiSteamFarm.Steam.Storage; using ArchiSteamFarm.Storage; using ArchiSteamFarm.Web; using ArchiSteamFarm.Web.Responses; using SteamKit2; using SteamKit2.Internal; namespace ArchiSteamFarm.OfficialPlugins.ItemsMatcher; internal sealed class RemoteCommunication : IAsyncDisposable, IDisposable { private const string MatchActivelyTradeOfferIDsStorageKey = $"{nameof(ItemsMatcher)}-{nameof(MatchActively)}-TradeOfferIDs"; private const byte MaxAnnouncementTTL = 60; // Maximum amount of minutes we can wait if the next announcement doesn't happen naturally private const byte MaxInactivityDays = 14; // How long the server is willing to keep information about us for private const uint MaxItemsCount = 500000; // Server is unwilling to accept more items than this private const byte MaxTradeOffersActive = 5; // The actual upper limit is 30, but we should use lower amount to allow some bots to react before we hit the maximum allowed private const byte MinAnnouncementTTL = 5; // Minimum amount of minutes we must wait before the next Announcement private const byte MinHeartBeatTTL = 10; // Minimum amount of minutes we must wait before sending next HeartBeat private const byte MinimumPasswordResetCooldownDays = 5; // As imposed by Steam limits private const byte MinimumSteamGuardEnabledDays = 15; // As imposed by Steam limits private const byte MinPersonaStateTTL = 5; // Minimum amount of minutes we must wait before requesting persona state update private static readonly FrozenSet AcceptedMatchableTypes = new HashSet(4) { EAssetType.Emoticon, EAssetType.FoilTradingCard, EAssetType.ProfileBackground, EAssetType.TradingCard }.ToFrozenSet(); private readonly Bot Bot; private readonly Timer? HeartBeatTimer; private readonly SemaphoreSlim MatchActivelySemaphore = new(1, 1); private readonly Timer? MatchActivelyTimer; private readonly SemaphoreSlim RequestsSemaphore = new(1, 1); private readonly WebBrowser WebBrowser; private string BotCacheFilePath => Path.Combine(SharedInfo.ConfigDirectory, $"{Bot.BotName}.{nameof(ItemsMatcher)}.cache"); private BotCache? BotCache; private DateTime LastAnnouncement; private DateTime LastHeartBeat; private DateTime LastPersonaStateRequest; private bool ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier; private bool ShouldSendHeartBeats; private bool SignedInWithSteam; internal RemoteCommunication(Bot bot) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(bot); Bot = bot; WebBrowser = new WebBrowser(bot.ArchiLogger, ASF.GlobalConfig?.WebProxy, true); if (Bot.BotConfig.TradingPreferences.HasFlag(BotConfig.ETradingPreferences.SteamTradeMatcher) && Bot.BotConfig.RemoteCommunication.HasFlag(BotConfig.ERemoteCommunication.PublicListing)) { HeartBeatTimer = new Timer( OnHeartBeatTimer, null, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ASF.LoadBalancingDelay * Bot.Bots?.Count ?? 0), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1) ); } if (Bot.BotConfig.TradingPreferences.HasFlag(BotConfig.ETradingPreferences.MatchActively)) { if ((ASF.GlobalConfig?.LicenseID != null) && (ASF.GlobalConfig.LicenseID != Guid.Empty)) { MatchActivelyTimer = new Timer( MatchActively, null, TimeSpan.FromHours(1) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ASF.LoadBalancingDelay * Bot.Bots?.Count ?? 0), TimeSpan.FromHours(6) ); } else { bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericError(Strings.FormatWarningNoLicense(nameof(BotConfig.ETradingPreferences.MatchActively))); } } } public void Dispose() { // Dispose timers first so we won't launch new events HeartBeatTimer?.Dispose(); if (MatchActivelyTimer != null) { // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousLockOverSynchronizationPrimitive - this is not a mistake, we need extra synchronization, and we can re-use the semaphore object for that lock (MatchActivelySemaphore) { MatchActivelyTimer.Dispose(); } } // Ensure the semaphores are closed, then dispose the rest try { MatchActivelySemaphore.Wait(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { // Ignored, this is fine } try { RequestsSemaphore.Wait(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { // Ignored, this is fine } BotCache?.Dispose(); MatchActivelySemaphore.Dispose(); RequestsSemaphore.Dispose(); WebBrowser.Dispose(); } public async ValueTask DisposeAsync() { // Dispose timers first so we won't launch new events if (HeartBeatTimer != null) { await HeartBeatTimer.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } if (MatchActivelyTimer != null) { // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousLockOverSynchronizationPrimitive - this is not a mistake, we need extra synchronization, and we can re-use the semaphore object for that lock (MatchActivelySemaphore) { MatchActivelyTimer.Dispose(); } } // Ensure the semaphores are closed, then dispose the rest try { await MatchActivelySemaphore.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { // Ignored, this is fine } try { await RequestsSemaphore.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { // Ignored, this is fine } BotCache?.Dispose(); MatchActivelySemaphore.Dispose(); RequestsSemaphore.Dispose(); WebBrowser.Dispose(); } internal void OnNewItemsNotification() => ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier = true; internal async Task OnPersonaState(string? nickname = null, string? avatarHash = null) { if (!Bot.BotConfig.RemoteCommunication.HasFlag(BotConfig.ERemoteCommunication.PublicListing) || !Bot.BotConfig.TradingPreferences.HasFlag(BotConfig.ETradingPreferences.SteamTradeMatcher)) { return; } if ((DateTime.UtcNow < LastAnnouncement.AddMinutes(ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier ? MinAnnouncementTTL : MaxAnnouncementTTL)) && ShouldSendHeartBeats) { return; } if (MatchActivelySemaphore.CurrentCount == 0) { // We shouldn't bother with announcements while we're matching, it can wait until we're done return; } await RequestsSemaphore.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); try { if ((DateTime.UtcNow < LastAnnouncement.AddMinutes(ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier ? MinAnnouncementTTL : MaxAnnouncementTTL)) && ShouldSendHeartBeats) { return; } if (MatchActivelySemaphore.CurrentCount == 0) { // We shouldn't bother with announcements while we're matching, it can wait until we're done return; } // Don't announce if we don't meet conditions bool? eligible = await IsEligibleForListing().ConfigureAwait(false); if (!eligible.HasValue) { // This is actually network failure, so we'll stop sending heartbeats but not record it as valid check ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(IsEligibleForListing)}: {eligible?.ToString() ?? "null"}")); return; } if (!eligible.Value) { // We're not eligible, record this as a valid check LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow; ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier = ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(IsEligibleForListing)}: {eligible.Value}")); return; } HashSet acceptedMatchableTypes = Bot.BotConfig.MatchableTypes.Where(AcceptedMatchableTypes.Contains).ToHashSet(); if (acceptedMatchableTypes.