Translations update

This commit is contained in:
JustArchi 2017-02-20 15:55:38 +01:00
parent b1781219bc
commit 92d6047631
76 changed files with 946 additions and 2776 deletions

View file

@ -281,4 +281,6 @@

View file

@ -353,4 +353,6 @@

View file

@ -299,14 +299,8 @@
<value>Версия на компютъра Ви: {0} | Версия на сървъра: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Моля, въведете името на устройството за вашият mobile authenticator (включително "android:): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Моля въведете Вашият 2FA код от Steam authenticator приложението: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
@ -446,27 +440,15 @@
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Повторно свързване…</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Ключ: {1} | Статус: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Ключ: {1} | Статус: {2} | Предмети: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Премахнат изтекъл ключ за вход!</value>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} не е свързан.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} не работи.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
@ -512,4 +494,6 @@

View file

@ -281,4 +281,6 @@

View file

@ -302,38 +302,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Místní verze: {0} | Vzdálená verze: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Zadejte ID vašeho zařízení (včetně "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Zadejte váš kód 2FA ze Steam autentifikátoru: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Zadejte kód autentifikátoru SteamGuard, který byl odeslán na váš e-mail: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Zadejte Steam přihlašovací jméno: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Zadejte kód PIN rodičovského zámku pro Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Zadejte Steam heslo: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Zadejte nezdokumentovanou hodnotu {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Prosím zadejte Vašeho hostitele WCF: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Obdržena neznámá konfigurace pro {0}, nahlašte: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -368,25 +344,17 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Spuštění serveru WCF na adrese {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tato instance bota je již zastavena.</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot se jménem {0} nebyl nalezen.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Aktuálně je spuštěno {0}/{1} botů se zbývajícím počtem {2} her ({3} karet).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} farmí hru {1} ({2}, {3} zbývajících karet) z celkového počtu {4} her (celkem {5} karet) (zbývá {6}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} farmí hru: {1} z celkového počtu {2} her ({3} karet) (zbývá ~{4}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Kontrola první stránky s odznaky...</value>
@ -472,18 +440,9 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tento účet je omezený, farmení bude trvale nedostupné, dokud nebude omezení odstraněno.</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Stav: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Stav: {2} | Položky: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tento bot je již spuštěný.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Probíhá převod souboru .maFile do formátu aplikace ASF...</value>
@ -571,21 +530,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nelze zasílat sám sobě.</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>U tohoto bota není povoleno ASF 2FA. Nezapomněli jste svůj autentifikátor naimportovat jako ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tato instance bota není připojena.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; zatím nevlastní: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Již vlastní: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Byl překročen limit frekvence. Další pokus bude proveden po uplynutí {0} minut...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -593,41 +543,17 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Opětovné připojování...</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Klíč: {1} | Stav: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Klíč: {1} | Stav: {2} | Položky: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Zastaralý klíč k přihlášení byl odstraněn.</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} nic nefarmí.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Účet bota {0} je omezený a bot proto nemůže farmit.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} není připojený.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} není spuštěný.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} je pozastavený, nebo spuštěný v ručním režimu.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} je právě používán.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nelze se připojit ke Steamu: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -697,8 +623,7 @@ StackTrace:
<value>ASF se pokusí použít váš preferovaný jazyk {0}. Překlad tohoto jazyka je ale dokončen pouze z {1}. Možná chcete pomoci zlepšit překlad aplikace ASF pro váš jazyk?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmení hry {0} ({1}) je dočasně zrušeno, protože hra zatím nevyšla.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -281,4 +281,6 @@

View file

@ -302,38 +302,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Lokale Version: {0} | Verfügbare Version: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Bitte trage die Gerätekennung deines mobilen Authentikators ein (einschließlich"android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Bitte gebe deinen 2FA Code aus deiner Steam Authentikatorapp ein: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Bitte gib den Steam Guard Authentifikator-Code ein, der dir per E-Mail geschickt wurde: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Bitte gib deinen Steam Anmeldenamen ein: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Bitte geben deinen Steam-Familienansicht-PIN ein: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Bitte gib dein Steampasswort ein: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Bitte gebe undokumentierten Wert von {1} ein: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Bitte gebe deinen WCF-Host ein: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Unbekannten Wert für {0} erhalten, bitte melde folgendes: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -368,25 +344,17 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Starte WCF-Server auf {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Diese Botinstanz ist bereits beendet!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Konnte keinen Bot mit dem Namen {0} finden!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Es sind {0}/{1} Bots aktiv, mit insgesamt {2} Spielen ({3} Karten) verbleibend zum Idlen.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} idled Spiel: {1} ({2}, {3} Karten verbleidend) von insgesamt {4} Spielen ({5} Karten) verbleibend zum Idlen (~{6}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} sanmmelt in Spielen: {1} von insgesamt {2} Spielen ({3} Karten) verbleibend zum Sammeln (~{4}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Überprüfe erste Abzeichenseite...</value>
@ -472,18 +440,9 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Dieses Benutzerkonto ist eingeschränkt, Farmprozess ist bis zur Aufhebung der Beschränkung nicht verfügbar!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Spielekennung: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Spielekennung: {1} | Status: {2} | Gegenstände: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Dieses Roboterexemplar wird bereits ausgeführt!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Konvertiere .maFile in ASF-Format...</value>
@ -571,21 +530,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Du kannst nicht bei dir selbst plündern!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Dieser Bot hat ASF 2FA nicht aktiviert! Hast du vergessen deinen Authentifikator als ASF 2FA zu importieren?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Diese Bot-Instanz ist nicht verbunden!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Noch nicht im Besitz: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Bereits im Besitz: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Anfragenlimit erreicht, wir versuchen es nach {0} Minuten Wartezeit erneut...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -593,41 +543,17 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Erneut verbinden...</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Key: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Key: {1} | Status: {2} | Items: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Abgelaufenen Anmelde-Schlüssel entfernt!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} sammelt überhaupt nichts.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} ist eingeschränkt und erhält keine Karten durch's Sammeln.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} ist nicht verbunden.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} läuft nicht.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} ist pausiert oder läuft im manuellen Modus.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} wird zurzeit benutzt.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Verbindgung zu Steam fehlgeschlagen: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -697,8 +623,7 @@ StackTrace:
<value>ASF wird versuchen deine bevorzugte {0} Sprache zu verwenden, jedoch wurde die Übersetzung in dieser Sprache nur zu {1} abgeschlossen. Kannst du uns vielleicht helfen die ASF-Übersetzung in deiner Sprache zu verbessern?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sammeln {0} ({1}) ist vorübergehend deaktiviert, da dieses Spiel bis jetzt noch nicht veröffentlicht wurde.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -301,38 +301,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Τοπική έκδοση: {0} | Απομακρυσμένη έκδοση: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Παρακαλώ γράψτε το device ID του επαληθευτή κινητού σας (συμπεριλαμβανομένου του "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Παρακαλώ γράψτε τον 2FA κωδικό από την επαληθευτή Steam του κινητού σας: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Παρακαλώ γράψτε τον κωδικό SteamGuard που έχει σταλεί στο e-mail σας: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το όνομα λογαριασμού Steam σας: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το PIN γονικού ελέγχου Steam σας: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Παρακαλώ γράψτε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας στο Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τη μη τεκμηριωμένη τιμή {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το WCF host σας: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Παραλήφθηκε άγνωστη τιμή για το {0}, παρακαλώ να αναφέρετε αυτό: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -367,25 +343,17 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Έναρξη διακομιστή WCF στο {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Αυτό το bot έχει ήδη σταματήσει!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Δεν βρέθηκε κανένα bot με όνομα {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Τρέχουν {0}/{1} bots, στο σύνολο {2} παιχνίδια ({3} κάρτες) απομένουν να συλλεχθούν.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Το bot {0} συλλέγει κάρτες του παιχνιδιού: {1} ({2}, {3} κάρτες απομένουν) από το σύνολο των {4} παιχνιδιών ({5} κάρτες) που απομένουν (υπόλοιπο χρόνου: ~{6}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Το bot {0} συλλέγει κάρτες των παιχνιδιών: {1} από ένα σύνολο {2} παιχνιδιών ({3} κάρτες) που απομένουν (υπόλοιπο χρόνου ~{4}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Έλεγχος πρώτης σελίδας εμβλημάτων...</value>
@ -471,18 +439,9 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Αυτός ο λογαριασμός είναι περιορισμένος, η συλλογή καρτών είναι μόνιμα μη διαθέσιμη μέχρι να καταργηθεί ο περιορισμός!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; GameID: {1} | Κατάσταση: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; GameID: {1} | Κατάσταση: {2} | Στοιχεία: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Αυτό το bot τρέχει ήδη!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Μετατροπή .maFile σε ASF μορφή...</value>
@ -570,21 +529,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Δεν μπορείτε να λεηλατήσετε τον εαυτό σας!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Αυτό το bot δεν έχει ενεργοποιημένο το ASF 2FA! Μήπως ξεχάσατε να εισάγετε τον επαληθευτή σας ως ASF 2FA;</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Αυτό το bot δεν είναι συνδεδεμένο!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Δεν έχει ακόμα: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Έχει ήδη: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ξεπεράστηκε το όριο, θα ξαναγίνει προσπάθεια μετά από {0} λεπτά χαλάρωσης...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -592,41 +542,17 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Κλειδί: {1} | Κατάσταση: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Κλειδί: {1} | Κατάσταση: {2} | Στοιχεία: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Αφαιρέθηκε το κλειδί σύνδεσης που έχει λήξει!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Το bot {0} δεν συλλέγει τίποτα.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Το bot {0} είναι περιορισμένο και δεν μπορεί να ρίξει κάρτες μέσω της συλλογής.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Το bot {0} δεν είναι συνδεδεμένο.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Δεν τρέχει το bot {0}.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Το bot {0} είναι σε παύση ή τρέχει σε χειροκίνητη λειτουργία.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Το bot {0} χρησιμοποιείται αυτή τη στιγμή.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Αδυναμία σύνδεσης στο Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -696,8 +622,7 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Το ASF θα επιχειρήσει να χρησιμοποιήσει τη γλώσσα {0}, αλλά η μετάφραση σ'αυτή τη γλώσσα έχει συμπληρωθεί μόνο κατά {1}. Ισως θα μπορούσατε να μας βοηθήσετε να βελτιώσουμε τη μετάφραση του ASF για τη γλώσσα σας;</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Η συλλογή καρτών για το {0} ({1}) έχει απενεργοποιηθεί προσωρινά, καθώς το παιχνίδι δεν έχει κυκλοφορήσει ακόμα.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -303,36 +303,36 @@ StackTrace:
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Please enter your mobile authenticator device ID (including "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Please enter your mobile authenticator device ID (including "android:"): </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Please enter your 2FA code from your Steam authenticator app: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Please enter your 2FA code from your Steam authenticator app: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Please enter SteamGuard auth code that was sent on your e-mail: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Please enter SteamGuard auth code that was sent on your e-mail: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Please enter your Steam login: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Please enter your Steam login: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Please enter Steam parental PIN: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Please enter Steam parental PIN: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Please enter your Steam password: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Please enter your Steam password: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Please enter undocumented value of {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Please enter undocumented value of {0}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Please enter your WCF host: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Please enter your WCF host: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Received unknown value for {0}, please report this: {1}</value>
@ -369,23 +369,23 @@ StackTrace:
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>That bot instance is already stopped!</value>
<value>This bot is already stopped!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Couldn't find any bot named {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>There are {0}/{1} bots running, with total of {2} games ({3} cards) left to idle.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is idling game: {1} ({2}, {3} card drops remaining) from a total of {4} games ({5} cards) left to idle (~{6} remaining).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<value>Bot is idling game: {0} ({1}, {2} card drops remaining) from a total of {3} games ({4} cards) left to idle (~{5} remaining).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name, {2} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {5} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is idling games: {1} from a total of {2} games ({3} cards) left to idle (~{4} remaining).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<value>Bot is idling games: {0} from a total of {1} games ({2} cards) left to idle (~{3} remaining).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {1} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {2} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {3} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Checking first badge page...</value>
@ -472,17 +472,16 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This account is limited, idling process is permanently unavailable until the restriction is removed!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicense" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GameID: {0} | Status: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by gameID (number), {1} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Status: {2} | Items: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GameID: {0} | Status: {1} | Items: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by gameID (number), {1} will be replaced by status string, {2} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>That bot instance is already running!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>This bot is already running!</value>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Converting .maFile into ASF format...</value>
@ -572,19 +571,18 @@ StackTrace:
<value>You can't loot yourself!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>That bot doesn't have ASF 2FA enabled! Did you forget to import your authenticator as ASF 2FA?</value>
<value>This bot doesn't have ASF 2FA enabled! Did you forget to import your authenticator as ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This bot instance is not connected!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Not owned yet: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<value>Not owned yet: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Owned already: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<value>Owned already: {0} | {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Rate limit exceeded, we will retry after {0} minutes of cooldown...</value>
@ -593,40 +591,34 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Key: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeem" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Key: {0} | Status: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {1} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Key: {1} | Status: {2} | Items: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Key: {0} | Status: {1} | Items: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {1} will be replaced by status string, {2} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Removed expired login key!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is not idling anything.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot is not idling anything.</value>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is limited and can't drop any cards through idling.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot is limited and can't drop any cards through idling.</value>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is not connected.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot is not connected.</value>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is not running.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot is not running.</value>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is paused or running in manual mode.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot is paused or running in manual mode.</value>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is currently being used.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot is currently being used.</value>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Unable to connect to Steam: {0}</value>
@ -697,8 +689,16 @@ StackTrace:
<value>ASF will attempt to use your preferred {0} culture, but translation in that language was completed only in {1}. Perhaps you could help us improve ASF translation for your language?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Idling {0} ({1}) is temporarily disabled, as that game was not released yet.</value>
<data name="IdlingGameNotPossible" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Idling {0} ({1}) is temporarily disabled, as ASF is not able to play that game at the moment.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="WarningIdlingGameMismatch" xml:space="preserve">
<value>ASF detected appID mismatch for {0} ({1}) and will use appID of {2} instead.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name, {2} will be replaced by game's appID (number)</comment>
<data name="BotVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} V{1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by program's name (e.g. "ASF"), {1} will be replaced by program's version (e.g. ""). This string typically has nothing to translate and you should leave it as it is, unless you need to change the format, e.g. in RTL languages.</comment>

