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synced 2024-11-10 15:14:41 +00:00
Automatic translations update
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 121 additions and 34 deletions
@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ StackTrace:
<value>{0} este invalid!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name</comment>
<data name="ErrorNoBotsDefined" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Niciun bot nu este configurat. Ai uitat cumva să configurezi ASF? Urmează ghidul de configurare de pe wiki dacă ești confuz.</value>
<data name="ErrorObjectIsNull" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} are valoare nulă!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by object's name</comment>
@ -225,38 +227,86 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Nu am putut găsi un bot cu numele {0}!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by bot's name query (string)</comment>
<data name="BotStatusOverview" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Există {0}/{1} boți care funcționează, cu un total de {2} jocuri ({3} cartonașe) rămase de farmat.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of active bots, {1} will be replaced by total number of bots, {2} will be replaced by total number of games left to farm, {3} will be replaced by total number of cards left to farm</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botul farmează jocul: {0} ({1},{2} cartonașe rămase) dintr-un total de {3} jocuri ({4} cartonașe) rămase de farmat (~{5} rămase).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's ID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name, {2} will be replaced by number of cards left to farm, {3} will be replaced by total number of games to farm, {4} will be replaced by total number of cards to farm, {5} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string (such as "1 day, 5 hours and 30 minutes")</comment>
<data name="BotStatusIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botul farmează jocul/urile: {0} dintr-un total de {1} jocuri ({2} cartonașe) rămase de farmat (~{3} rămase).</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the games (IDs, numbers), {1} will be replaced by total number of games to farm, {2} will be replaced by total number of cards to farm, {3} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string (such as "1 day, 5 hours and 30 minutes")</comment>
<data name="CheckingFirstBadgePage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Se verifică prima pagină cu insigne...</value>
<data name="CheckingOtherBadgePages" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Se verifică celelalte pagini cu insigne...</value>
<data name="ChosenFarmingAlgorithm" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Algoritmul de farmare ales: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the name of chosen farming algorithm</comment>
<data name="Done" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="GamesToIdle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Avem un total de {0} jocuri ({1} cartonașe) rămase de farmat (~{2} rămase)...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of games, {1} will be replaced by number of cards, {2} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string (such as "1 day, 5 hours and 30 minutes")</comment>
<data name="IdlingFinished" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmare finalizată!</value>
<data name="IdlingFinishedForGame" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Am terminat de farmat: {0} ({1}) după {2} de joc!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's ID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name, {2} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string (such as "1 day, 5 hours and 30 minutes")</comment>
<data name="IdlingFinishedForGames" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Am terminat de farmat jocurile: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the games (IDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="IdlingStatusForGame" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Starea farmării pentru {0} ({1}): {2} cartonașe rămase</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's ID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name, {2} will be replaced by number of cards left to farm</comment>
<data name="IdlingStopped" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmare oprită!</value>
<data name="IgnoredPermanentPauseEnabled" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Se ignoră această cerere, deoarece pauza permanentă este activată!</value>
<data name="NothingToIdle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nu este nimic de farmat pe acest cont!</value>
<data name="NowIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Acum se farmează: {0}({1})</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's ID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="NowIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Acum se farmează: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the games (IDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="PlayingNotAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Jucatul este indisponibil momentan, o să încercăm din nou mai târziu!</value>
<data name="StillIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Încă se farmează: {0} ({1})</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's ID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="StillIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Încă se farmează: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the games (IDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="StoppedIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmatul oprit pentru: {0} ({1})</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's ID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="StoppedIdlingList" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmatul oprit pentru: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by list of the games (IDs, numbers), separated by a comma</comment>
<data name="UnknownCommand" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Comandă necunoscută!</value>