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(acceptedMatchableTypes)); } string? tradeToken = await Bot.ArchiHandler.GetTradeToken().ConfigureAwait(false); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tradeToken)) { // This is actually a network failure, so we'll stop sending heartbeats but not record it as valid check ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(nameof(tradeToken))); return; } // We require to fetch whole inventory as a list here, as we need to know the order for calculating index and previousAssetID List inventory; try { inventory = await Bot.ArchiHandler.GetMyInventoryAsync().ToListAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (TimeoutException e) { // This is actually a network failure, so we'll stop sending heartbeats but not record it as valid check ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarningException(e); return; } catch (Exception e) { // This is actually a network failure, so we'll stop sending heartbeats but not record it as valid check ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericException(e); return; } if (inventory.Count == 0) { // We're not eligible, record this as a valid check LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow; ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier = ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; return; } bool matchEverything = Bot.BotConfig.TradingPreferences.HasFlag(BotConfig.ETradingPreferences.MatchEverything); uint index = 0; ulong previousAssetID = 0; List assetsForListing = []; Dictionary<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity), bool> tradableSets = new(); foreach (Asset item in inventory) { if (item is { AssetID: > 0, Amount: > 0, ClassID: > 0, RealAppID: > 0, Type: > EAssetType.Unknown, Rarity: > EAssetRarity.Unknown, IsSteamPointsShopItem: false } && acceptedMatchableTypes.Contains(item.Type)) { // Only tradable assets matter for MatchEverything bots if (!matchEverything || item.Tradable) { assetsForListing.Add(new AssetForListing(item, index, previousAssetID)); } // But even for Fair bots, we should track and skip sets where we don't have any item to trade with if (!matchEverything) { (uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity) key = (item.RealAppID, item.Type, item.Rarity); if (tradableSets.TryGetValue(key, out bool tradable)) { if (!tradable && item.Tradable) { tradableSets[key] = true; } } else { tradableSets[key] = item.Tradable; } } } index++; previousAssetID = item.AssetID; } if (assetsForListing.Count == 0) { // We're not eligible, record this as a valid check LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow; ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier = ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; return; } // We can now skip sets where we don't have any item to trade with, MatchEverything bots are already filtered to tradable only if (!matchEverything) { assetsForListing.RemoveAll(item => tradableSets.TryGetValue((item.RealAppID, item.Type, item.Rarity), out bool tradable) && !tradable); if (assetsForListing.Count == 0) { // We're not eligible, record this as a valid check LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow; ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier = ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; return; } } BotCache ??= await BotCache.CreateOrLoad(BotCacheFilePath).ConfigureAwait(false); string inventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication = Backend.GenerateChecksumFor(assetsForListing); if (BotCache.LastRequestAt.HasValue && (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(BotCache.LastRequestAt.Value).TotalDays < MaxInactivityDays) && (tradeToken == BotCache.LastAnnouncedTradeToken) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BotCache.LastInventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication)) { if (inventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication == BotCache.LastInventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication) { // We've determined our state to be the same, we can skip announce entirely and start sending heartbeats exclusively bool triggerImmediately = !ShouldSendHeartBeats; LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow; ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier = false; ShouldSendHeartBeats = true; if (triggerImmediately) { Utilities.InBackground(() => OnHeartBeatTimer()); } return; } } if (!SignedInWithSteam) { HttpStatusCode? signInWithSteam = await ArchiNet.SignInWithSteam(Bot, WebBrowser).ConfigureAwait(false); if (signInWithSteam == null) { // This is actually a network failure, so we'll stop sending heartbeats but not record it as valid check ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; return; } if (!signInWithSteam.Value.IsSuccessCode()) { // SignIn procedure failed and it wasn't a network error, hold off with future tries at least for a full day LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; return; } SignedInWithSteam = true; } if (!matchEverything) { // We should deduplicate our sets before sending them to the server, for doing that we'll use ASFB set parts data HashSet realAppIDs = []; Dictionary<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity), Dictionary> state = new(); foreach (AssetForListing asset in assetsForListing) { realAppIDs.Add(asset.RealAppID); (uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity) key = (asset.RealAppID, asset.Type, asset.Rarity); if (state.TryGetValue(key, out Dictionary? set)) { set[asset.ClassID] = set.GetValueOrDefault(asset.ClassID) + asset.Amount; } else { state[key] = new Dictionary { { asset.ClassID, asset.Amount } }; } } ObjectResponse>>? setPartsResponse = await Backend.GetSetParts(WebBrowser, Bot.SteamID, acceptedMatchableTypes, realAppIDs).ConfigureAwait(false); if (setPartsResponse == null) { // This is actually a network failure, so we'll stop sending heartbeats but not record it as valid check ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatErrorObjectIsNull(nameof(setPartsResponse))); return; } if (setPartsResponse.StatusCode.IsRedirectionCode()) { ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(setPartsResponse.StatusCode)); if (setPartsResponse.FinalUri.Host != ArchiWebHandler.SteamCommunityURL.Host) { ASF.ArchiLogger.LogGenericError(Strings.FormatWarningUnknownValuePleaseReport(nameof(setPartsResponse.FinalUri), setPartsResponse.FinalUri)); return; } // We've expected the result, not the redirection to the sign in, we need to authenticate again SignedInWithSteam = false; return; } if (!setPartsResponse.StatusCode.IsSuccessCode()) { // ArchiNet told us that we've sent a bad request, so the process should restart from the beginning at later time ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(setPartsResponse.StatusCode)); switch (setPartsResponse.StatusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden: // ArchiNet told us to stop submitting data for now LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1); return; case HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests: // ArchiNet told us to try again later LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); return; default: // There is something wrong with our payload or the server, we shouldn't retry for at least several hours LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(6); return; } } if (setPartsResponse.Content?.Result == null) { // This should never happen if we got the correct response Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericError(Strings.FormatWarningUnknownValuePleaseReport(nameof(setPartsResponse), setPartsResponse.Content?.Result)); return; } Dictionary<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity), HashSet> databaseSets = setPartsResponse.Content.Result.GroupBy(static setPart => (setPart.RealAppID, setPart.Type, setPart.Rarity)).ToDictionary(static group => group.Key, static group => group.Select(static setPart => setPart.ClassID).ToHashSet()); Dictionary setCopy = []; foreach (((uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity) key, Dictionary set) in state) { if (!databaseSets.TryGetValue(key, out