View file

@ -301,38 +301,14 @@ Trazo de pila:
<value>Versión local: {0} | Versión remota: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt;, Introduzca su ID de dispositivo (incluyendo "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; por favor, introduzca su código de 2FA del autenticador de la aplicación Steam Mobile: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Por favor introduzca el código de autenticación del SteamGuard que fue enviado a su correo electrónico: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt;, Introduzca su usuario de Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Por favor introduzca el PIN parental de Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Por favor, introduzca su contraseña de Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Escriba el valor indocumentado de {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt;, Introduzca su host de WCF: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Recibido valor desconocido para {0}. Por favor, informa de ello: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -367,25 +343,17 @@ Trazo de pila:
<value>Iniciando servidor WCF en {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>¡Esa instncia de bot ya se ha detenido!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>¡No se pudo encontrar ningún bot llamado {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Hay {0}/{1} bots funcionando, con un total de {2} juegos ({3} cromos) aún por farmear.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>El bot {0} está recolectando del juego: {1} ({2}, {3} cromos restantes) de un total de {4} juegos ({5} cromos) aún por recolectar (faltan ~{6}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>El bot {0} está recolectando el juego: {1} de un total de {2} juegos ({3} cromos) aún por recolectar (faltan ~{4}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Comprobando la primera página de las insignias...</value>
@ -471,18 +439,9 @@ Trazo de pila:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>¡Está cuenta es limitada, el proceso de recolección está deshabilitado hasta que la restricción sea removida!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Estado: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Estado: {2} | Artículos: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>¡Ya se está ejecutando esta instancia de bot!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Convirtiendo .maFile en formato ASF...</value>
@ -570,21 +529,12 @@ Trazo de pila:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>¡No puedes traspasar a tu misma cuenta!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>¡Este bot no tiene ASF 2FA habilitado! ¿Olvidaste importar el autenticador como ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>¡Esta instancia del bot no está conectada!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Todavía no lo tienes: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Ya lo tienes: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Se ha superado la tasa límite, lo volveremos a intentar después de {0} minutos...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -592,41 +542,17 @@ Trazo de pila:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Clave: {1} | Estado: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Clave: {1} | Estado: {2} | Artículos: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>¡ Eliminada la clave de inicio de sesión caducada!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} no está recolectando nada.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} esta limitado y no puede soltar ningún cromo a través de la recolección.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} no está conectado.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} no está en ejecución.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} está en pausa o funcionando en modo manual.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} está en uso.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>No se puede conectar a Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -696,8 +622,7 @@ Trazo de pila:
<value>ASF intentará utilizar tu idioma {0}, pero la traducción en este idioma está completa sólo en un {1}. ¿Tal vez podrías ayudarnos a mejorar la traducción de ASF para tu idioma?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>No se pueden aumentar las horas jugadas de {0} ({1}) porque el juego aún no ha salido.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -236,14 +236,8 @@
<value>Paikallinen versio: {0} | Etäkäyttöversio: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; syötä laitteen ID (mukaan lukien "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; syötä 2FA-koodi Steam authenticator-sovelluksesta: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
@ -264,7 +258,7 @@
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bottia nimeltä {0} ei voitu löytää!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
@ -310,7 +304,7 @@
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="NowIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nyt idlataan: {0}</value>
<value>Idlauksessa: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
@ -403,14 +397,8 @@
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botti {0} ei ole yhdistetty.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botti {0} ei ole käynnissä.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
@ -451,4 +439,6 @@

View file

@ -302,38 +302,14 @@ StackTrace :
<value>Version installée : {0} | Version la plus récente : {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Veuillez entrer l'ID de votre périphérique (incluant « android : ») : </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Veuillez entrer le code 2FA de votre authentificateur mobile Steam : </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Veuillez entrer le code dauthentification SteamGuard qui vous a été envoyé par e-mail : </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Veuillez entrer votre nom dutilisateur Steam : </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Veuillez entrer le code du Mode famille : </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe Steam : </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Veuillez entrer la valeur non documentée de {1} : </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Veuillez entrer votre hôte WCF : </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} a reçu une valeur inconnue, veuillez le signaler : {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -368,25 +344,17 @@ StackTrace :
<value>Démarrage du serveur WCF sur {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>L'instance de ce bot est déjà arrêtée !</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Aucun bot nommé {0} n'a été trouvé !</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Il y a {0}/{1} bots en cours dexécution, avec un total de {2} jeux ({3} cartes) restants à traiter.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Le bot {0} collecte les cartes du jeu : {1} ({2}, {3} cartes restantes à obtenir) sur un total de {4} jeux ({5} cartes) à faire tourner (~{6} restantes).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Le bot {0} collecte les cartes des jeux : {1} sur un total de {2} jeux ({3} cartes) restants à traiter (~{4} restant(e)s).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Vérification de la première page des badges...</value>
@ -472,18 +440,9 @@ StackTrace :
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ce compte est limité, le processus de collecte est impossible tant que la restriction n'a pas été levée !</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID : {1} | Statut : {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; GameID : {1} | Statut : {2} | Items : {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ce bot est déjà en cours d'utilisation !</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conversion de .maFile au format ASF...</value>
@ -571,21 +530,12 @@ StackTrace :
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Vous ne pouvez pas lancer la récupération des cartes sur vous-même !</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ce bot na pas ASF 2FA d'activé ! Avez-vous oublié dimporter votre authentificateur en tant que ASF 2FA ?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ce bot nest pas connecté !</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; ne possède pas encore : {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; possède déjà : {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Fréquence limite dépassée, nouvelle tentative après {0} minutes d'attente...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -593,41 +543,17 @@ StackTrace :
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Clé : {1} | Statut : {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Clé : {1} | Statut : {2} | Items : {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>La clé expirée a été supprimée !</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Le bot {0} n'est pas en cours de collecte.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Le compte Steam utilisé par le bot {0} est limité et ne peut pas être utilisé pour la collecte de nouvelles cartes.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Le bot {0} nest pas connecté.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Le bot {0} nest pas en cours dexécution.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Le bot {0} est en pause ou en cours dexécution en mode manuel.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Le bot {0} est actuellement utilisé.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Impossible de se connecter à Steam : {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -697,8 +623,7 @@ StackTrace :
<value>ASF va tenter dutiliser votre langage préféré {0}, mais la traduction dans ce langage est achevée seulement à {1}. Peut-être vous pourriez nous aider à améliorer la traduction ASF pour votre langue ?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>La collecte des cartes pour {0} ({1}) est temporairement désactivée, car ce jeu nest pas encore sorti.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -303,35 +303,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>גירסה מקומית: {0} | הגירסה המרוחקת: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; נא להזין את deviceID של המאמת הנייד (כולל "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; אנא הכניסו את קוד ה- 2FA שלכם מאפליקציית המאמת הנייד של Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; אנא הזן את קוד האימות של SteamGuard אשר נשלח אליך בדואר אלקטרוני: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt;, נא הזינו את משתמש ה- Steam שלכם: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; בבקשה הזן את את סיסמת הPIN (סיסמה בעלת 4 ספרות) של הגדרות ההרות של סטים: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>lt&amp;;{0}&gt; הכנס בבקשה את סיסמת הסטים שלך:</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt;, נא להזין WCF host: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
@ -351,12 +330,10 @@ StackTrace:
<value>מחיל שרת WCF על {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>מופע בוט זה כבר עצר!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>לא ניתן למצוא אף בוט בשם {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>ישנם {0}/{1} בוטים רצים, עם סך של {2} משחקים ({3} קלפים) שנותרו להריץ.</value>
@ -449,10 +426,7 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>מופע בוט זה פועל כבר!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>המרת .maFile לפורמט ASF</value>
@ -531,17 +505,10 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>מופע בוט זה לא מחובר!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt;. לא בבעלות עדיין: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; כבר בבעלות: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>מתחבר מחדש...</value>
@ -550,30 +517,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>הוסר מפתח התחברות שתוקפו פג!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>בוט {0} לא מריץ דבר.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>בוט {0} מוגבל ולא יצור קלפים בזמן ריצה.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>בוט {0} אינו מחובר.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>בוט {0} אינו פועל.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>בוט {0} מושהה או פועל במצב ידני.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>בוט {0} נמצא בשימוש.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>לא ניתן להתחבר לסטים: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -624,4 +573,6 @@ StackTrace:

View file

@ -334,4 +334,6 @@

View file

@ -298,38 +298,14 @@ StackTrace: {2}</value>
<value>Lokális verzió: {0} | Távoli verzió: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Adja meg az eszköz ID-t ("android:" részt is beleértve): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Kérlek, add meg a 2FA kódodat a Steam authenticator alkalmazásból: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Kérlek, add meg a SteamGuard hitelesítő kódodat, amit az e-mail címedre küldtek: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Kérlek, add meg a Steam belépési neved: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Kérlek, add meg a Steam szülői felügyelet PIN kódját: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Kérlek, add meg a Steam jelszavad: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Kérlek, add meg a(z) {1} nem dokumentált értékét: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Kérlek, add meg a WCF host-odat: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} ismeretlen értéket kapott, kérlek, jelentsd ezt: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -364,25 +340,17 @@ StackTrace: {2}</value>
<value>WCF szerver indítása {0}-n...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Az a bot példány már le lett állítva!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Egyetlen bot sem található {0} névvel!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0}/{1} bot fut jelenleg. Összesen {2} játékot ({3} kártya) kell még futtatni.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} az alábbi játékot farmolja: {1} ({2}, {3} kártya maradt még). Összesen {4} játék ({5} kártya) maradt (kb. {6} míg végez).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} az alábbi játékokat farmolja: {1}. Összesen {2} játék ({3} kártya) maradt (kb. {4} míg végez).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A kitűzők első oldalának ellenőrzése...</value>
@ -464,15 +432,9 @@ StackTrace: {2}</value>
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ez az account korlátozva van, a farmolás a korlátozás megszűnéséig nem elérhető!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Állapot: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Az a bot példány már fut!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>.maFile konvertálása ASF formátumba...</value>
@ -550,57 +512,27 @@ StackTrace: {2}</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Annál a botnál nincs bekapcsolva az ASF 2FA! Elfelejtetted volna ASF 2FA-ként importálni a hitelesítődet?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ez a bot példány nincs csatlakozva!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Még nincs meg: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Már megvan: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Kulcs: {1} | Állapot: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A lejárt belépési kulcs törölve!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} nem farmol jelenleg semmit.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} korlátozva van, ezért farmolással nem tud kártyákat dobni.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} nincs csatlakoztatva.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} nem fut jelenleg.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} le van állítva, vagy manuális módban fut.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} jelenleg használatban van.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nem lehet csatlakozni a Steamhez: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -668,8 +600,7 @@ StackTrace: {2}</value>
<value>Az ASF megpróbálja az elsődleges kultúrádat ({0}) használni, de a fordítás azon a nyelven csak {1}-ban készült el eddig. Talán segíthetnél a saját nyelved ASF fordításában?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A farmolás {0} ({1}) számára átmenetileg nem elérhető, mivel a játék még nem jelent meg.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -300,38 +300,14 @@
<value>Versi lokal: {0} | Versi remote: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Masukkan Device ID mobile authenticator anda (termasuk "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; silakan masukkan kode 2FA dari aplikasi Steam Authenticator Anda: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; silakan masukkan kode otentikasi SteamGuard yang dikirim pada e-mail Anda: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Masukkan login Steam anda: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Masukkan PIN Steam orang tua: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Masukkan Kata Sandi Steam Account anda: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Masukkan suatu nilai {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Masukkan host WCF Anda: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Menerima nilai yang tidak diketahui untuk {0}, laporkan hal ini: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -366,25 +342,17 @@
<value>Memulai server WCF di {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Instansi Bot tersebut sudah berhenti!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tidak dapat menemukan bot apapun yang bernama {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ada {0}/{1} bot berjalan, dengan total {2} game ({3} kartu) untuk di-idle.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} sedang menganggurkan permainan: {1} ({2}, {3} kartu tersisa) dari total {4} permainan ({5} kartu) meninggalkan ke siaga (~{6} yang tersisa).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} adalah menganggurkan permainan: {1} dari total {2} permainan ({3} kartu) meninggalkan ke siaga (~{4} yang tersisa).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mengecek halaman badge pertama...</value>
@ -470,18 +438,9 @@
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Akun ini dalam kondisi limited, proses idling tidak akan tersedia dalam kondisi ini!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; ID Game: {1} | Status: {2} | Items: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Instansi Bot itu telah berjalan!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mengkonfirmasi .maFile ke format ASF...</value>
@ -569,21 +528,12 @@
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Anda tidak dapat me-loot diri sendiri!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot tidak memiliki ASF 2FA yang diperbolehkan! Apakah kamu lupa untuk mengimpor authenticator kamu sebagai ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Instansi bot ini tidak terhubung!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; belum dimiliki: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Sudah dimiliki: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Melebihi batas, kita akan coba lagi setelah {0} menit cooldown...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -591,41 +541,17 @@
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Menyambungkan kembali...</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Key: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Key: {1} | Status: {2} | Items: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Menghapus kunci login yang sudah kadaluarsa!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} tidak meng-idling apapun.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} dalam kondisi limited dan tidak bisa drop kartu melalui idling.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} tidak berjalan.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} tidak berjalan.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} di-pause atau berjalan dalam mode manual.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} saat ini sedang digunakan.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tidak dapat terhubung ke Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -695,8 +621,7 @@
<value>ASF akan mencoba untuk menggunakan bahasa {0} pilihan Anda, tetapi terjemahan dalam bahasa tersebut baru {1}. Mungkin Anda bisa membantu ASF untuk melengkapi terjemahan ke dalam bahasa Anda?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Idling {0} ({1}) untuk sementara dinonaktifkan, karena permainan tersebut belum dirilis.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -300,38 +300,14 @@
<value>Versione locale: {0} | Versione remota: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Inserisci il tuo ID dispositivo (incluso "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Inserisci il tuo codice 2FA dell'app autenticatore di Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Inserisci il codice di autenticazione di SteamGuard che è stato inviato al tuo indirizzo e-mail: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Inserisci l'username di Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Inserisci il PIN genitore di Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Inserisci la tua password di Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Inserisci il valore non documentato {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Inserisci i dati del tuo host WCF: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ricevuto valore sconosciuto per {0}, si prega di segnalare: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -366,25 +342,17 @@
<value>Avvio del server WCF in {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tale istanza di bot è già stata arrestata!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Impossibile trovare un bot denominato {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ci sono {0}/{1} bot in esecuzione, per un totale di {2} giochi ({3} carte) ancora da trovare.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Il bot {0} sta farmando il gioco: {1} ({2}, {3} carte rimanenti) su un totale di {4} giochi ({5} carte) ancora da farmare (~{6} rimanenti).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Il bot {0} sta farmando il gioco: {1} da un totale di {2} giochi ({3} carte) ancora da trovare (~{4} rimanenti).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Verificando la prima pagina di medaglie...</value>
@ -470,18 +438,9 @@
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Questo account è limitato, il processo di idle non sarà disponibile finchè la restrizione non verrà rimossa!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; ID del gioco: {1} | Stato: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; ID del gioco: {1} | Stato: {2} | Oggetti: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tale istanza di bot è già in esecuzione!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conversione del file .maFile nel formato di ASF in corso...</value>
@ -569,21 +528,12 @@
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Non puoi usare il loot su te stesso!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Questo bot non ha abilitato ASF 2FA! Hai dimenticato di importare il tuo autenticatore come ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Questa istanza di bot non è connessa!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Non ancora posseduto: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Già in libreria: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Superato il numero di tentativi, ritenteremo tra {0} minuti di cooldown...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -591,41 +541,17 @@
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Chiave: {1} | Stato: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Chiave: {1} | Stato: {2} | Oggetti: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Rimossa la chiave di accesso scaduta!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} non sta farmando nulla.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} è un account limitato e non può ottenere carte.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Il bot {0} non è connesso.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Il bot {0} non è in esecuzione.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Il bot {0} è in pausa o in esecuzione in modalità manuale.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Il bot {0} è attualmente in uso.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Impossibile connettersi a Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -695,8 +621,7 @@
<value>ASF proverà ad utilizzare la tua lingua preferita {0}, ma la traduzione è completa solo al {1}. Forse potresti aiutarci a migliorare la traduzione di ASF nella tua lingua?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Idling di {0} ({1}) è temporaneamente disabilitato, poiché il gioco non è stato ancora rilasciato.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -299,38 +299,14 @@
<value>現在のバージョン: {0} | 最新バージョン: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; あなたのデバイスIDを入力してください("android:"を含む): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Steam認証アプリケーションから二次認証コードを入力してください: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; あなたのメールアドレスに送信されたSteamガード認証コードを入力してください: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; あなたのSteamログインIDを入力してください: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; あなたのSteamペアレンタルPINを入力してください: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; あなたのSteamパスワードを入力してください: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; {1} の登録されていない値を入力してください: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; WCF ホストを入力してください: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} に不明な値を受信しました。この問題を報告してください: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -365,25 +341,17 @@
<value>WCF サーバーを {0} に開始中...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} という名前のbotを見つけられませんでした</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0}/{1} のbotが実行されています。合計{2} つのゲーム({3} つのカード) をアイドリングできます。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} はアイドリングしています: {1} ({2}, 残りカード{3} つ) 合計{4} つのゲーム({5} つのカード) が残っています(あと~{6})</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} はアイドリングしています: {1} 合計{2} つのゲーム({3} つのカード) が残っています(あと~{4})</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
@ -469,18 +437,9 @@
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | 状態: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | 状態: {2} | 項目: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
@ -568,21 +527,12 @@
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>そのbotはASF 二次認証が有効ではありません認証システムをASF 二次認証としてインポートするのを忘れていませんか?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; まだ所持していません: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; 既に所持しています: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>レートの制限を超えています。{0} 分のクールダウン後、再試行します...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -590,41 +540,17 @@
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; キー: {1} | 状態: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; キー: {1} | 状態: {2} | 項目: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} は何もアイドリングしていません。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} は制限中のため、アイドリングでカードをドロップできません。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} は接続されていません。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} は実行されていません。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} は停止中か、マニュアルモードで実行中です。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} は現在使用されています。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Steamに接続できませんでした: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -694,8 +620,7 @@
<value>ASFはあなたの言語{0} の使用を試みますが、この言語の翻訳の完成度は{1} です。もしかしたらあなたが翻訳の向上を助けられるかもしれませんよ?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>このゲームはまだリリースされていないため、{0} ({1}) のアイドリングは一時的に無効になります。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -304,38 +304,14 @@ ASF 실행 파일의 이름이 적절한지 확인하시기 바랍니다!</value
<value>로컬 버전: {0} | 원격 버전: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Device ID를 입력하세요. ("android:" 포함해서): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Steam 인증기 앱의 2차 인증 코드를 입력하세요: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; E-mail로 받은 SteamGuard 인증 코드를 입력하세요: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Steam 로그인 아이디를 입력하세요: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Steam 부모 계정의 PIN을 입력하세요: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Steam 로그인 비밀번호를 입력하세요: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; {1}의 알려지지 않은 값을 입력하세요: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; WCF 호스트를 입력하세요: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0}의 알 수 없는 값을 받았습니다. 이것을 보고 바랍니다: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -370,25 +346,17 @@ ASF 실행 파일의 이름이 적절한지 확인하시기 바랍니다!</value
<value>WCF 서버 {0} 시작 중...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>해당 봇 인스턴스가 이미 중지되었습니다!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} 이름을 가진 봇을 찾을 수 없습니다!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0}/{1} 봇이 실행 중, 총 {2}개의 게임({3}개의 카드)이 남아있습니다.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>봇 {0}이 농사 중인 게임: {1} ({2}, {3}개의 카드 남음) / 전체 {4}개의 게임 ({5}개의 카드) 남음. (약 {6} 소요)</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>봇 {0}이 농사 중인 게임: {1} / 전체 {2}개의 게임 ({3}개의 카드) 남음. (약 {4} 소요)</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>첫 번째 배지 페이지를 확인하는 중...</value>
@ -474,18 +442,9 @@ ASF 실행 파일의 이름이 적절한지 확인하시기 바랍니다!</value
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>이 계정은 제한되어 있으므로, 제한이 풀릴 때까지 농사를 지을 수 없습니다!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | 상태: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | 상태: {2} | 항목: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>해당 봇 인스턴스가 이미 실행 중입니다!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>.maFile을 ASF 포맷으로 변환 중...</value>
@ -573,21 +532,12 @@ ASF 실행 파일의 이름이 적절한지 확인하시기 바랍니다!</value
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>본인 스스로 루팅 할 수 없습니다!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>해당 봇은 ASF 2FA를 사용하지 않습니다! ASF 2FA로 인증기 가져오는 것을 잊었나요?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>이 봇 인스턴스는 연결되어 있지 않습니다!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; 미보유: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; 이미 보유 중: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>등록 활성화 제한을 초과했습니다. {0}분의 쿨다운 이후 재시도합니다...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -595,41 +545,17 @@ ASF 실행 파일의 이름이 적절한지 확인하시기 바랍니다!</value
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>다시 연결 중...</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; 키: {1} | 상태: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; 키: {1} | 상태: {2} | 항목: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>만료된 로그인 키를 제거합니다!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>봇 {0} - 아무것도 안함.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>봇 {0} - 제한됨. 농사로 카드를 얻을 수 없음.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>봇 {0} - 연결되지 않음.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>봇 {0} - 실행되지 않음.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>봇 {0} - 일시 정지 혹은 수동 모드로 실행 중.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>봇 {0} - 현재 사용 중.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Steam에 연결할 수 없습니다: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -699,8 +625,7 @@ ASF 실행 파일의 이름이 적절한지 확인하시기 바랍니다!</value
<value>ASF는 {0} 지역 언어를 사용하려고 시도했지만, 해당 언어의 번역이 {1}만 완료되어 있습니다. 혹시 당신의 언어로 ASF 번역을 개선하는 것을 도와줄 수 있나요?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>해당 게임이 아직 출시 전이므로, {0} ({1})의 농사가 일시적으로 비활성화 되었습니다.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -299,38 +299,14 @@
<value>Vietinė versija: {0} | Versija serveryje: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Prašome įvesti savo prietaiso ID (įskaitant "Android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Prašome įvesti 2FA kodą iš jūsų Steam autentifikavimo programėlės: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Prašome įvesti "Steam Guard" autentifikavimo kodą, kuris buvo išsiųstas į jūsų e-paštą: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Prašome įvesti savo Steam prisijungimo vardą: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Prašome įvesti Steam tėvų kontrolės PIN kodą: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Prašome įvesti savo Steam slaptažodį: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Prašome įvesti nedokumentuotą {1} reikšmę: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Prašome įvesti savo WCF hostingą: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Gauta nežinoma reikšmė, {0}, prašome pranešti apie tai: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -365,25 +341,17 @@
<value>Paleidžiamas WCF serveris {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tas "boto" atvejis jau yra sustabdytas!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nepavyko rasti jokio "boto" pavadinimo {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Šiuo metu veikia {0}/{1} "botai", iš viso yra {2} žaidimų ({3} kortelių) likę surinkti.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botas {0} renka korteles iš: {1} ({2},{3} kortelės likusios iškristi iš viso {4} žaidimų ({5} kortelių) likę surinkti (liko ~{6}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>"Botas" {0} renka korteles iš: {1} iš viso {2} žaidimų ({3} kortelių) likę surinkti (liko ~{4}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tikrinamas pirmasis pasiekimų puslapis...</value>
@ -469,18 +437,9 @@
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ši paskyra yra ribota, kortelių rinkimo procesas negalimas iki tol kol apribojimas nebus pašalintas!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Žaidimo ID: {1} | Statusas: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Žaidimo ID: {1} | Statusas: {2} | Daiktai: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botas jau veikia!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>.maFile verčiamas į ASF formatą...</value>
@ -568,21 +527,12 @@
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Jūs negalite grobti kortelių iš savęs!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tas botas neturi ASF 2FA įjungto! Ar jūs pamiršote importuoti savo autentifikatorių kaip ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Šis boto atvejis nėra prijungtas!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Dar neturi: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Jau turi: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Dažnumo limitas viršytas, bandysime dar kartą po {0} minučių pauzės...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -590,41 +540,17 @@
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Jungiamasi iš naujo...</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Cd-key: {1} | Statusas: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Cd-key: {1} | Statusas: {2} | Daiktai: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Pašalintas nebegaliojantis prisijungimo raktas!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botas {0} nerenka kortelių.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botas {0} yra ribotas ir negali gauti jokių kortelių iš rinkimo.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botas {0} nėra prijungtas.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botas {0} nėra įjungtas.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botas {0} yra sustabdytas arba veikia rankiniu rėžimu.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botas {0} šiuo metu yra naudojamas.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nepavyko prisijungti prie Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -694,8 +620,7 @@
<value>ASF bandys naudoti jūsų pageidaujamą {0} kalbą, bet vertimas į tą kalba buvo užbaigtas tik {1}. Galbūt jūs galėtumėte mums padėti pagerinti ASF vertimą į šią kalbą?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Kortelių rinkimas iš {0}({1}) laikinai sustabdytas, nes žaidimas dar nėra išleistas.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -281,4 +281,6 @@