@ -271,7 +321,9 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Se acceptă cadoul: {0}...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by giftID (number)</comment>
<data name="BotAccountLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Acest cont este limitat, procesul de farmat este indisponibil până când restricția este eliminată!</value>
<data name="BotAddLicense" xml:space="preserve">
<value>ID: {0} | Stare: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's ID (number), {1} will be replaced by status string</comment>
@ -293,10 +345,18 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Cod 2FA: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by generated 2FA token (string)</comment>
<data name="BotAutomaticIdlingNowPaused" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmarea automată a fost întreruptă!</value>
<data name="BotAutomaticIdlingNowResumed" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmarea automată a fost reluată!</value>
<data name="BotAutomaticIdlingPausedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmarea automată este întreruptă deja!</value>
<data name="BotAutomaticIdlingResumedAlready" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmarea automată este reluată deja!</value>
<data name="BotConnected" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conectat la Steam!</value>
@ -357,7 +417,10 @@ StackTrace:
<value>Deținute deja: {0} | {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's ID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="BotPointsBalance" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bilanțul punctelor: {0}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by the points balance value (integer)</comment>
<data name="BotRateLimitExceeded" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Limita ratei depășită, vom reîncerca după {0} de așteptare...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string (such as "25 minutes")</comment>
@ -376,8 +439,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotRemovedExpiredLoginKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>S-a eliminat o cheie de autentificare expirată!</value>
<data name="BotStatusNotIdling" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botul nu farmează nimic.</value>
<data name="BotStatusLimited" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botul este limitat și nu poate face să pice vreun cartonaș prin farmare.</value>
<data name="BotStatusConnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botul se conectează la rețeaua Steam.</value>
@ -409,8 +476,12 @@ StackTrace:
<data name="BotConnectionLost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conexiunea la rețeaua Steam a fost pierdută. Se reconectează...</value>
<data name="BotAccountFree" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Contul nu mai este ocupat, procesul de farmat se reia!</value>
<data name="BotAccountOccupied" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Contul este în prezent folosit: ASF va relua farmatul atunci când este liber...</value>
<data name="BotConnecting" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Se conectează...</value>
@ -448,7 +519,10 @@ StackTrace:
<value>ASF va încerca să folosească cultura {0} preferată de tine, dar traducerea în această limbă a fost completată doar în proporție de {1}. Poate că ai putea ajuta la îmbunatățirea traducerii ASF pentru limba ta?</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by culture code, such as "en-US", {1} will be replaced by completeness percentage, such as "78.5%"</comment>
<data name="IdlingGameNotPossible" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Farmatul {0} ({1}) este dezactivat temporar, deoarece ASF nu este capabil de a juca acest joc momentan.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's ID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name</comment>
<data name="WarningIdlingGameMismatch" xml:space="preserve">
<value>ASF a detectat o nepotrivire ID pentru {0} ({1}) și va utiliza ID-ul {2} în schimb.</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by game's ID (number), {1} will be replaced by game's name, {2} will be replaced by game's ID (number)</comment>
@ -457,8 +531,12 @@ StackTrace:
<value>{0} V{1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by program's name (e.g. "ASF"), {1} will be replaced by program's version (e.g. ""). This string typically has nothing to translate and you should leave it as it is, unless you need to change the format, e.g. in RTL languages.</comment>
<data name="BotAccountLocked" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Acest cont este blocat, procesul de farmare este permanent indisponibil!</value>
<data name="BotStatusLocked" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Botul este blocat și nu poate face să pice vreun cartonaș prin farmare.</value>
<data name="ErrorFunctionOnlyInHeadlessMode" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Această funcție este disponibilă numai în modul fără cap!</value>
@ -578,7 +656,10 @@ Proces: {1}</value>
<value>S-au gestionat cu succes {0} confirmări!</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by number of confirmations</comment>
<data name="BotExtraIdlingCooldown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Se așteaptă până la {0} ca să putem incepe farmarea...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by translated TimeSpan string (such as "1 minute")</comment>
<data name="UpdateCleanup" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Curățare fișiere vechi după actualizare...</value>
@ -610,6 +691,12 @@ Proces: {1}</value>
<data name="ErrorConfigDirectoryNotFound" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Directorul de configurații nu a putut fi găsit, abandonare!</value>
<data name="BotIdlingSelectedGames" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Joc selecția {0}: {1}</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced by internal name of the config property (e.g. "GamesPlayedWhileIdle"), {1} will be replaced by comma-separated list of appIDs that user has chosen</comment>
<data name="AutomaticFileMigration" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Fișierul de configurare {0} va fi migrat la cea mai recentă sintaxă...</value>
<comment>{0} will be replaced with the relative path to the affected config file</comment>
Reference in a new issue