HashSet? databaseSet)) { // We have no clue about this set, we can't do any optimization continue; } if ((databaseSet.Count != set.Count) || !databaseSet.SetEquals(set.Keys)) { // User either has more or less classIDs than we know about, we can't optimize this continue; } // User has all classIDs we know about, we can deduplicate his items based on lowest count setCopy.Clear(); uint minimumAmount = uint.MaxValue; foreach ((ulong classID, uint amount) in set) { if (amount < minimumAmount) { minimumAmount = amount; } setCopy[classID] = amount; } foreach ((ulong classID, uint amount) in setCopy) { if (minimumAmount >= amount) { set.Remove(classID); continue; } set[classID] = amount - minimumAmount; } } HashSet assetsForListingFiltered = []; foreach (AssetForListing asset in assetsForListing.Where(asset => state.TryGetValue((asset.RealAppID, asset.Type, asset.Rarity), out Dictionary? setState) && setState.TryGetValue(asset.ClassID, out uint targetAmount) && (targetAmount > 0)).OrderByDescending(static asset => asset.Tradable).ThenByDescending(static asset => asset.Index)) { (uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity) key = (asset.RealAppID, asset.Type, asset.Rarity); if (!state.TryGetValue(key, out Dictionary? setState) || !setState.TryGetValue(asset.ClassID, out uint targetAmount) || (targetAmount == 0)) { // We're not interested in this combination continue; } if (asset.Amount >= targetAmount) { asset.Amount = targetAmount; if (setState.Remove(asset.ClassID) && (setState.Count == 0)) { state.Remove(key); } } else { setState[asset.ClassID] = targetAmount - asset.Amount; } assetsForListingFiltered.Add(asset); } assetsForListing = assetsForListingFiltered.OrderBy(static asset => asset.Index).ToList(); if (assetsForListing.Count == 0) { // We're not eligible, record this as a valid check LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow; ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier = ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; // There is a possibility that our inventory has changed even if our announced assets did not, record that BotCache.LastInventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication = inventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication; return; } } if (assetsForListing.Count > MaxItemsCount) { // We're not eligible, record this as a valid check LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow; ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier = ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; // There is a possibility that our inventory has changed even if our announced assets did not, record that BotCache.LastInventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication = inventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(assetsForListing)} > {MaxItemsCount}")); return; } string checksum = Backend.GenerateChecksumFor(assetsForListing); string? previousChecksum = BotCache.LastAnnouncedAssetsForListing.Count > 0 ? Backend.GenerateChecksumFor(BotCache.LastAnnouncedAssetsForListing) : null; if (BotCache.LastRequestAt.HasValue && (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(BotCache.LastRequestAt.Value).TotalDays < MaxInactivityDays) && (tradeToken == BotCache.LastAnnouncedTradeToken) && (checksum == previousChecksum)) { // We've determined our state to be the same, we can skip announce entirely and start sending heartbeats exclusively bool triggerImmediately = !ShouldSendHeartBeats; LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow; ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier = false; ShouldSendHeartBeats = true; if (triggerImmediately) { Utilities.InBackground(() => OnHeartBeatTimer()); } // There is a possibility that our inventory has changed even if our announced assets did not, record that BotCache.LastInventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication = inventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication; return; } if (BotCache.LastAnnouncedAssetsForListing.Count > 0) { Dictionary previousInventoryState = BotCache.LastAnnouncedAssetsForListing.ToDictionary(static asset => asset.AssetID); HashSet inventoryAddedChanged = assetsForListing.Where(asset => !previousInventoryState.Remove(asset.AssetID, out AssetForListing? previousAsset) || (asset.BackendHashCode != previousAsset.BackendHashCode)).ToHashSet(); Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Localization.Strings.FormatListingAnnouncing(Bot.SteamID, nickname ?? Bot.SteamID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), assetsForListing.Count)); ObjectResponse>? diffResponse = null; Guid diffRequestID = Guid.Empty; for (byte i = 0; i < WebBrowser.MaxTries; i++) { if (diffRequestID != Guid.Empty) { diffResponse = await Backend.PollResult(WebBrowser, Bot.SteamID, diffRequestID).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { diffResponse = await Backend.AnnounceDiffForListing(WebBrowser, Bot.SteamID, inventoryAddedChanged, checksum, acceptedMatchableTypes, (uint) inventory.Count, matchEverything, tradeToken, previousInventoryState.Values, previousChecksum, nickname, avatarHash).ConfigureAwait(false); } if (diffResponse == null) { // This is actually a network failure, so we'll stop sending heartbeats but not record it as valid check ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatErrorObjectIsNull(nameof(diffResponse))); return; } if (diffResponse.StatusCode.IsRedirectionCode()) { ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(diffResponse.StatusCode)); if (diffResponse.FinalUri.Host != ArchiWebHandler.SteamCommunityURL.Host) { ASF.ArchiLogger.LogGenericError(Strings.FormatWarningUnknownValuePleaseReport(nameof(diffResponse.FinalUri), diffResponse.FinalUri)); return; } // We've expected the result, not the redirection to the sign in, we need to authenticate again SignedInWithSteam = false; return; } if (!diffResponse.StatusCode.IsSuccessCode()) { // ArchiNet told us that we've sent a bad request, so the process should restart from the beginning at later time ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(diffResponse.StatusCode)); switch (diffResponse.StatusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: // ArchiNet told us to do full announcement instead, the only non-OK response we accept break; case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden: // ArchiNet told us to stop submitting data for now LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1); return; case HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests: // ArchiNet told us to try again later LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); return; default: // There is something wrong with our payload or the server, we shouldn't retry for at least several hours LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(6); return; } break; } // Great, do we need to wait? if (diffResponse.Content?.Result == null) { // This should never happen if we got the correct response Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericError(Strings.FormatWarningUnknownValuePleaseReport(nameof(diffResponse), diffResponse.Content?.Result)); return; } if (diffResponse.Content.Result.Finished) { break; } diffRequestID = diffResponse.Content.Result.RequestID; diffResponse = null; } if (diffResponse == null) { // We've waited long enough, something is definitely wrong with us or the backend Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(nameof(diffResponse))); return; } if (diffResponse.StatusCode.IsSuccessCode() && diffResponse.Content is { Success: true, Result.Finished: true }) { // Our diff announce has succeeded, we have nothing to do further Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.Success); LastAnnouncement = LastHeartBeat = DateTime.UtcNow; ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier = false; ShouldSendHeartBeats = true; BotCache.LastAnnouncedAssetsForListing.ReplaceWith(assetsForListing); BotCache.LastAnnouncedTradeToken = tradeToken; BotCache.LastInventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication = inventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication; BotCache.LastRequestAt = LastHeartBeat; return; } } Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Localization.Strings.FormatListingAnnouncing(Bot.SteamID, nickname ?? Bot.SteamID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), assetsForListing.Count)); ObjectResponse>? announceResponse = null; Guid announceRequestID = Guid.Empty; for (byte i = 0; i < WebBrowser.MaxTries; i++) { if (announceRequestID != Guid.Empty) { announceResponse = await Backend.PollResult(WebBrowser, Bot.SteamID, announceRequestID).