View file

@ -301,38 +301,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Lokale versie: {0} | Externe versie: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul je Device ID in (inclusief "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul je 2FA code in van je Steam authenticatie app: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul de SteamGuard authenticatiecode in die naar je e-mail gestuurd is: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul je Steam gebruikersnaam in: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul je Steam ouderlijktoezichtscode in: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul je Steam wachtwoord in: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Voer ongedocumenteerde waarde van {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Voer je WCF-host in: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Onbekende waarde ontvangen voor {0}, gelieven dit melden: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -367,25 +343,17 @@ StackTrace:
<value>WCF server starten op {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Deze bot-instantie is al gestopt!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Kan geen bot vinden genaamd {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Er zijn {0}/{1} bots actief, met in totaal {2} spellen ({3} kaarten) te gaan om te idlen.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is spel {1} aan het idlen ({2}, {3} kaarten te gaan) van een totaal van {4} spellen ({5} kaarten) nog te verzamelen (~{6} resterende).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is spellen aan het idlen: {1} uit een totaal van {2} spellen ({3} kaarten) nog te idlen (~{4} remaining).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Eerste badge pagina controleren...</value>
@ -471,18 +439,9 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Dit account is beperkt, het idling proces is permanent onbeschikbaar totdat de beperking is verwijderd!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; SpelID: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; SpelID: {1} | Status: {2} | Items: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Die bot-instantie is al bezig!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>.maFile omzetten naar ASF formaat...</value>
@ -570,21 +529,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Je kan je zelf niet looten!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Die bot heeft ASF 2FA nog niet ingeschakeld! Ben je vergeten om je authenticator te importeren als ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Deze bot instatie is niet verbonden!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Nog niet in bezit: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; In bezit: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Limiet overschreden, we zullen het over {0} minuten opnieuw proberen...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -592,41 +542,17 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Opnieuw verbinden...</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Cd-key: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Cd-key: {1} | Status: {2} | Items: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Verlopen login sleutel verwijderd!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is niks aan het idlen.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is beperkt en kan geen kaarten laten vallen via idling.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is niet verbonden.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is niet actief.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is gepauzeerd of uitgevoerd in de handmatige modus.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} wordt momenteel gebruikt.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Niet in staat om op Steam in te loggen: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -696,8 +622,7 @@ StackTrace:
<value>ASF probeert de {0} taal te gebruiken, maar het vertalen in deze taal was tot {1} compleet. Misschien kan je ons helpen om ASF te vertalen in jouw taal?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Idling {0} ({1}) is tijdelijk uitgeschakeld, aangezien dat spel nog niet was uitgegeven.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -301,38 +301,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Lokale versie: {0} | Externe versie: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul je Device ID in (inclusief "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul je 2FA code in van je Steam authenticatie app: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul de SteamGuard authenticatiecode in die naar je e-mail gestuurd is: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul je Steam gebruikersnaam in: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul je Steam ouderlijktoezichtscode in: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vul je Steam wachtwoord in: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Voer ongedocumenteerde waarde van {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Voer je WCF-host in: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Onbekende waarde ontvangen voor {0}, graag dit melden: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -367,25 +343,17 @@ StackTrace:
<value>WCF server starten op {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Deze bot-instantie is al gestopt!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Kan geen bot vinden genaamd {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Er zijn {0}/{1} bots actief, met in totaal {2} spellen ({3} kaarten) te gaan om te idlen.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is spel {1} aan het idlen ({2}, {3} kaarten te gaan) van een totaal van {4} spellen ({5} kaarten) nog te verzamelen (~{6} resterende).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is spellen aan het idlen: {1} uit een totaal van {2} spellen ({3} kaarten) nog te idlen (~{4} remaining).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Eerste badge pagina controleren...</value>
@ -471,18 +439,9 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Dit account is beperkt, het idling proces is permanent onbeschikbaar totdat de beperking is verwijderd!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; SpelID: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; SpelID: {1} | Status: {2} | Items: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Die bot-instantie is al bezig!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>.maFile omzetten naar ASF formaat...</value>
@ -570,21 +529,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Je kan je zelf niet looten!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Die bot heeft ASF 2FA nog niet ingeschakeld! Ben je vergeten om je authenticator te importeren als ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Deze bot instatie is niet verbonden!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Nog niet in bezit: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; In bezit: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Limiet overschreden, we zullen het over {0} minuten opnieuw proberen...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -592,41 +542,17 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Opnieuw verbinden...</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Cd-key: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Cd-key: {1} | Status: {2} | Items: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Verlopen login sleutel verwijderd!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is niks aan het idlen.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is beperkt en kan geen kaarten laten vallen via idling.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is niet verbonden.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is niet actief.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} is gepauzeerd of uitgevoerd in de handmatige modus.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} wordt momenteel gebruikt.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Niet in staat om op Steam in te loggen: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -696,8 +622,7 @@ StackTrace:
<value>ASF probeert de {0} taal te gebruiken, maar het vertalen in deze taal was tot {1} compleet. Misschien kan je ons helpen om ASF te vertalen in jouw taal?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Idling {0} ({1}) is tijdelijk uitgeschakeld, aangezien dat spel nog niet was uitgegeven.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -364,4 +364,6 @@

View file

@ -303,36 +303,36 @@ StackTrace:
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Wprowadź identyfikator urządzenia (device ID) twojego mobilnego tokena uwierzytelnienia (w tym "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Wprowadź identyfikator urządzenia (device ID) twojego mobilnego tokena uwierzytelnienia (w tym "android:"): </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Wprowadź kod uwierzytelnienia dwuskładnikowego z twojego mobilnego tokena Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Wprowadź kod uwierzytelnienia dwuskładnikowego z twojego mobilnego tokena Steam: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Wprowadź kod SteamGuard, który został wysłany na Twój adres e-mail: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Wprowadź kod SteamGuard, który został wysłany na Twój adres e-mail: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Wprowadź swój login Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Wprowadź swój login Steam: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Wprowadź swój kod konta rodzicielskiego Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Wprowadź swój kod konta rodzicielskiego Steam: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Wprowadź swoje hasło Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Wprowadź swoje hasło Steam: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Wprowadź nieudokumentowaną wartość dla {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Wprowadź nieudokumentowaną wartość dla {0}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Wprowadź adres hosta usługi WCF: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<value>Wprowadź adres hosta usługi WCF: </value>
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Otrzymano nieznaną wartość dla {0}, proszę zgłoś to do developerów: {1}</value>
@ -369,23 +369,23 @@ StackTrace:
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ta instancja bota jest już zatrzymana!</value>
<value>Ten bot jest już zatrzymany!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nie można znaleźć żadnego bota o nazwie: {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>W tej chwili działa {0}/{1} botów z łącznie {2} grami ({3} kartami) do wyfarmienia.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} farmi grę {1} ({2}, z {3} kartami pozostałymi do wyfarmienia) z łącznej ilości {4} gier ({5} kart) pozostałych do wyfarmienia (pozostało ~{6}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<value>Bot farmi grę {0} ({1}, z {2} kartami pozostałymi do wyfarmienia) z łącznej ilości {3} gier ({4} kart) pozostałych do wyfarmienia (pozostało ~{5}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name, {2} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {5} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} farmi gry: {1} z łącznej ilości {2} gier ({3} kart) pozostałych do wyfarmienia (pozostało ~{4}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<value>Bot farmi gry: {0} z łącznej ilości {1} gier ({2} kart) pozostałych do wyfarmienia (pozostało ~{3}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {1} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {2} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {3} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sprawdzanie pierwszej strony odznak...</value>
@ -472,17 +472,16 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>To konto jest ograniczone, proces farmienia jest trwale niedostępny do czasu usunięcia blokady!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicense" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GameID: {0} | Status: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by gameID (number), {1} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Status: {2} | Elementy: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GameID: {0} | Status: {1} | Elementy: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by gameID (number), {1} will be replaced by status string, {2} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ta instancja bota jest już uruchomiona!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Ten bot jest już uruchomiony!</value>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Konwertowanie pliku .maFile do formatu ASF...</value>
@ -576,15 +575,14 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ta instancja bota nie jest połączona!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Jeszcze nie posiadane: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<value>Jeszcze nie posiadane: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Już posiadane: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<value>Już posiadane: {0} | {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Przekroczono limit żądań, próba zostanie ponowiona po {0} minutach...</value>
@ -593,40 +591,34 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ponowne łączenie...</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Klucz: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeem" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Klucz: {0} | Status: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {1} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Klucz: {1} | Status: {2} | Elementy: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Klucz: {0} | Status: {1} | Elementy: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {1} will be replaced by status string, {2} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Usunięto przedawniony klucz logowania!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} niczego nie farmi.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot niczego nie farmi.</value>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} jest ograniczony I nie może otrzymać żadnych kart poprzez farmienie.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot jest ograniczony I nie może otrzymać żadnych kart poprzez farmienie.</value>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} nie jest połączony.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot nie jest połączony.</value>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} nie jest uruchomiony.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot nie jest uruchomiony.</value>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} jest zapauzowany lub działa w trybie ręcznym.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot jest zapauzowany lub działa w trybie ręcznym.</value>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} jest aktualnie używany.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<value>Bot jest aktualnie używany.</value>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nie można połączyć ze Steam: {0}</value>
@ -697,8 +689,16 @@ StackTrace:
<value>ASF spróbuje użyć twojej preferowanej kultury {0}, ale tłumaczenie w tym języku zostało ukończone tylko w {1}. Być może mógłbyś pomóc nam w poprawieniu tłumaczenia ASF na Twój język?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmienie {0} ({1}) jest tymczasowo niemożliwe, jako że ta gra nie została jeszcze wydana.</value>
<data name="IdlingGameNotPossible" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmienie {0} ({1}) jest tymczasowo niemożliwe, jako że ASF nie jest w stanie włączyć danej gry w tym momencie.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="WarningIdlingGameMismatch" xml:space="preserve">
<value>ASF wykrył niezgodność appID dla {0} ({1}) i użyje zamiast niego appID wynoszącego {2}.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name, {2} will be replaced by game's appID (number)</comment>
<data name="BotVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} V{1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by program's name (e.g. "ASF"), {1} will be replaced by program's version (e.g. ""). This string typically has nothing to translate and you should leave it as it is, unless you need to change the format, e.g. in RTL languages.</comment>

View file

@ -302,38 +302,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Versão local: {0} | Versão remota: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Insira o ID do dispositivo do autenticador móvel (incluindo "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Insira o código atual gerado pelo autenticador móvel do Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Insira o código do Steam Guard enviado ao seu e-mail: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Insira o seu usuário do Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Insira o seu código do modo família: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Insira a sua senha do Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Insira o valor não documentado de {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Insira o seu host WCF: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Valor desconhecido recebido para {0}, favor reportar: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -368,27 +344,19 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Iniciando servidor WCF em {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Este bot já está desligado!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Não foi possível encontrar nenhum bot chamado {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Há {0}/{1} bots em execução, com um total de {2} jogo(s) ({3} cartas) restante(s) para coletar.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} está executando o jogo: {1} ({2}, {3} carta(s) restante(s)) de um total de {4} jogo(s) ({5} cartas) restante(s) para a coleta (~{6} restante(s)).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} está executando os jogos: {1} de um total de {2} jogo(s) ({3} cartas) restante(s) para coletar (~{4} restante(s)).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Verificando primeira página de insígnias...</value>
<value>Verificando a primeira página de insígnias...</value>
<data name="CheckingOtherBadgePages" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Verificando outras páginas de insígnias...</value>
@ -472,18 +440,9 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Essa conta é limitada, o processo de receber cartas está permanentemente indisponível até que a restrição seja removida!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Estado: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Estado: {2} | Itens: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Uma instância do bot já está sendo executada!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Convertendo o .maFile para o formato ASF...</value>
@ -491,7 +450,7 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Verificação do autenticador móvel concluída com sucesso!</value>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorInvalidDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Seu DeviceID está incorreto ou não existe!</value>
<value>O DeviceID está incorreto ou não existe!</value>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorToken" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Código de autenticação: {0}</value>
@ -554,7 +513,7 @@ StackTrace:
<comment>SteamMasterID is name of bot config property, it should not be translated</comment>
<data name="BotLootingNoLootableTypes" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Você não configurou nenhum tipo de itens para coletar!</value>
<value>Você não configurou nenhum tipo de item para coletar!</value>
<data name="BotLootingNowDisabled" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A coleta está desabilitada!</value>
@ -571,21 +530,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Você não pode coletar os seus próprios itens!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Esse bot não tem ASF 2FA habilitado! Você esqueceu de configurar as confirmações para 2FA ASF?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Esse bot não está conectado!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Ainda não possui: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Já possui: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Limite excedido, tentaremos novamente em {0} minutos.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -593,41 +543,17 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Chave: {1} | Estado: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Chave: {1} | Estado: {2} | Itens: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Chave de sessão expirada removida!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} não está coletando nada.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} é limitado e não pode receber nenhuma carta através da coleta.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} não está conectado.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} não está em execução.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} está pausado ou funcionando em modo manual.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} não está sendo usado no momento.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Não foi possível conectar-se ao Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -677,7 +603,7 @@ StackTrace:
<comment>{0} will be replaced by file's path</comment>
<data name="ErrorDatabaseInvalid" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Não foi possível carregar a base de dados, se este problema persistir, por favor remova "{0}" para recriar o banco dados!</value>
<value>Não foi possível carregar o banco de dados, caso o problema persista, remova {0} para recriar o banco de dados!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by file's path</comment>
<data name="Initializing" xml:space="preserve">
@ -691,14 +617,13 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Parece que é a sua primeira vez abrindo o programa, bem-vindo(a)!</value>
<data name="ErrorInvalidCurrentCulture" xml:space="preserve">
<value>O CurrentCulture providenciado é inválido, o ASF continuará usando o padrão!</value>
<value>O CurrentCulture fornecido é inválido, o ASF continuará executando com o valor padrão!</value>
<data name="TranslationIncomplete" xml:space="preserve">
<value>O ASF tentará usar seu preferido {0} idle, mas a tradução para este idioma foi concluída somente em {1}. Talvez você possa nos ajudar a melhorar a tradução do ASF ao seu idioma?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A execução de {0} ({1}) está temporariamente desativada, visto que esse jogo não foi lançado ainda.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -302,38 +302,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Versão local: {0} | Versão remota: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Por favor, digite o seu ID de dispositivo (incluindo "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Por favor, digite o seu código de autenticação de dois fatores da app de autenticador da Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt;, Por favor insira o código de autenticação da SteamGuard que foi enviado para seu e-mail: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Por favor escreva o seu Steam login: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Por favor, insira o seu PIN parental da Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Por favor escreva a sua palavra-chave da Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Por favor, insira o valor não-documentado de {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Por favor, digite o seu anfitrião do WCF: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningTooManyGamesToPlay" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Não é possível jogar {0} ao mesmo tempo, apenas {0} jogos vão usados com {1}!</value>
@ -365,25 +341,17 @@ StackTrace:
<value>A iniciar o server de WCF em {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Essa instância do bot já parou!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Não foi possível encontrar qualquer bot chamado {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Existe {0}/{1} bots ligados, com um total de {2} jogos ({3} cartas) restantes para coletar.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>O Bot {0} está a farmar o jogo: {1} ({2}, {3} cartas restantes) num total de {4} jogos ({5} cartas) restantes para farmar (~{6} restantes).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} está a coletar as cartas dos jogos: {1} num total de {2} jogos ({3} cartas) restantes para colecionar (~{4} cartas restantes).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Verificando a primeira página de medalhas...</value>
@ -469,18 +437,9 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Esta conta é limitada, processo de coleta está permanentemente indisponível até que a restrição seja removida!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; | GameID: {1} | Estado: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; | GameID: {1} | Estado: {2} | Itens: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Esse bot já está a ser executado!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A converter ficheiro .maFile em formato ASF...</value>
@ -569,21 +528,12 @@ inválidas, abortando!</value>
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Não se pode bloquear a si mesmo!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Esse bot não tem a autenticação de dois fatores ligada! Esqueceu-se de importar seu autenticador como autenticação de dois fatores?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Este bot não está conectado!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Ainda não pussui: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Já pussui: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Taxa limite excedida, tentaremos novamente daqui a {0} minutos...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -591,41 +541,17 @@ inválidas, abortando!</value>
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Chave: {1} | Estado: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Chave: {1} | Estado: {2} | Itens: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A chave de login expirada foi removida!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>O Bot {0} não está a farmar nada.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>O Bot {0} é limitado e não consegue coletar nenhuma carta.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>O Bot {0} não está conectado.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>O Bot {0} não está ligado.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>O Bot {0} está parado ou a ser executado no modo manual.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>O Bot {0} está a ser usado.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Não foi possível estabelecer ligação à Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -693,4 +619,6 @@ inválidas, abortando!</value>