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { announceResponse = await Backend.AnnounceForListing(WebBrowser, Bot.SteamID, assetsForListing, checksum, acceptedMatchableTypes, (uint) inventory.Count, matchEverything, tradeToken, nickname, avatarHash).ConfigureAwait(false); } if (announceResponse == null) { // This is actually a network failure, so we'll stop sending heartbeats but not record it as valid check ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatErrorObjectIsNull(nameof(announceResponse))); return; } if (announceResponse.StatusCode.IsRedirectionCode()) { ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(announceResponse.StatusCode)); if (announceResponse.FinalUri.Host != ArchiWebHandler.SteamCommunityURL.Host) { ASF.ArchiLogger.LogGenericError(Strings.FormatWarningUnknownValuePleaseReport(nameof(announceResponse.FinalUri), announceResponse.FinalUri)); return; } // We've expected the result, not the redirection to the sign in, we need to authenticate again SignedInWithSteam = false; return; } if (!announceResponse.StatusCode.IsSuccessCode()) { // ArchiNet told us that we've sent a bad request, so the process should restart from the beginning at later time ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(announceResponse.StatusCode)); switch (announceResponse.StatusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: // ArchiNet told us to that we've applied wrong deduplication logic, we can try again in a second LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5); return; case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden: // ArchiNet told us to stop submitting data for now LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1); return; case HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests: // ArchiNet told us to try again later LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); return; default: // There is something wrong with our payload or the server, we shouldn't retry for at least several hours LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(6); return; } } // Great, do we need to wait? if (announceResponse.Content?.Result == null) { // This should never happen if we got the correct response Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericError(Strings.FormatWarningUnknownValuePleaseReport(nameof(announceResponse), announceResponse.Content?.Result)); return; } if (announceResponse.Content.Result.Finished) { break; } announceRequestID = announceResponse.Content.Result.RequestID; announceResponse = null; } if (announceResponse == null) { // We've waited long enough, something is definitely wrong with us or the backend Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(nameof(announceResponse))); return; } if (announceResponse.StatusCode.IsSuccessCode() && announceResponse.Content is { Success: true, Result.Finished: true }) { // Our diff announce has succeeded, we have nothing to do further Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.Success); LastAnnouncement = LastHeartBeat = DateTime.UtcNow; ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier = false; ShouldSendHeartBeats = true; BotCache.LastAnnouncedAssetsForListing.ReplaceWith(assetsForListing); BotCache.LastAnnouncedTradeToken = tradeToken; BotCache.LastInventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication = inventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication; BotCache.LastRequestAt = LastHeartBeat; return; } // Everything we've tried has failed Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.WarningFailed); } finally { RequestsSemaphore.Release(); } } internal void TriggerMatchActivelyEarlier() { if (MatchActivelyTimer == null) { Utilities.InBackground(() => MatchActively()); } else { // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousLockOverSynchronizationPrimitive - this is not a mistake, we need extra synchronization, and we can re-use the semaphore object for that lock (MatchActivelySemaphore) { MatchActivelyTimer.Change(TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromHours(6)); } } } private async Task IsEligibleForListing() { // Bot must be eligible for matching bool? isEligibleForMatching = await IsEligibleForMatching().ConfigureAwait(false); if (isEligibleForMatching != true) { return isEligibleForMatching; } // Bot must have a public inventory bool? hasPublicInventory = await Bot.HasPublicInventory().ConfigureAwait(false); if (hasPublicInventory != true) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(Bot.HasPublicInventory)}: {hasPublicInventory?.ToString() ?? "null"}")); return hasPublicInventory; } return true; } private async Task IsEligibleForMatching() { // Bot can't be limited if (Bot.IsAccountLimited) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(Bot.IsAccountLimited)}: {Bot.IsAccountLimited}")); return false; } // Bot can't be on lockdown if (Bot.IsAccountLocked) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(Bot.IsAccountLocked)}: {Bot.IsAccountLocked}")); return false; } // Bot must have ASF 2FA if (!Bot.HasMobileAuthenticator) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(Bot.HasMobileAuthenticator)}: {Bot.HasMobileAuthenticator}")); return false; } // Bot must have at least one accepted matchable type set if ((Bot.BotConfig.MatchableTypes.Count == 0) || Bot.BotConfig.MatchableTypes.All(static type => !AcceptedMatchableTypes.Contains(type))) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(Bot.BotConfig.MatchableTypes)}: {string.Join(", ", Bot.BotConfig.MatchableTypes)}")); return false; } // Bot must pass some general trading requirements CCredentials_GetSteamGuardDetails_Response? steamGuardStatus = await Bot.ArchiHandler.GetSteamGuardStatus().ConfigureAwait(false); if (steamGuardStatus == null) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(steamGuardStatus)}: null")); return null; } // Bot must have SteamGuard active for at least 15 days if (!steamGuardStatus.is_steamguard_enabled || ((steamGuardStatus.timestamp_steamguard_enabled > 0) && ((DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(steamGuardStatus.timestamp_steamguard_enabled)).TotalDays < MinimumSteamGuardEnabledDays))) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(steamGuardStatus.is_steamguard_enabled)}/{nameof(steamGuardStatus.timestamp_steamguard_enabled)}: {steamGuardStatus.is_steamguard_enabled}/{steamGuardStatus.timestamp_steamguard_enabled}")); return false; } // Bot must have 2FA enabled for matching to work if (!steamGuardStatus.is_twofactor_enabled) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(steamGuardStatus.is_twofactor_enabled)}: false")); return false; } CCredentials_LastCredentialChangeTime_Response? credentialChangeTimeDetails = await Bot.ArchiHandler.GetCredentialChangeTimeDetails().ConfigureAwait(false); if (credentialChangeTimeDetails == null) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(credentialChangeTimeDetails)}: null")); return null; } // Bot didn't change password in last 5 days if ((credentialChangeTimeDetails.timestamp_last_password_reset > 0) && ((DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(credentialChangeTimeDetails.timestamp_last_password_reset)).TotalDays < MinimumPasswordResetCooldownDays)) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(credentialChangeTimeDetails.timestamp_last_password_reset)}: {credentialChangeTimeDetails.timestamp_last_password_reset}")); return false; } return true; } private async void MatchActively(object? state = null) { if (ASF.GlobalConfig == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(ASF.GlobalConfig)); } if (!ASF.GlobalConfig.LicenseID.HasValue || (ASF.GlobalConfig.LicenseID == Guid.Empty)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(ASF.GlobalConfig.LicenseID)); } if (!Bot.IsConnectedAndLoggedOn || Bot.BotConfig.TradingPreferences.HasFlag(BotConfig.ETradingPreferences.MatchEverything)) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.ErrorAborted); return; } bool? eligible = await IsEligibleForMatching().ConfigureAwait(false); if (eligible != true) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(IsEligibleForMatching)}: {eligible?.ToString() ?? "null"}")); return; } HashSet acceptedMatchableTypes = Bot.BotConfig.MatchableTypes.Where(AcceptedMatchableTypes.Contains).ToHashSet(); if (acceptedMatchableTypes.Count == 0) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogNullError(acceptedMatchableTypes); return; } if (!await MatchActivelySemaphore.WaitAsync(0).ConfigureAwait(false)) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.ErrorAborted); return; } bool tradesSent; try { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.Starting); HttpStatusCode? licenseStatus = await Backend.GetLicenseStatus(ASF.GlobalConfig.LicenseID.Value, WebBrowser).ConfigureAwait(false); if (licenseStatus == null) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(nameof(licenseStatus))); return; } if (!licenseStatus.Value.IsSuccessCode()) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(licenseStatus.Value)); return; } HashSet assetsForMatching; try { assetsForMatching = await Bot.ArchiHandler.GetMyInventoryAsync().Where(item => item is { AssetID: > 0, Amount: > 0, ClassID: > 0, RealAppID: > 0, Type: > EAssetType.Unknown, Rarity: > EAssetRarity.Unknown, IsSteamPointsShopItem: false } && acceptedMatchableTypes.Contains(item.Type) && !Bot.BotDatabase.MatchActivelyBlacklistAppIDs.Contains(item.RealAppID)).ToHashSetAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (TimeoutException e) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarningException(e); Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(nameof(assetsForMatching))); return; } catch (Exception e) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericException(e); Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(nameof(assetsForMatching))); return; } if (assetsForMatching.Count == 0) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.FormatErrorIsEmpty(nameof(assetsForMatching))); return; } // Remove from our inventory items that can't be possibly matched due to no dupes to offer available HashSet<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity)> setsToKeep = Trading.GetInventorySets(assetsForMatching).Where(static set => set.Value.Any(static amount => amount > 1)).Select(static set => set.Key).ToHashSet(); if (assetsForMatching.RemoveWhere(item => !setsToKeep.Contains((item.RealAppID, item.Type, item.Rarity))) > 0) { if (assetsForMatching.Count == 0) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.FormatErrorIsEmpty(nameof(assetsForMatching))); return; } } // We should deduplicate our sets before sending them to the server, for doing that we'll use ASFB set parts data HashSet realAppIDs = []; Dictionary<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity), Dictionary> setsState = new(); foreach (Asset asset in assetsForMatching) { realAppIDs.Add(asset.RealAppID); (uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity) key = (asset.RealAppID, asset.Type, asset.Rarity); if (setsState.TryGetValue(key, out Dictionary? set)) { set[asset.ClassID] = set.GetValueOrDefault(asset.ClassID) + asset.Amount; } else { setsState[key] = new Dictionary { { asset.ClassID, asset.Amount } }; } } if (!SignedInWithSteam) { HttpStatusCode? signInWithSteam = await ArchiNet.SignInWithSteam(Bot, WebBrowser).ConfigureAwait(false); if ((signInWithSteam == null) || !signInWithSteam.Value.IsSuccessCode()) { // This is actually a network failure return; } SignedInWithSteam = true; } ObjectResponse>>? setPartsResponse = await Backend.GetSetParts(WebBrowser, Bot.SteamID, acceptedMatchableTypes, realAppIDs).ConfigureAwait(false); if (setPartsResponse == null) { // This is actually a network failure Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatErrorObjectIsNull(nameof(setPartsResponse))); return; } if (setPartsResponse.StatusCode.IsRedirectionCode()) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(setPartsResponse.StatusCode)); if (setPartsResponse.FinalUri.Host != ArchiWebHandler.SteamCommunityURL.Host) { ASF.ArchiLogger.LogGenericError(Strings.FormatWarningUnknownValuePleaseReport(nameof(setPartsResponse.FinalUri), setPartsResponse.FinalUri)); return; } // We've expected the result, not the redirection to the sign in, we need to authenticate again SignedInWithSteam = false; return; } if (!setPartsResponse.StatusCode.IsSuccessCode()) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(setPartsResponse.StatusCode)); return; } if (setPartsResponse.Content?.Result == null) { // This should never happen if we got the correct response Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericError(Strings.FormatWarningUnknownValuePleaseReport(nameof(setPartsResponse), setPartsResponse.Content?.Result)); return; } Dictionary<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity), HashSet> databaseSets = setPartsResponse.Content.Result.GroupBy(static setPart => (setPart.RealAppID, setPart.Type, setPart.Rarity)).ToDictionary(static group => group.Key, static group => group.Select(static setPart => setPart.ClassID).ToHashSet()); Dictionary setCopy = []; foreach (((uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity) key, Dictionary set) in setsState) { uint minimumAmount = uint.MaxValue; uint maximumAmount = uint.MinValue; foreach (uint amount in set.Values) { if (amount < minimumAmount) { minimumAmount = amount; } if (amount > maximumAmount) { maximumAmount = amount; } } if (maximumAmount < 2) { // We don't have anything to swap with, remove all entries from this set set.Clear(); continue; } if (!databaseSets.TryGetValue(key, out HashSet? databaseSet)) { // We have no clue about this set, we can't do any optimization continue; } if ((databaseSet.Count != set.Count) || !databaseSet.SetEquals(set.Keys)) { // User either has more or less classIDs than we know about, we can't optimize this continue; } if (maximumAmount - minimumAmount < 2) { // We don't have anything to swap with, remove all entries from this set set.Clear(); continue; } // User has all classIDs we know about, we can deduplicate his items based on lowest count setCopy.Clear(); foreach ((ulong classID, uint amount) in set) { setCopy[classID] = amount; } foreach ((ulong classID, uint amount) in setCopy) { if (minimumAmount >= amount) { set.Remove(classID); continue; } set[classID] = amount - minimumAmount; } } HashSet assetsForMatchingFiltered = []; foreach (Asset asset in assetsForMatching.Where(asset => setsState.TryGetValue((asset.RealAppID, asset.Type, asset.Rarity), out Dictionary? setState) && setState.TryGetValue(asset.ClassID, out uint targetAmount) && (targetAmount > 0)).OrderByDescending(static asset => asset.Tradable)) { (uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity) key = (asset.RealAppID, asset.Type, asset.Rarity); if (!setsState.TryGetValue(key, out Dictionary? setState) || !setState.TryGetValue(asset.ClassID, out uint targetAmount) || (targetAmount == 0)) { // We're not interested in this combination continue; } if (asset.Amount >= targetAmount) { asset.Amount = targetAmount; if (setState.Remove(asset.ClassID) && (setState.Count == 0)) { setsState.Remove(key); } } else { setState[asset.ClassID] = targetAmount - asset.Amount; } assetsForMatchingFiltered.Add(asset); } assetsForMatching = assetsForMatchingFiltered; if (assetsForMatching.Count == 0) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.FormatErrorIsEmpty(nameof(assetsForMatching))); return; } if (assetsForMatching.Count > MaxItemsCount) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(assetsForMatching)} > {MaxItemsCount}")); return; } (HttpStatusCode StatusCode, ImmutableHashSet Users)? response = await Backend.GetListedUsersForMatching(ASF.GlobalConfig.LicenseID.Value, Bot, WebBrowser, assetsForMatching, acceptedMatchableTypes).ConfigureAwait(false); if (response == null) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(nameof(response))); return; } if (!response.Value.StatusCode.IsSuccessCode()) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(response.Value.StatusCode)); return; } if (response.Value.Users.IsEmpty) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.FormatErrorIsEmpty(nameof(response.Value.Users))); return; } using (await Bot.Actions.GetTradingLock().ConfigureAwait(false)) { tradesSent = await MatchActively(response.Value.Users, assetsForMatching, acceptedMatchableTypes).ConfigureAwait(false); } Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.Done); } finally { MatchActivelySemaphore.Release(); } if (tradesSent && ShouldSendHeartBeats && (DateTime.UtcNow > LastAnnouncement.AddMinutes(ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier ? MinAnnouncementTTL : MaxAnnouncementTTL))) { // If we're announced, it makes sense to update our state now, at least once Bot.RequestPersonaStateUpdate(); } } private async Task MatchActively(ImmutableHashSet listedUsers, HashSet ourAssets, HashSet acceptedMatchableTypes) { if ((listedUsers == null) || (listedUsers.Count == 0)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(listedUsers)); } if ((ourAssets == null) || (ourAssets.Count == 0)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ourAssets)); } if ((acceptedMatchableTypes == null) || (acceptedMatchableTypes.Count == 0)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(acceptedMatchableTypes)); } (Dictionary<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity), Dictionary> ourFullState, Dictionary<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity), Dictionary> ourTradableState) = MatchingUtilities.GetDividedInventoryState(ourAssets); if (MatchingUtilities.IsEmptyForMatching(ourFullState, ourTradableState)) { // User doesn't have any more dupes in the inventory Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatErrorIsEmpty($"{nameof(ourFullState)} || {nameof(ourTradableState)}")); return false; } // Cancel previous trade offers sent and deprioritize SteamIDs that didn't answer us in this round HashSet? matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs = null; JsonElement matchActivelyTradeOfferIDsToken = Bot.BotDatabase.LoadFromJsonStorage(MatchActivelyTradeOfferIDsStorageKey); if (matchActivelyTradeOfferIDsToken.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Array) { try { matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs = new HashSet(matchActivelyTradeOfferIDsToken.GetArrayLength()); foreach (JsonElement tradeIDElement in matchActivelyTradeOfferIDsToken.EnumerateArray()) { if (!tradeIDElement.TryGetUInt64(out ulong tradeID)) { continue; } matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs.Add(tradeID); } } catch (Exception e) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarningException(e); } } matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs ??= []; HashSet deprioritizedSteamIDs = []; if (matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs.Count > 0) { // This is not a mandatory step, we allow it to fail HashSet? sentTradeOffers = await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.GetTradeOffers(true, false, true, false).ConfigureAwait(false); if (sentTradeOffers != null) { HashSet activeTradeOfferIDs = []; foreach (TradeOffer tradeOffer in sentTradeOffers.Where(tradeOffer => (tradeOffer.State == ETradeOfferState.Active) && matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs.Contains(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID))) { deprioritizedSteamIDs.Add(tradeOffer.OtherSteamID64); if (!await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.CancelTradeOffer(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID).ConfigureAwait(false)) { activeTradeOfferIDs.Add(tradeOffer.TradeOfferID); } } if (!matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs.SetEquals(activeTradeOfferIDs)) { matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs = activeTradeOfferIDs; if (matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs.Count > 0) { Bot.BotDatabase.SaveToJsonStorage(MatchActivelyTradeOfferIDsStorageKey, matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs); } else { Bot.BotDatabase.DeleteFromJsonStorage(MatchActivelyTradeOfferIDsStorageKey); } } } } Dictionary ourInventory = ourAssets.ToDictionary(static asset => asset.AssetID); HashSet pendingMobileTradeOfferIDs = []; byte maxTradeHoldDuration = ASF.GlobalConfig?.MaxTradeHoldDuration ?? GlobalConfig.DefaultMaxTradeHoldDuration; byte failuresInRow = 0; uint matchedSets = 0; HashSet<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity)> skippedSetsThisUser = []; HashSet<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity)> skippedSetsThisTrade = []; Dictionary classIDsToGive = new(); Dictionary classIDsToReceive = new(); Dictionary fairClassIDsToGive = new(); Dictionary fairClassIDsToReceive = new(); foreach (ListedUser listedUser in listedUsers.Where(listedUser => (listedUser.SteamID != Bot.SteamID) && acceptedMatchableTypes.Overlaps(listedUser.MatchableTypes) && !Bot.IsBlacklistedFromTrades(listedUser.SteamID)).OrderByDescending(listedUser => !deprioritizedSteamIDs.Contains(listedUser.SteamID)).ThenByDescending(static listedUser => listedUser.TotalGamesCount > 1).ThenByDescending(static listedUser => listedUser.MatchEverything).ThenBy(static listedUser => listedUser.TotalInventoryCount)) { if (failuresInRow >= WebBrowser.MaxTries) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError($"{nameof(failuresInRow)} >= {WebBrowser.MaxTries}")); break; } if (!Bot.IsConnectedAndLoggedOn) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.BotNotConnected); break; } HashSet<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity)> wantedSets = ourTradableState.Keys.Where(set => listedUser.MatchableTypes.Contains(set.Type)).ToHashSet(); if (wantedSets.Count == 0) { continue; } Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace($"{listedUser.SteamID}..."); byte? tradeHoldDuration = await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.GetCombinedTradeHoldDurationAgainstUser(listedUser.SteamID, listedUser.TradeToken).ConfigureAwait(false); switch (tradeHoldDuration) { case null: Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatErrorIsEmpty(nameof(tradeHoldDuration))); continue; case > 0 when (tradeHoldDuration.Value > maxTradeHoldDuration) || (tradeHoldDuration.Value > listedUser.MaxTradeHoldDuration): Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace($"{tradeHoldDuration.Value} > {maxTradeHoldDuration} || {listedUser.MaxTradeHoldDuration}"); continue; } HashSet theirInventory = listedUser.Assets.Where(item => (!listedUser.MatchEverything || item.Tradable) && wantedSets.Contains((item.RealAppID, item.Type, item.Rarity)) && ((tradeHoldDuration.Value == 0) || !