View file

@ -302,38 +302,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Versiunea locală: {0} | Ultima versiune: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Te rog să introduci ID-ul dispozitivului mobil care are autentificatorul (incluzând "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Te rog să introduci codul 2FA de pe autentificatorul Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Te rog să introduci codul de autentificare SteamGuard, care a fost trimis pe adresa de e-mail: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Te rog să introduci datele de conectare Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Te rog să introduci PIN-ul parental Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Te rog să introduci parola contului tău de Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Te rog să introduci valoarea nedocumentată a {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Te rog să introduci gazda WCF-ului tău: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Am primit o valoare necunoscută pentru {0}, te rog să raportezi acest lucru: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -368,25 +344,17 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Se pornește serverul WCF pe {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Acel bot este deja oprit!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nu am putut găsi un bot cu numele {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sunt {0}/{1} boți care rulează, cu un total de {2} jocuri ({3} cartonașe) rămase de farmat.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot-ul {0} farmează jocul: {1} ({2}, {3} cartonașe rămase de picat) dintr-un total de {4} jocuri ({5} cartonașe) rămase de farmat (~{6} rămase).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot-ul {0} farmează jocul: {1} dintr-un total de {2} jocuri ({3} cartonașe) rămase de farmat (~{4} rămase).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Se verifică prima pagină cu insigne...</value>
@ -472,18 +440,9 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Acest cont este limitat, procesul de farmat este permanent indisponibil până când restricția este eliminată!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Stare: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Stare: {2} | Articole: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Acel bot este deja pornit!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Se realizează conversia .maFile în formatul ASF...</value>
@ -571,21 +530,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nu poți să colectezi de la tine!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Acest bot nu are ASF 2FA activat! Ai uitat să imporți autentificatorul ca ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Această instanță de bot nu este conectată!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Nedeținute încă: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Deținute deja: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Limita impusă a fost depășită, vom reîncerca după {0} minute de așteptare...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -593,41 +543,17 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Cheie: {1} | Stare: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Cheie: {1} | Stare: {2} | Articole: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>S-a eliminat o cheie de autentificare expirată!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot-ul {0} nu farmează nimic.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot-ul {0} este limitat și nu poate pica cartonașe prin farmare.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot-ul {0} nu este conectat.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot-ul {0} nu rulează.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot-ul {0} este întrerupt sau rulează în modul manual.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot-ul {0} este utilizat în prezent.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nu s-a putut realiza conexiunea la Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -697,8 +623,7 @@ StackTrace:
<value>ASF va încerca să utilizeze cultura {0} preferată de tine, dar traducerea în această limbă a fost completată în proporție de {1}. Poate că ai putea ajuta la îmbunatățirea traducerii ASF pentru limba ta?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmatul {0} ({1}) este dezactivat temporar, deoarece acest joc nu a fost încă lansat.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -302,38 +302,14 @@
<value>Установленная версия: {0} | Актуальная версия: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Пожалуйста, введите Device ID вашего мобильного аутентификатора (включая "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Пожалуйста, введите свой 2FA код из вашего Steam аутентификатора: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Пожалуйста, введите код авторизации SteamGuard, отправленный вам на e-mail: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Пожалуйста, введите свой логин Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Пожалуйста, введите PIN-код родительского контроля Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Пожалуйста, введите ваш пароль Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Пожалуйста, введите недокументированное значение {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Пожалуйста, введите ваш хост WCF: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Получено неизвестное значение для {0}, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -368,25 +344,17 @@
<value>Запуск WCF сервера на {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Этот бот уже остановлен!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот с именем {0} не найден!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0}/{1} ботов запущено, всего осталось игр: {2} ({3} карт).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} фармит игру: {1} ({2}, {3} карт осталось). Всего осталось {4} игр ({5} карт, ~{6} осталось).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} фармит игры: {1}. Всего осталось {2} игр ({3} карт, ~{4} осталось).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Проверка первой страницы значков...</value>
@ -472,18 +440,9 @@
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Это ограниченный аккаунт, фарм невозможен до снятия ограничений!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Результат: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Результат: {2} | Получено: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Этот бот уже запущен!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Конвертация .maFile в формат ASF...</value>
@ -571,21 +530,12 @@
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Вы не можете лутать себя!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>У этого бота не включён ASF 2FA! Вы не забыли импортировать свой аутентификатор в ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Этот бот не подключён!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Не имеет: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; уже имеет: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Превышено количество попыток, мы снова попробуем через {0} минут...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -593,41 +543,17 @@
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Ключ: {1} | Состояние: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Ключ: {1} | Состояние: {2} | Предметы: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Удалён истёкший ключ входа!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} ничего не фармит.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} имеет ограничения и не может фармить карты.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} не подключён.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} не запущен.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} приостановлен или запущен в ручном режиме.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} в данный момент используется.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Не удалось подключиться к Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -697,8 +623,13 @@
<value>ASF будет пытаться использовать выбранный язык {0}, но перевод готов только на {1}. Возможно, Вы могли бы помочь улучшить перевод ASF на данный язык?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Фарм {0} ({1}) временно невозможен, потому что эта игра ещё не вышла.</value>
<data name="IdlingGameNotPossible" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Фарм {0} ({1}) временно отключен, поскольку ASF не может сейчас запустить эту игру.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="WarningIdlingGameMismatch" xml:space="preserve">
<value>ASF обнаружил несоответствие appID для {0} ({1}) и будет вместо этого использовать appID {2}.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name, {2} will be replaced by game's appID (number)</comment>

View file

@ -302,38 +302,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Lokalna verzija: {0} | Daljinska verzija: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Molimo Vas unesite vaš Device ID (uključujući "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Molimo Vas unestie vaš 2FA kod iz Vaše Steam authenticator aplikacije: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Molimo Vas unesite vaš SteamGuard autentifikacioni kod koji poslat na vaš e-mail: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Molimo Vas unestie vašu Steam prijavu: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Molimo Vas da unesete Steam roditeljski PIN: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Molimo Vas da uneste vašu Steam lozinku: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Molimo Vas da unesete nedokumentovanu vrednos {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Molimo Vas uneste vaš WCF host: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Dobijena nepoznata vrednost za {0}, molimo prijavite ovo: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -368,25 +344,17 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Pokretanje WCF servera na {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ta instanca bot-a je već zaustavljena!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nije moguće pronaći bilo kakvog bot-a nazvanog {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0}/{1} botova je pokrenuto, sa ukupno {2} igrica ({3} karata) preostalih da se idle-uje.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} idle-uje igricu: {1} ({2}, {3} kartica preostalo) iz ukupno {4} igrica ({5} kartica) je preostalo da se idle-uje (~{6} preostalo).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} idle-uje igrice: {1} od ukupno {2} igrica ({3} kartica) je preostalo da se idle-uje (~{4} preostalo).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Proveravanje prve stranje bedževa...</value>
@ -472,18 +440,9 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ovaj nalog ima limitaciju, proces idle-ovanja je nemoguć dok se ograničenje ne ukloni!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Status {2} |Stavke: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ta instanca bot-a je već pokrenuta!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Konvertovanje .maFile u ASF format...</value>
@ -571,21 +530,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ne možete da loot-ujete sami sebe!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ovaj bot nema ASF 2FA uključen! Da li ste zaboravili da uvdete vaš autentifikator kao ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ova instanca bot-a nije povezana!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Idalje se ne poseduje: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Već se poseduje: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Stopa granice je prevazićena, pokušaćemo opet nakon {0} minuta čekanja...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -593,41 +543,17 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ponovo povezivanje...</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Ključ: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Ključ: {1} | Status: {2} | Stavke: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Uklonjen stari login ključ!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} ne idle-uje ništa.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} ima limitaciju i ne može da prikuplja kartice idle-ovanjem.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} nije konektovan.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} nije pokrenut.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} je pauziran ili radi u ručnom modu.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} se trenutno koristi.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nije moguće povezati se na Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -698,4 +624,6 @@ StackTrace:
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>

View file

@ -293,4 +293,6 @@

View file

@ -303,38 +303,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Lokal version: {0} | Senaste version: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vänligen skriv in din mobil authenticators enhets ID (inklusive "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vänligen ange 2FA koden från din Steam authenticator-app: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Ange SteamGuard auth koden som skickades till din e-post: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Vänligen ange din Steam-inloggning: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Vänligen ange Steam föräldrarkontroll PIN: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Vänligen ange ditt Steam lösenord: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Vänligen ange odokumenterat värde av {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Vänligen ange din WCF-värd: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tog emot okänt värde för {0}, vänligen rapportera detta: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -369,25 +345,17 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Startar WCF-servern på {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot instansen har redan stoppats!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Kunde inte hitta någon bot vid namn {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0}/{1} bottar körs för tillfället, med totalt {2} stycken spel ({3} stycken kort) kvar.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} farmar spel: {1} ({2}, {3} kort-dropps kvar) från totalt {4} spel ({5} kort) kvar att farma (~{6} kvar).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} farmar spel: {1} från totalt {2} spel ({3} kort) kvar att farma (~{4} kvar).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Kollar första märkessidan...</value>
@ -473,18 +441,9 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Detta kontot är begränsat, farming processen är permanent otillgängligt tills begränsningen tas bort!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; SpelID: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; SpelID: {1} | Status: {2} | Objekt: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Den bot-instansen körs redan!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Konverterar .maFile till ASF format...</value>
@ -572,21 +531,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Du kan inte föra över föremål till dig själv!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Denna botten har inte ASF 2FA aktiverat! Glömde du att importera din authenticator som ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Denna bot-instansen är inte ansluten!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Ägs inte ännu: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Ägs redan: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Förfrågningsgränsen överskrids, vi kommer försöka igen om {0} minuters cooldown...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -594,41 +544,17 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Nyckel: {1} | Status: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Nyckel: {1} | Status: {2} | Föremål: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tog bort gammal inloggningsnyckel!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} farmar inte något.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} är begränsad och kan inte få några kort via farming.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} är inte ansluten.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} körs inte.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} är pausad eller körs i manuellt läge.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} används redan.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Kan inte ansluta till Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -698,8 +624,7 @@ StackTrace:
<value>ASF kommer försöka att använda din föredragna {0}, men den översättningen är endast {1} färdig. Du kanske kan hjälpa oss att förbättra ASF översättningarna för ditt språk?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmning {0} ({1}) är tillfälligt inaktiverad, då spelet inte är släppt ännu.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -281,4 +281,6 @@

View file

@ -302,38 +302,14 @@ Hata bilgileri:
<value>Yerel sürümü: {0} | Uzak sürüm: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Lütfen cihaz kimliğinizi girin ("android:"dahil olmak üzere): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Lütfen Steam Telefon Doğrulayıcınızdan 2FA kodunuzu girin: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Lütfen e-postanıza gönderilen SteamGuard kimlik doğrulama kodunu girin: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Lütfen Steam Giriş bilgilerinizi girin: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Lütfen Steam ebeveyn PIN'ini girin: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Lütfen Steam parolanızı girin: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Lütfen belgesiz {1} değerini girin: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Lütfen WCF ev sahibi bilgisayarınızı girin: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} için bilinmeyen değer alındı, lütfen bunu bildirin: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -368,25 +344,17 @@ Hata bilgileri:
<value>{0} 'da WCF sunucusu başlatılıyor...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bu Bot örneği zaten durduruldu!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} adlı bot bulunamadı!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} / {1} bot var, toplam {2} oyun ({3} kart) idle kaldı.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} idle kalıyor (toplam {4} oyun ({5} kart) idle kaldı (kalan {6}) {1} ({2}, kalan {3} kart düşürmesi).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0}: {1} oyundan {2} adet oyun ({3} kart) kaldı (kalan süre: {4}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>İlk rozet sayfası kontrol ediliyor...</value>
@ -472,18 +440,9 @@ Hata bilgileri:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bu hesap sınırlıdır, Rölanti kalma işlemi, kısıtlama kaldırılıncaya kadar kalıcı olarak kullanılamaz!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; OyunID: {1} | Durum: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; OyunID: {1} | Durum: {2} | Eşyalar: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>O bot zaten çalışıyor!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>.maFile ASF formatına dönüştülüyor ...</value>
@ -571,21 +530,12 @@ Hata bilgileri:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Kendini yağmalayamazsın!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bu botta ASF 2FA etkin değil! Kimlik doğrulayıcınızı ASF 2FA olarak almayı unuttunuz mu?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bu bot bağlı değil!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Henüz sahibi değiliz: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Zaten sahipiz: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Hız sınırııldı, {0} dakika bekletildikten sonra yeniden deneyelim...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -593,41 +543,17 @@ Hata bilgileri:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Yeniden bağlanılıyor...</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Anahtar: {1} | Durum: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Anahtar: {1} | Durum: {2} | Eşyalar: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Süresi dolmuş giriş anahtarı kaldırıldı!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} hiçbir şeyi rölanti etmiyor.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} sınırlıdır ve rölanti kalma süresince hiçbir kart bırakamaz.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} bağlı değil.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} çalışmıyor.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0}, manuel modda duraklatıldı veya çalışıyor.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} şu anda kullanılıyor.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Steam'e bağlanılamadı: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -697,8 +623,7 @@ Hata bilgileri:
<value>ASF tercih ettiğiniz {0} kültürünü kullanmaya çalışacak, ancak o dildeki çeviri yalnızca {1} içinde tamamlandı. Diliniz için ASF çevirisini geliştirmemize belki de yardımcı olabilir misiniz?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Rölantide {0} ({1}) geçici olarak devre dışı bırakıldı, Bu oyun henüz çıkış yapmadı.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -302,38 +302,14 @@
<value>Ваша версія: {0} |Остання версія: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Будь ласка, введіть ваш Device ID (включаючи "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Будь ласка, введіть ваш 2FA код з додатку для автентифікації у Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Будь ласка, введіть код SteamGuard, який був надісланий вам на електронну пошту: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Будь ласка, введіть свій Steam логін: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Будь ласка, введіть PIN-код батьківського контролю Steam: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Будь ласка, введіть ваш Steam пароль: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Будь ласка, введіть недокументоване значення {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Будь ласка, введіть ваш WCF хост: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Отримано невідоме значення для {0}, будь ласка, повідомте про це: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -368,25 +344,17 @@
<value>Запуск WCF серверу на {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Цей бот вже зупинений!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Не вдалося знайти бота з ім'ям {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0}/{1} ботів запущено, всього залишилося {2} ігор ({3} карт) які потрібно обробити.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} обробляє ігру: {1} ({2}, {3} карт залишилося обробити). Всього залишилося {4} ігор ({5} карт), (приблизно {6}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} обробляє ігри: {1}. Всього залишилося {2} ігор ({3} карт), (приблизно {4}).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Перевірка першої сторінки зі значками...</value>
@ -472,18 +440,9 @@
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Аккаунт обмежений, робота буде недоступна доки ви не позбудетесь обмежень!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} |Статус: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; GameID: {1} | Статус: {2} | Додано: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Цей бот вже працює!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Конвертування .maFile у ASF формат...</value>
@ -571,21 +530,12 @@
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Неможливо збирати предмети з самого себе!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Цей бот не має включеного ASF 2FA! Забули імпортувати автентифікатор у ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Цей екземпляр бота не підключений!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Не має: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Вже має: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Перевищений ліміт частоти, ми знову спробуємо через {0} хвилин очікування...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -593,41 +543,17 @@
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Ключ: {1} | Статус: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; Ключ: {1} | Статус: {2} | Отримано: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Видалений прострочений ключ авторизації!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} нічого не ідлить.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} має обмеження і не може отримувати карти.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} не підключений.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} не запущений.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} призупинений або запущений у ручному режимі.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Бот {0} вже використовується.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Неможливо з'єднатися з Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -697,8 +623,13 @@
<value>ASF намагатиметься використовувати обрану мову {0}, але переклад на цю мову завершено лише на {1}. Можливо ви б змогли допомогти в перекладі ASF вашою мовою?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Обробка {0} ({1}) тимчасово неможлива, тому що ця гра ще не була випущена.</value>
<data name="IdlingGameNotPossible" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Обробленная {0} ({1}) тимчасово відключено, бо ASF не в змозі зараз запустити цю гру.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="WarningIdlingGameMismatch" xml:space="preserve">
<value>ASF виявив невідповідність appID для {0} ({1}) і буде натомість використовувати appID {2}.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name, {2} will be replaced by game's appID (number)</comment>

View file

@ -302,38 +302,14 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Phiên bản cục bộ: {0} | Phiên bản từ xa: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Xin vui lòng nhập Device ID (bao gồm cả "android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Xin vui lòng nhập mã 2FA từ ứng dụng Steam Authenticator của bạn: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Xin vui lòng nhập mã số SteamGuard đã được gửi vào email của bạn: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Xin vui lòng nhập tài khoản Steam của bạn: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Xin vui lòng nhập mã PIN của Steam Parental: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Xin vui lòng nhập mật khẩu Steam của bạn: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Xin vui lòng nhập các giá trị không có giấy tờ của {1}: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Xin vui lòng nhập máy chủ WCF của bạn: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nhận được giá trị không rõ cho {0}, xin vui lòng báo cáo điều này: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -368,25 +344,17 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Bắt đầu máy chủ WCF trên {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot đó đã được dừng lại!</value>
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Không thể tìm thấy bất kỳ bot tên {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Đang có {0}/{1} bot đang chạy, với tổng số {2} games ({3} cards) còn lại để idle.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} đang chạy không trò chơi: {1} ({2}, {3} số thẻ rớt được còn lại) từ tổng số {4} trò chơi ({5} thẻ) còn lại để chạy không (~{6} còn lại).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} đang chạy không trò chơi: {1} từ tổng số {2} trò chơi ({3} thẻ) còn lại để chạy không (~{4} còn lại).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Kiểm tra trang huy hiệu đầu tiên...</value>
@ -472,18 +440,9 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tài khoản này bị giới hạn, quá trình chạy không sẽ vĩnh viễn không khả dụng cho đến khi những hạn chế sẽ bị gỡ bỏ!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; GameID: {1} | Trạng thái: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; GameID: {1} | Trạng thái: {2} | Vật phẩm: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot đó đang được chạy!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Chuyển đổi .maFile thành định dạng ASF...</value>
@ -571,21 +530,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bạn không thể luộc đồ chính mình!</value>
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot đó không có ASF 2FA kích hoạt! Bạn quên nhập xác thực của bạn là ASF 2FA?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot này không được kết nối!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Chưa sở hữu: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Đã sở hữu: {1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Vượt quá số lượng giới hạn, chúng tôi sẽ thử lại sau {0} phút...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -593,41 +543,17 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Đang kết nối lại...</value>
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Key: {1} | Trạng thái: {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; Key: {1} | Trạng thái: {2} | Vật phẩm: {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Gỡ bỏ key đăng nhập hết hạn!</value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} không đang chạy không bất cứ điều gì.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} bị hạn chế và không thể rớt bất kỳ thẻ thông qua trạng thái rỗi.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} không kết nối.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} không chạy.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} tạm dừng hoặc đang chạy trong chế độ thủ công.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bot {0} hiện đang được sử dụng.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Không thể kết nối với Steam: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -698,4 +624,6 @@ StackTrace:
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>