(item.Type is EAssetType.FoilTradingCard or EAssetType.TradingCard && CardsFarmer.SalesBlacklist.Contains(item.RealAppID)))).Select(static asset => asset.ToAsset()).ToHashSet(); if (theirInventory.Count == 0) { continue; } skippedSetsThisUser.Clear(); Dictionary<(uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity), Dictionary> theirTradableState = MatchingUtilities.GetTradableInventoryState(theirInventory); for (byte i = 0; i < Trading.MaxTradesPerAccount; i++) { byte itemsInTrade = 0; skippedSetsThisTrade.Clear(); classIDsToGive.Clear(); classIDsToReceive.Clear(); fairClassIDsToGive.Clear(); fairClassIDsToReceive.Clear(); foreach (((uint RealAppID, EAssetType Type, EAssetRarity Rarity) set, Dictionary ourFullItems) in ourFullState.Where(set => !skippedSetsThisUser.Contains(set.Key) && listedUser.MatchableTypes.Contains(set.Key.Type) && set.Value.Values.Any(static count => count > 1))) { if (!ourTradableState.TryGetValue(set, out Dictionary? ourTradableItems) || (ourTradableItems.Count == 0)) { // We may have no more tradable items from this set continue; } if (!theirTradableState.TryGetValue(set, out Dictionary? theirTradableItems) || (theirTradableItems.Count == 0)) { // They may have no more tradable items from this set continue; } if (MatchingUtilities.IsEmptyForMatching(ourFullItems, ourTradableItems)) { // We may have no more matchable items from this set continue; } // Those 2 collections are on user-basis since we can't be sure that the trade passes through (and therefore we need to keep original state in case of a failure) Dictionary ourFullSet = ourFullItems.ToDictionary(); Dictionary ourTradableSet = ourTradableItems.ToDictionary(); bool match; do { match = false; foreach ((ulong ourItem, uint ourFullAmount) in ourFullSet.Where(static item => item.Value > 1).OrderByDescending(static item => item.Value)) { if (!ourTradableSet.TryGetValue(ourItem, out uint ourTradableAmount) || (ourTradableAmount == 0)) { continue; } foreach ((ulong theirItem, uint theirTradableAmount) in theirTradableItems.OrderBy(item => ourFullSet.GetValueOrDefault(item.Key))) { if (ourFullSet.TryGetValue(theirItem, out uint ourAmountOfTheirItem) && (ourFullAmount <= ourAmountOfTheirItem + 1)) { continue; } if (!listedUser.MatchEverything) { // We have a potential match, let's check fairness for them uint fairGivenAmount = fairClassIDsToGive.GetValueOrDefault(ourItem); uint fairReceivedAmount = fairClassIDsToReceive.GetValueOrDefault(theirItem); fairClassIDsToGive[ourItem] = ++fairGivenAmount; fairClassIDsToReceive[theirItem] = ++fairReceivedAmount; // Filter their inventory for the sets we're trading or have traded with this user HashSet fairFiltered = theirInventory.Where(item => ((item.RealAppID == set.RealAppID) && (item.Type == set.Type) && (item.Rarity == set.Rarity)) || skippedSetsThisTrade.Contains((item.RealAppID, item.Type, item.Rarity))).ToHashSet(); // Get tradable items from our and their inventory HashSet fairItemsToGive = MatchingUtilities.GetTradableItemsFromInventory(ourInventory.Values.Where(item => ((item.RealAppID == set.RealAppID) && (item.Type == set.Type) && (item.Rarity == set.Rarity)) || skippedSetsThisTrade.Contains((item.RealAppID, item.Type, item.Rarity))).ToHashSet(), fairClassIDsToGive); HashSet fairItemsToReceive = MatchingUtilities.GetTradableItemsFromInventory(fairFiltered, fairClassIDsToReceive); // Actual check, since we do this against remote user, we flip places for items if (!Trading.IsTradeNeutralOrBetter(fairFiltered, fairItemsToReceive, fairItemsToGive)) { // Revert the changes if (fairGivenAmount > 1) { fairClassIDsToGive[ourItem] = fairGivenAmount - 1; } else { fairClassIDsToGive.Remove(ourItem); } if (fairReceivedAmount > 1) { fairClassIDsToReceive[theirItem] = fairReceivedAmount - 1; } else { fairClassIDsToReceive.Remove(theirItem); } continue; } } // Skip this set from the remaining of this round skippedSetsThisTrade.Add(set); // Update our state based on given items classIDsToGive[ourItem] = classIDsToGive.GetValueOrDefault(ourItem) + 1; ourFullSet[ourItem] = ourFullAmount - 1; // We don't need to remove anything here because we can guarantee that ourItem.Value is at least 2 // Update our state based on received items classIDsToReceive[theirItem] = classIDsToReceive.GetValueOrDefault(theirItem) + 1; ourFullSet[theirItem] = ourAmountOfTheirItem + 1; if (ourTradableAmount > 1) { ourTradableSet[ourItem] = ourTradableAmount - 1; } else { ourTradableSet.Remove(ourItem); } // Update their state based on taken items if (theirTradableAmount > 1) { theirTradableItems[theirItem] = theirTradableAmount - 1; } else { theirTradableItems.Remove(theirItem); } itemsInTrade += 2; match = true; break; } if (match) { break; } } } while (match && (itemsInTrade < Trading.MaxItemsPerTrade - 1)); if (itemsInTrade >= Trading.MaxItemsPerTrade - 1) { break; } } if (skippedSetsThisTrade.Count == 0) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace(Strings.FormatErrorIsEmpty(nameof(skippedSetsThisTrade))); break; } // Remove the items from inventories HashSet itemsToGive = MatchingUtilities.GetTradableItemsFromInventory(ourInventory.Values, classIDsToGive); HashSet itemsToReceive = MatchingUtilities.GetTradableItemsFromInventory(theirInventory, classIDsToReceive, true); if ((itemsToGive.Count != itemsToReceive.Count) || !Trading.IsFairExchange(itemsToGive, itemsToReceive)) { // Failsafe throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(itemsToGive)} && {nameof(itemsToReceive)}"); } Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Localization.Strings.FormatMatchingFound(itemsToReceive.Count, listedUser.SteamID, listedUser.Nickname)); Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericTrace($"{Bot.SteamID} <- {string.Join(", ", itemsToReceive.Select(static item => $"{item.RealAppID}/{item.Type}/{item.Rarity}/{item.ClassID} #{item.Amount}"))} | {string.Join(", ", itemsToGive.Select(static item => $"{item.RealAppID}/{item.Type}/{item.Rarity}/{item.ClassID} #{item.Amount}"))} -> {listedUser.SteamID}"); (bool success, HashSet? tradeOfferIDs, HashSet? mobileTradeOfferIDs) = await Bot.ArchiWebHandler.SendTradeOffer(listedUser.SteamID, itemsToGive, itemsToReceive, listedUser.TradeToken, nameof(MatchActively), true).ConfigureAwait(false); if (tradeOfferIDs?.Count > 0) { matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs.UnionWith(tradeOfferIDs); Bot.BotDatabase.SaveToJsonStorage(MatchActivelyTradeOfferIDsStorageKey, matchActivelyTradeOfferIDs); } if (mobileTradeOfferIDs?.Count > 0) { pendingMobileTradeOfferIDs.UnionWith(mobileTradeOfferIDs); if (pendingMobileTradeOfferIDs.Count >= MaxTradeOffersActive) { (bool twoFactorSuccess, IReadOnlyCollection? handledConfirmations, _) = await Bot.Actions.HandleTwoFactorAuthenticationConfirmations(true, Confirmation.EConfirmationType.Trade, pendingMobileTradeOfferIDs, true).