View file

@ -299,38 +299,14 @@
<value>当前版本︰ {0} |最新版本︰ {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 请输入您的设备 ID (包括"android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 请输入手机认证器中的二次验证代码: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 请输入您电子邮件中收到的Steam令牌认证码 </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 请输入您的steam账号 </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 请输入Steam家长PIN码 </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 请输入您的steam密码 </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 请输入无出处的 {1} 值︰ </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 请输入你的 WCF 主机地址︰ </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>收到的{0} 为未知值,请报告此值:{1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -365,25 +341,17 @@
<value>正在启动 {0} WCF 服务器...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>找不到任何名为 {0} 的bot </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>有 {0}/{1} 账号运行,一共 {2} 个游戏 ({3} 张卡) 等待挂卡。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>账号 {0} 正在挂游戏︰ {1} ({2},剩余掉卡 {3}) 一共还有{4} 个游戏({5} 张卡) 等待挂卡 (还剩 {6})。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>账号 {0} 正在挂游戏︰ {1} 一共有 {2} 个游戏({3} 张卡) 等待挂卡 (还剩 {4})。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
@ -469,18 +437,9 @@
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 游戏ID: {1} |状态︰ {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 游戏ID: {1} |状态︰ {2} |物品︰ {3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>该 bot 已在运行 </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>正在将.MaFile 转换为 ASF 格式...</value>
@ -568,21 +527,12 @@
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>该帐号没有启用 ASF 二次验证!您忘记将您的身份验证信息导入为 ASF 二次验证了吗?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 尚未拥有︰ {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 已拥有︰ {1} |{2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>超过频率限制,我们将在 {0} 分钟后重试……</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -590,41 +540,17 @@
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 产品代码:{1} | 状态︰{2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 产品代码:{1} | 状态︰{2} | 物品:{3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>已删除过期的登录密钥 </value>
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帐号 {0} 没有在挂卡。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帐号 {0} 是受限制的,不会掉落任何卡牌。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帐号 {0} 没有连接。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帐号 {0} 没有运行。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帐号 {0} 已暂停或者在手动模式下运行。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>当前正在使用帐号 {0}。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>无法连接到 Steam{0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -694,8 +620,7 @@
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} ({1}) 的挂卡暂时不可用,因为该游戏尚未发布。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -299,38 +299,14 @@
<value>目前版本: {0} | 最新版本: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by current version, {1} will be replaced by remote version</comment>
<data name="UserInputDeviceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 請輸入您的裝置識別碼 (包括"android:"): </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteam2FA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 請輸入您在的Steam行動驗證器上的代碼 </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamGuard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 請輸入您電子郵件收到的 SteamGuard 認證碼︰ </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 請輸入您的Steam帳號 </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamParentalPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 請輸入Steam家庭監護 PIN 碼︰ </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputSteamPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 請輸入您的Steam密碼 </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0}&gt; 請輸入未記錄的值 {1} </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by property name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="UserInputWCFHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 請輸入您的 WCF 主機名字︰ </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name. Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>
<data name="WarningUnknownValuePleaseReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>收到未知的值為 {0},請回報此問題︰ {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name, {1} will be replaced by value for that object</comment>
@ -365,25 +341,17 @@
<value>正在 {0} 上啟動 WCF 伺服器...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by WCF hostname</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>找不到任何名為 {0} 的帳號!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotsStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>有 {0}/{1} 個帳號正在運行,總共有 {2} 個遊戲 ({3} 張卡片) 等待掛卡。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to idle</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帳號 {0} 正在掛卡的遊戲:{1} ({2},剩餘 {3} 張卡片掉落),總共剩餘 {4} 個遊戲 (總數 {5} 張卡片) 等待掛卡 (剩餘 {6})。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name, {3} will be replaced by number of cards left to idle, {4} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {5} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {6} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帳號 {0} 正在掛卡的遊戲:{1},總共有 {2} 個遊戲 ({3} 張卡片) 等待掛卡 (剩餘 {4})。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by list of the games (appIDs, numbers), {2} will be replaced by total number of games to idle, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards to idle, {4} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string built from TimeSpan* translation parts</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
@ -469,18 +437,9 @@
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; GameID{1} | 狀態︰{2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotAddLicenseResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; GameID{1} | 狀態︰{2} | 項目:{3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by gameID (number), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of granted appIDs (numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotAlreadyRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotAuthenticatorConverting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>正在將 .maFile 轉化成 ASF 的文件格式...</value>
@ -568,21 +527,12 @@
<data name="BotLootingYourself" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotNoASFAuthenticator" xml:space="preserve">
<value>該機器人帳戶並未啟用 ASF 二階段驗證!您是否忘記將驗證器導入成 ASF 二階段驗證?</value>
<data name="BotNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotNotOwnedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 尚未擁有︰{1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotOwnedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 已經擁有︰{1} | {2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {2} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>超過頻率限制,我們將在 {0} 分鐘的CD時間後重試...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of minutes</comment>
@ -590,41 +540,17 @@
<data name="BotReconnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotRedeemResponse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 產品序號:{1} | 狀態︰{2}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string</comment>
<data name="BotRedeemResponseWithItems" xml:space="preserve">
<value>&lt;{0} &gt; 產品序號:{1} | 狀態︰{2} | 項目:{3}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name, {1} will be replaced by cd-key (string), {2} will be replaced by status string, {3} will be replaced by list of key-value pairs, separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BotsStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帳號 {0} 目前沒有在掛卡。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帳號 {0} 是受限制的,所以不會通過掛卡得到任何卡片。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帳號 {0} 未連線。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusNotRunning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帳號 {0} 未執行。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>帳號 {0} 已被暫停或正在手動模式下執行。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotStatusPlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>當前正在使用的帳號為 {0}。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name</comment>
<data name="BotUnableToConnect" xml:space="preserve">
<value>無法連線至 Steam{0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by failure reason (string)</comment>
@ -694,8 +620,7 @@
<value>ASF 將使用您的偏好語系 {0} ,但該語言的翻譯只完成了 {1}。請協助我們改進 ASF 的翻譯品質。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotReleasedYet" xml:space="preserve">
<value>掛卡 {0} ({1}) 已暫時停止,因為該遊戲尚未發行。</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's appID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>

View file

@ -151,4 +151,4 @@

View file

@ -151,4 +151,4 @@

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ ASF: {0} | ConfigGenerator: {1}
<value>{0} бе зададено на: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -151,4 +151,4 @@

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Použijte odpovídající verzi nástroje ConfigGenerator pro vaši aplikaci ASF
<value>{0} byl nastaven na: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -159,4 +159,4 @@

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Bitte benutze eine passende ConfigGenerator Version für dein ASF. Du wirst zur
<value>{0} wurde auf folgenden Wert gesetzt: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -239,4 +239,4 @@ ASF: {0} | ConfigGenerator: {1}
<value>Η ιδιότητα {0} έχει οριστεί σε: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Please use matching ConfigGenerator version for your ASF binary. You'll be redir
<value>{0} has been set to: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Por favor, usa la versión de ConfigGenerator correspondiente a tu ejecutable de
<value>{0} se ha establecido a: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -211,4 +211,4 @@ Käytä yhteensopivaa ConfigGenerator versiota ASF binäärillesi. Sinut ohjataa
<comment>Please note that this translation should end with space</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Veuillez utiliser une version de ConfigGenerator correspondant à celle d'ASF. V
<value>{0} a pris la valeur : {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ ASF: {0} | ConfigGenerator: {1}
<value>{0} הוגדר ל: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -157,4 +157,4 @@

View file

@ -157,4 +157,4 @@

View file

@ -235,4 +235,4 @@
<value>{0} telah diset menjadi: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Si prega di utilizzare la versione di ConfigGenerator corrispondente al tuo ASF.
<value>{0} è stato impostato a: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ ASFに適切なバージョンのConfigGeneratorを使用してください。
<value>{0} は {1} に設定されました</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ ASF 버전에 맞는 ConfigGenerator를 사용해주십시오. 적절한 릴리
<value>{0}의 값이 다음과 같이 설정되었습니다: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Prašome naudoti suderinta ConfigGenerator versija jūsų ASF bibliotekai. Jūs
<value>{0} buvo pakeistas į: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -151,4 +151,4 @@

View file

@ -239,4 +239,4 @@ Je kan, als je wilt, doorgaan met deze tutorial. Vergeet niet de wiki te gebruik
<value>{0} staat nu op: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -239,4 +239,4 @@ Je kan, als je wilt, doorgaan met deze tutorial. Vergeet niet de wiki te gebruik
<value>{0} staat nu op: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -181,4 +181,4 @@

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Należy użyć odpowiedniej wersji programu ConfigGenerator do wersji binarki AS
<value>{0} zostało ustawione jako: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Por favor, use uma versão do ConfigGenerator correspondente ao seu ASF. Você s
<value>{0} definido como: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -237,4 +237,4 @@ Por favor, use a versão correspondente do ConfigGenerator para seu binário de
<value>{0} foi definido para: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Te rugăm să folosești o versiune de ConfigGenerator potrivita pentru executab
<value>{0} a fost setat la: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ ASF: {0} | ConfigGenerator: {1}
<value>{0} изменен на {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Molimo Vas da koristite istu verziju ConfigGenerator-a kao što je vaš ASF. Bi
<value>{0} je namešten da bude: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -154,4 +154,4 @@

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Vänligen använd samma version för ConfigGenerator och ASF. Du omdirigeras til
<value>{0} har blivit satt till: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -151,4 +151,4 @@

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Lütfen ASF sürümüne uygun ConfigGenerator kullan. İlgili sürüme yönlendi
<value>{0} , {1} olarak değiştirildi: </value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ ASF: {0} | ConfigGenerator: {1}
<value>Значення параметру {0} було змінено на: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ Xin vui lòng sử dụng ConfigGenerator trùng với phiên bản tập tin AS
<value>{0} đã được thiết lập: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ ASF版本: {0} | ConfigGenerator版本: {1}
<value>{0} 已被设置为: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>

View file

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
<data name="ConfirmRemoval" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ErrorBotNameEmpty" xml:space="preserve">
<value>你的機器人帳號名稱是空的 </value>
@ -234,4 +234,4 @@
<value>{0} 已被設置為︰ {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by name of the configuration property, {1} will be replaced by new value</comment>