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!twoFactorSuccess) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Localization.Strings.FormatActivelyMatchingSomeConfirmationsFailed(handledConfirmations?.Count ?? 0, pendingMobileTradeOfferIDs.Count)); } pendingMobileTradeOfferIDs.Clear(); } } if (!success) { // The user likely no longer has the items we need, this is fine, we can continue the matching with other ones failuresInRow++; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Localization.Strings.FormatTradeOfferFailed(listedUser.SteamID, listedUser.Nickname)); break; } failuresInRow = 0; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.Success); // Assume the trade offer has went through and was accepted, this will allow us to keep matching the same set with different users as if we've got what we wanted foreach (Asset itemToGive in itemsToGive) { if (!ourInventory.TryGetValue(itemToGive.AssetID, out Asset? item) || (itemToGive.Amount > item.Amount)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(item)); } if (itemToGive.Amount == item.Amount) { ourInventory.Remove(itemToGive.AssetID); } else { item.Amount -= itemToGive.Amount; } if (!ourFullState.TryGetValue((itemToGive.RealAppID, itemToGive.Type, itemToGive.Rarity), out Dictionary? fullAmounts) || !fullAmounts.TryGetValue(itemToGive.ClassID, out uint fullAmount) || (itemToGive.Amount > fullAmount)) { // We're giving items we don't even have? throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(fullAmounts)); } if (itemToGive.Amount == fullAmount) { fullAmounts.Remove(itemToGive.ClassID); } else { fullAmounts[itemToGive.ClassID] = fullAmount - itemToGive.Amount; } if (!ourTradableState.TryGetValue((itemToGive.RealAppID, itemToGive.Type, itemToGive.Rarity), out Dictionary? tradableAmounts) || !tradableAmounts.TryGetValue(itemToGive.ClassID, out uint tradableAmount) || (itemToGive.Amount > tradableAmount)) { // We're giving items we don't even have? throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(tradableAmounts)); } if (itemToGive.Amount == tradableAmount) { tradableAmounts.Remove(itemToGive.ClassID); } else { tradableAmounts[itemToGive.ClassID] = tradableAmount - itemToGive.Amount; } } // However, since this is only an assumption, we must mark newly acquired items as untradable so we're sure that they're not considered for trading, only for matching foreach (Asset itemToReceive in itemsToReceive) { if (ourInventory.TryGetValue(itemToReceive.AssetID, out Asset? item)) { item.Description ??= new InventoryDescription(itemToReceive.AppID, itemToReceive.ClassID, itemToReceive.InstanceID, realAppID: itemToReceive.RealAppID, type: itemToReceive.Type, rarity: itemToReceive.Rarity); item.Description.Body.tradable = false; item.Amount += itemToReceive.Amount; } else { itemToReceive.Description ??= new InventoryDescription(itemToReceive.AppID, itemToReceive.ClassID, itemToReceive.InstanceID, realAppID: itemToReceive.RealAppID, type: itemToReceive.Type, rarity: itemToReceive.Rarity); itemToReceive.Description.Body.tradable = false; ourInventory[itemToReceive.AssetID] = itemToReceive; } if (!ourFullState.TryGetValue((itemToReceive.RealAppID, itemToReceive.Type, itemToReceive.Rarity), out Dictionary? fullAmounts)) { // We're receiving items from a set we don't even have? throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(fullAmounts)); } fullAmounts[itemToReceive.ClassID] = fullAmounts.GetValueOrDefault(itemToReceive.ClassID) + itemToReceive.Amount; } skippedSetsThisUser.UnionWith(skippedSetsThisTrade); } if (skippedSetsThisUser.Count == 0) { continue; } matchedSets += (uint) skippedSetsThisUser.Count; if (MatchingUtilities.IsEmptyForMatching(ourFullState, ourTradableState)) { // User doesn't have any more dupes in the inventory break; } } if (pendingMobileTradeOfferIDs.Count > 0) { (bool twoFactorSuccess, IReadOnlyCollection? handledConfirmations, _) = Bot.IsConnectedAndLoggedOn ? await Bot.Actions.HandleTwoFactorAuthenticationConfirmations(true, Confirmation.EConfirmationType.Trade, pendingMobileTradeOfferIDs, true).ConfigureAwait(false) : (false, null, null); if (!twoFactorSuccess) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Localization.Strings.FormatActivelyMatchingSomeConfirmationsFailed(handledConfirmations?.Count ?? 0, pendingMobileTradeOfferIDs.Count)); } } Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Localization.Strings.FormatActivelyMatchingItemsRound(matchedSets)); return matchedSets > 0; } private async void OnHeartBeatTimer(object? state = null) { if (!Bot.IsConnectedAndLoggedOn || (Bot.HeartBeatFailures > 0)) { return; } // Request persona update if needed if ((DateTime.UtcNow > LastPersonaStateRequest.AddMinutes(MinPersonaStateTTL)) && (DateTime.UtcNow > LastAnnouncement.AddMinutes(ShouldSendAnnouncementEarlier ? MinAnnouncementTTL : MaxAnnouncementTTL))) { LastPersonaStateRequest = DateTime.UtcNow; Bot.RequestPersonaStateUpdate(); } if (!ShouldSendHeartBeats || (DateTime.UtcNow < LastHeartBeat.AddMinutes(MinHeartBeatTTL))) { return; } if (!await RequestsSemaphore.WaitAsync(0).ConfigureAwait(false)) { return; } try { if (!SignedInWithSteam) { HttpStatusCode? signInWithSteam = await ArchiNet.SignInWithSteam(Bot, WebBrowser).ConfigureAwait(false); if (signInWithSteam == null) { // This is actually a network failure, so we'll stop sending heartbeats but not record it as valid check ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; return; } if (!signInWithSteam.Value.IsSuccessCode()) { // SignIn procedure failed and it wasn't a network error, hold off with future tries at least for a full day LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; return; } SignedInWithSteam = true; } BasicResponse? response = await Backend.HeartBeatForListing(Bot, WebBrowser).ConfigureAwait(false); if (response == null) { // This is actually a network failure, we should keep sending heartbeats for now return; } if (response.StatusCode.IsRedirectionCode()) { ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(response.StatusCode)); if (response.FinalUri.Host != ArchiWebHandler.SteamCommunityURL.Host) { ASF.ArchiLogger.LogGenericError(Strings.FormatWarningUnknownValuePleaseReport(nameof(response.FinalUri), response.FinalUri)); return; } // We've expected the result, not the redirection to the sign in, we need to authenticate again SignedInWithSteam = false; return; } BotCache ??= await BotCache.CreateOrLoad(BotCacheFilePath).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!response.StatusCode.IsSuccessCode()) { ShouldSendHeartBeats = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericWarning(Strings.FormatWarningFailedWithError(response.StatusCode)); switch (response.StatusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: // ArchiNet told us to that we need to announce again LastAnnouncement = DateTime.MinValue; BotCache.LastAnnouncedAssetsForListing.Clear(); BotCache.LastInventoryChecksumBeforeDeduplication = BotCache.LastAnnouncedTradeToken = null; BotCache.LastRequestAt = null; return; case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden: // ArchiNet told us to stop submitting data for now LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1); return; case HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests: // ArchiNet told us to try again later LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); return; default: // There is something wrong with our payload or the server, we shouldn't retry for at least several hours LastAnnouncement = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(6); return; } } BotCache.LastRequestAt = LastHeartBeat = DateTime.UtcNow; } finally { RequestsSemaphore.Release(); } } }